Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic eraRise of the Empire eraRebellion era

Sith hunters were a military sect of powerful Sith Warriors that were first founded by the Rogue Sith general, Darth Namla, during the Great Sith Civil War. Sith hunters were designed and specialized in tracking down specific targets of the Emperor's Sith Empire, such as The Dark Hero's party. Sith hunters preferred to engage their targets in groups of four, making the hunters very deadly to fight; even some of the most powerful Sith Lords had fallen victim to the hunter's onslaughts.

Three centuries later, Sith hunters were also employed by the Three Empires during the Region Wars. Sith hunters from the Three Empires also had a similar design to Darth Namla's Sith hunters.

Sith hunters of the Rogue Sith and the Three Empires wore black & red heavy-armor that covered their entire bodies, and offered great protection against lightsaber blows; plus mild-resistance to offensive Force powers such as Force Push and Force Lightning. The Sith hunters however had limited use of Force abilities themselves as a result of their armor's protection.

After Darth Namla's defeat during the Second Battle of Dromund Kaas, the surviving Sith hunters surrendered and were kept alive as lifetime prisoners of the Empire to help rebuild Kaas City.

Behind the scenes[]

Sith hunters from Fall of the Empire and The Region Empires bare great resemblance to Imperial-era Coruscant Guards.

In an alternative outcome for the Sith hunters, Scarlet may seize leadership of the military sect for herself after defeating Darth Namla.

