![First Sith Civil War](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/swfanon/images/3/3f/First_Sith_Civil_War.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/200?cb=20070315215609)
Sith lines before the charge on Ossus
These Sith were a break away species of the original Sith. They moved to the planet Soslista when a civil war tore apart their own world. They began gathering information and dark side techniques from the various Sith Lords that came to them over the years. One of the most notable was Revan, who traded his knowledge of various techniques for the knowledge of how to make holocrons.
Biology and appearance[]
They were red-skinned with tentacles coming out of the cleft of their chin. They were generally muscular and could also master lightsaber combat. As with all species, this varied.
To War[]
In 500 ABY, they were taken over by a Fallen Jedi known as Ramon Bhuvan. They made an excellent army of Force Users. They massacred the Jedi at Ossus and went on to take control of most of the galaxy using techniques such as Force manipulation to drive masses of regular soldiers insane.