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Siras Feltz was a Falleen smuggler who operated on Eriadu in the last years of the Old Republic. He served as a contact between the Disciples of Bane and their allies in the capital. However, he was betrayed and killed by Darth Merik when his involvement was discovered.
Siras Feltz was born on Coruscant and spent many of his early years hiding in the city's lower levels. However, he was rescued and enlisted into the service of pirate Mera Dan. Feltz rose high in Dan's service and when Dan joined the Disciple's army, Feltz began coercing smugglers on Eriadu into their service.
This ended eight years into the Bane Crisis when Jedi Master Dooku and his apprentice Qui-Gon Jinn arrived to question him. Having failed to flee, Feltz agreed to answer their questions. Before he could do so, his contact Darth Merik cut him down from behind and fled. However, his death allowed the Jedi to pursue Merik, which would lead to the eventual end of the crisis.