Star Wars Fanon
Before the Republic era
This article is about Pre-Rakata Sith Empire. You may be looking for other Sith Empires.

The Sith Empire was established by the Sith on Midwan circa 99,000 BBY after Saarai had unified his people with the promise of being freed from the Celestials. Five hundred years later, Saarai died fighting the Celestials in a war to remove his people from the role of servant race. After winning the war, they used their own unique force-based technology to expanded by using the force-based hyperdrive, they began to spread their influence within the galaxy and met two more of the Celestials servant races the Gree and Kwa’s. The Empire took a more aggressive approach with the other races of the galaxy that were not servant races calling them the "lesser-races" these included Humans, Sharu, Killiks, and Taung.

During the rise of the Rakata's own empire, the Sith Empire mostly ignored them and watched as the Rakata fought the Kwa's and Gree, but when the Rakata turned attention to the Empire the Sith were unprepared for war. After a bloody war that left the Empire in tatters the Rakata took them as slaves, using their technology they turned the Sith race into primitives and seeded them on Korriban to begin again as a form of punishment, the Sith would never learn of the greatness they once had. The Empire was reformed in 28,000 BBY by Adas and he led his people in the fight against their forgotten foe the Infinite Empire. Adas learnt of the old Empire but he died fighting the Rakata before he could record his knowledge of it. The Empire collapsed after his death in 27,700 BBY, marking the end for the ancient empire.



Discovered by the Celestials around 150,000 BBY, the ancient Sith had conquered several small systems around their own system. The Celestials began to instruct them in the ways of peace and shaped them into one of their first servant race. At some point in time, the Celestials began to use them to construct a space station—what they built remains a mystery. They would continue to use the Sith to build various other constructs. Around 99,000 BBY, the Sith species were rallied together by Saarai, a charismatic leader who wished to be free of the Celestials control, opening their eyes to their enslavement by the Celestials he began to form the Empire in which they could fight the Celestials. Using their unique Force-based technology, Saarai began a five hundred year war with the Celestials which ended in them being free of their control, but at the cost of Saarai’s life.

The Empire began to colonize uninhabited worlds using their unique hyperdrive technology, the Sith met other Celestial servant races the Kwa’s and the Gree. Trading technology with them the Sith grew quickly as a dominate power in the galaxy, the Celestials began to feel truly threaten by the Sith and feared that the Sith’s lust for power would ultimately lead to their downfall. The Kwa and the Gree both fought the Sith but could not keep waging war with them and so retreated from the war.

Era of Discovery[]

Then we met the “lesser-races” they were weak and being guided by the Celestials into a slave race, like we once were. We didn’t feel any obligation to them, we only wanted to hurt the Celestials for using us.

Expanding further into the core the Empire encountered the Celestials again, this time they were seeding young races on worlds across the core. The Killiks and Taung were constructing several stations for their masters, the Empire fought against the Celestials once again forcing them away form the core and abandoning a majority of their servant races in the process. The Taung began to worship the Sith for freeing them, but the Empire enslaved some of them before leaving the Core.

The Sith used their newly acquired slaves to construct monuments on several worlds and seeded many across the galaxy as an experiment. Many of the “lesser-races” displayed an aptitude for using the Force and so the Sith used them to power their Force-based technology. The idea of Force Hunters came about around this time, Force Hunters were manly Sith but other races were soon allowed to join. The role of a Force Hunter was to find large groups of Force-sensitives and bring them to the Empire, though over time they would be used for more then hunting. Each of the seven System Lords had their own Force Hunter that they would personally train.

The Rakata were classed as a “lesser-race” and was ignored by the Sith. The Celestials would later discover the Rakata and turn them into a servant race.

Rise of the Rakata[]

Some time passed and the Rakata began to rebel against the Celestials. The Sith noted the Rakata’s technology was similar but primitive to their own and decided to allow the Rakata to continue their aggression against the Celestials and later, the Kwa’s. The Infinite Empire expanded so rapidly that the Sith never had time to compile a risk assessment for them and prepare their defensive for the possible—and inevitable—war with the Rakata. The Rakata began to attack Sith protected worlds and slave worlds in what is now known as the Outer Rim thus beginning the tensions with the Infinite Empire.


See also: Sith–Rakata War and Sith Exodus

By 36,453 BBY the strained peace between the Sith Empire and the Infinite Empire collapsed and war began. The Rakata hit first, striking key resource worlds own by the Sith crippling their manufacturing capabilities. The Sith began to rely heavily upon the Shadow Forge to create their resources. The war dragged on for a thousand years, in that time the Rakata sized the majority of Sith space and killed millions of Sith and destroyed any trace of the Sith on each world. The Sith knowing that they wouldn’t survive began several projects to ensure that the Sith race would not become extinct. The Galaxy Gate was created using the technology from the Kwa’s Infinity Gate and the Sith’s own Force-based technology. Ships carrying 11 billion Sith entered the Galaxy Gate just as a Rakatan fleet arrived and opened fire on the gate causing a supernova. Believing the 11 billion Sith to be dead the Empire continued to investigate other ways of saving their race.

At some point during the war the Shadow Forge disappeared without a trace. It is believed that the Rakata destroyed it and used parts of it to create the Star Forge in 30,000 BBY

By 34,658 BBY, the Empire’s last military planets were attacked by the growing armada of the Rakatan Empire. In a desperate bid to end the Rakata forever, the surviving System Lords order their Force Hunters to distribute a bio-weapon within the Rakatan Empire.[1]

In 34,600 BBY the Empire was full defeated and enslaved by the Rakata. However the Sith rebelled against their enslavers which inspired other slave races to rebel as well. The Rakata then used the Sith’s own technology against them, degenerating them into primitives. The Rakata placed the newly primitive Sith on Korriban as punishment, the Rakata then left for unknown reasons. The Rakata returned after 28,000 BBY to try and enslave the Sith once more.


  • Red Menace (First appearance)

Behind the Scenes[]

Based of a idea that the user had when going over potential AU ideas based on the Sith race. The Sith of this Empire were more humanoid than later Sith having five fingers instead of three, before being turned back into primitives. The idea of the Sith having Force-based technology came from a combination of Rakatan force-based technology and the canon Sith use of Sith Sorcery.

Notes and references[]

  1. Red Menace