Your Tyranny ends here Father your reign over the Galaxy is over.
—Sith Lady Gaia to Darth Victorium
Sith Lady Gaia was a Sith... (expand and explain)
Early life[]
Gaia was born as Sarah Ukni to a Unknown Female Slave and Darth Victorium who took her away from her mother right after her birth.
She became the Sith Apprentice under the rule of 2 during the 2nd Eternal War she eventually met and fell in love with the Jed'aii Learner,Melee Keys who she would begin to comprise with to bring down the Empire.Her treachery was eventually uncovered and she was sentenced to death by her father.Before her execution could happen though the Alliance Fleet launched an attack on the Galaxy Forge and Melee broke in and rescued her.Together,they defeated her father by putting the force to sleep using an ancient ritual conducted using the Massive sized Kyber Crystal at the heart of the Galaxy Forge which cut off connection from the force to most Humanoid Species for nearly 1,000 years.Afterwards she and Melee escaped from the forge right before it blew up and she and Melee settled down together on New Alderaan and had 3 children
How and when she died is Unknown but it was most likely of old age.