The Sixth Battle of Yavin IV was a battle of the War of the Resurrected Emperor. Emperor Palpatine, newly resurrected, decided to try out his new bombship on the most likely target, the Jedi Temple on Yavin IV. He attacked the Temple, which was held by 3,000 Republic foot soldiers, Rogue Squadron, and 22 Jedi Knights, led by Luke Skywalker. 300 of the 700 stormtroopers from the attacking force breached the Temple, led by five Dark Jedi. All of them were killed, although 113 of them did reach the command room, which was held only by five Jedi Knights (including Luke Skywalker) and Wedge Antilles.
With the repulse of the breach, Emperor Palpatine recalled his forces, then started firing his bombs from the bombship. It was invisible, and he deliberately ordered other temples struck first, to give the defenders time to contemplate their deaths. As temples vanished under each bomb, suddenly Rogue 9 launched himself into the hanger bay of the bombship, which he was able to pinpoint somehow. With that sacrifice, the first bombship was destroyed.