We need a coalition, a coalition that can challenge the strength of Proditor and his underlings.
—Darth Krayt at the Conclave on the Sluis Van Shipyards
The Sith Coalition was a major military movement dedicated to overthrowing the usurper Darth Proditor, and placing Darth Krayt on the throne of the Sith Order of Decreto. Founded in 128 ABY in the immediate aftermath of the Conclave on the Sluis Van Shipyards, following the Battle of Korriban the Sith Coalition represented the full, unified strength of Darth Proditor's opponents.
Early history[]
Having recently secured the allegiance of Nar Shaddaa and it's protector Darth Q'Antiqas, Darth Krayt came to the conclusion that reclaiming the empire a planet at a time would not only take far too long, but cost the lives of far to many soldiers. Fortunately for Krayt, Q'Antiqas made an offhand comment during a scheduled meeting with regards to an alliance between the remaining Sith Lords, and idea both Krayt and Nihl took too. Sending the Sith Lord Darth Hérin throughout the empire, Darth Krayt managed to discreetly and so he believed, secretly, arrange a meeting with the remaining opponents of Darth Proditor.
Days past and at the suggestion of Darth Wyyrlok, another opponent of Darth Proditor, it was agreed that the location of the meeting should be the Sluis Van Shipyards, outside the empire and beyond the attention of any of Proditor's allies. As plans went ahead for the meeting word of the meeting leaked out to the Sith Lord Darth Azard, an underling of Darth Sucasa. So whilst the Sith attending the conclave began to arrive, Darth Sucasa organized an attack force, hoping to end the war in one fell swoop.
Midway through the meeting Sucasa attacked, with one-hundred Sith droids in tow. Many of the attendants of the convocation were killed in the attack, but the coalition was successful in repelling the attack and formally organized into a single military organization. But despite the formation of such a powerful alliance there were still a few members who felt Darth Proditor still held the military advantage in the conflict. As a result, Darth Krayt ordered the fleet to Korriban, in order to bring Darth Wyyrlok into the coalition.
Arriving at Korriban, the powerbase of Darth Wyyrlok, the Coalition fleet confronted the equally sizable fleet of Darth Wyyrlok following the latters refusal to join the coalition. Early on in the battle Darth Krayt pulled a brilliant tactical manoeuvre the likes of which Darth Wyyrlok had not seen since Darth Abeonis' Sith Crusade, and this convinced Wyyrlok that Krayt was truly capable of defeating Proditor, and so, before either side suffered serious casualties Wyyrlok capitulated and joined the Sith Coalition.
Their finest hour[]
By the time the Sith Coalition had reached Coruscant the number of member Sith Lords had increased by almost half, and the fleet had doubled in size; making it the strongest combatant in the conflict by far. Despite this however, the defensive perimeter surrounding the Coalitions ultimate target – Coruscant – was still considered a serious threat to them; and even greater a threat was the news that Death Squadron had been recalled to Coruscant.
Regardless, in later 128 ABY the Coalition attacked, taking only a small fleet in order to limit any potential fallout from a defeat. Despite the overwhelming odds a lucky break allowed the Coalition fleet to encircle Death Squadron, and before the fleet was totally destroyed they surrendered, leaving Coruscant open to invasion. The Sith army attacked, under the command of Darth Nihl. Darth Nihl's attack was quick and brutal, and Nihl personally slew both Proditor and his apprentice Darth Sucasa. With Coruscant conquered and Proditor dead, Darth Krayt was free to name himself Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire, and the Sith Coalitoon prepared to become dissolved; however there was one last thing the Coalition had to do before dissolving entirely.
Following Proditor's death many of those who had followed him, including Darth Azard joined Darth Krayt's faction, but there were still a substantial number who remained defiant; and several of these Sith Lords still held strategically important locations such as Chandrila, Esseles and most importantly Kuat.
Darth Krayt ordered Darth Azard to destroy the rebel fleet at Chandrila, whilst secretly ordering his Hand Darth Nihl to eliminate Azard and the any of the Sith who had joined his cause after Proditor's defeat if they survived the battle, and order he carried out dutifully.
By the year 129 ABY the entire Sith empire had been returned to Krayt's command, and the Sith Coalition was disbanded.
Members of the Coalition included: