Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon
For other uses, see Silas (disambiguation).

Silas Nesneros was the son of RC-5388 a Republic Commando and Mandalorian Mercenary.


Early Life[]

Silas was born on the planet Tatooine. Not much was known about Silas time on Mandalore, but when he became of age, he wandered the galaxy helping citizens and collecting bounties . After collecting on a bounty he received the Teroch-1 a MS-07B Mako mining ship. Shortly after getting the Teroch-1 he was asked to watch after the child of two Mandalorian's who were close to his family, the Kelborns. Unfortunately the Kelborns were collecting a bounty on Alderaan when it was destroyed by the Empire. Silas took it upon himself to raise their son, Myles as his own.

Death Watch Revival[]

Attack on Sluis Van[]

During a mission to Sluis Van, Silas, along with others, were attacked by Death Watch on a space station orbiting the planet. Remembering the stories his grandfather told him, Silas knew of the threat they served to Mandalorians. He would join forces with Echon Tarkin, Dagger, and Cloak. After exploring the space station, they were under attack by the Imperial Remnant. In their attempt to escape, they were shot down, crashing onto the planet below. They survived, and found themselves near a Death Watch base camp. Silas and Echon attacked the base camp, killing all who stood in their way. After they raided the supplies, they headed for a nearby town where they hoped to repair their ship.

Robbing the Empire[]

We had a slight weapons malfunction, but, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine, we're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
—Silas Nesneros, convincing a Stormtrooper Commander that nothing was wrong

They learned that in order to repair their ship, they had to steal a hyperdrive from the planet Naboo. Upon landing on the planet, they found the planet under Imperial rule. They sneaked in and spread out looking for clues on where the hyperdrive could be. Silas walked up to a stormtrooper pulled out his verpine shatter gun and shot at the stormtrooper. Unfortunately he missed. Silas the quickly activated his Knuckle plate vibro blade and stabbed the stormtrooper killing him. Thinking quickly Silas took off his helmet and communicated with the stormtrooper commander saying that everything was fine. the group then avoided being sighted, finally finding and stealing the hyperdrive. The group then returned and got their old ship fixed and prepared to go to Coruscant to warn the New Republic about the Imperial invasion.


By the will of the Overlord, you are to surrender.
—Super Commando, informing the group of their capture

Upon meeting with Leia Organa, they were hired to investigate Kamino, due to reports of the cloning facilities being reactivated. The group traveled to Kamino and uncovered Death Watch Super Commandos being created. As they uncovered this data, they also uncovered Echon's clone identity. As they were ambushed by the Super Commandos, Silas managed to kill 5 of the commandos with hand to hand combat before being subdued. None the less, they were captured.


After being captured the group was placed on board a Death Watch prison ship bound for Dxun, the Death Watch's headquarters. While incarcerated, the ship's power was shut off, freeing the group. Silas killed an unsuspecting guard and commandeered his weapon. Dagger forced the group to split up, having Silas, Echon and Cloak to secure the escape pods, while he shut down the emergency power to the engines. They then snuck through the ship's empty hallways when they found where most of their gear had been stashed. Striping out of his prison garb, Silas donned his besgar'am which had not been locked up yet. He had just began to slice the container containing his and Echon's weapons when an explosion rocked the ship. They quickly ran towards the escape pods and prepared to escape, when the emergency doors activated, ready to seal them in. Cloak pushed the two forward, trapping himself inside the ship. Silas and Echon managed to reach an empty escape pod as the ship broke apart and exploded in orbit above Tatooine, where they crashed below.

Playing 'n' the sandbox[]

Upon crashing on Tatooine, Silas and Echon traveled until they reached a small outpost. Upon reaching it, they searched for small jobs to help raise money to buy a ride off the planet. Sadly, they found out that the area was controlled by a former Imperial Officer. They were paid to kill a creature that was attacking the local farm, but after killing the creature, the Imperial took it for himself as a trophy. Using the help of the citizens, they were able to remove the Imperial from power, by planting explosives around the Imperial Outpost, and detonating them, blowing the Officer and most of the Stormtroopers with it.

They spent a couple of more days collecting more cash, until a giant avian creature attacked during a sandstorm, killing a large number of people and destroyed communications to other establishments. Silas and Echon had no choice but to attack it themselves. While Echon fired at the creature Silas switched his Dc-17 to the grenade mode and dropped the creature with one well placed shot. The citizens once again thanked them, and rewarded them with a ship recovered from a group of Trandoshan slavers. They departed immediately for Coruscant to warn of the incoming Death Watch threat.

Back into the breach[]

Upon leaving the surface of Tatooine the group was contacted by a Wolf Star Coalition cruiser. Silas opened a com channel to the cruiser before Echon had a chance to activate the hyperdrive. After some talking, they were ordered to dock onto the cruiser. Upon boarding the cruiser the two were asked to remove their weapons. After sometime Silas was able to strip down to the jumpsuit underneath his armor. After leaving all their weapons behind the two were ushered into a conference room. In the room there was a familiar face, a unfamiliar one and a lot of guards. The familiar face was the one of dagger. The other was of Trhin Voss'on't the stormtroooper that Silas and myles had captured on Entrench Station. Dagger who had became a leader in the WSC, asked Echon and Silas to retrieve some information from a Imperial field commander on a imperial space station.

Officer on Deck[]

Silas then joined Echon in a surprise inspection of the Imperial space station Idle Serpent. Silas acted as Echon's personal bodyguard and followed him around the station. Silas followed Echon through the station with Echon ,using his helmet's built-in camera to record the layout. Upon finishing his false inspection Echon demanded to speak with the base commander. The two were informed that the commander was in a meeting with two Death Watch members and would have to wait for short time. After a lengthy wait the two were allowed to meet the commander, upon their entrance to the room they discovered Kex and Davrel standing over the body of the dead field commander. After a short conversation with the brothers the Hokan's turned on their Stealth field generators and disappeared. Upon their disappearance two imperials came in to check in on the commander and found Silas and Echon standing over his dead body with Echon's hand in the commander's pocket taking something. Silas, acting quickly, engulfed both of them in flamethrower fire killing one of them immediately. Echon then walked up to the remaining soldier and shot him in the head. As Silas and Echon prepared to leave, the base was then attacked by New Republic forces. Econ blamed the enemy forces for the death of the commander and then took command of the base. Echon then ordered the base to evacuate. Silas and Echon then led a group of imperials to the shuttle the two arrived on. After leaving the station the group of imperials that followed Echon and Silas out were taken prisoner by the Wolf Star Coalition.

It's Kinda Like The StarForge[]

They returned to Dagger, acting as they were caught by the Wolf Star Coalition. The Imperials they had saved were captured and taken in for questioning. As they informed Dagger of what happened, Dagger gave them bad news; the Death Watch had uncovered the lost planet of M4-78, a planet controlled by droids who could, and would make an entire army for them, and with an army like that, they could take down the New Republic. Dagger joined up with them in order to hope that help them prevent the Death Watch's control.

They arrived too late, the Death Watch had already activated the planet's production line. As they entered the main facility, they came face to face with Theta. After taunting them, Theta blocked the path to the elevator, and ordered a squad of Death Watch to kill them leaving the group to their fate. Before they could react, the squad was killed. Kex and Davral appeared, stating they didn't like Theta's plan. They soon disappeared and after attempting to enter the correct password, they made their way through the facility encountering some of the early production. After entering a section of the facility Silas and Echon came upon a large squad of Deathwatch soldiers Quickly thinking , Echon sealed off the section that held the trooper's using a computer and vented them into space. When entering the now empteyed section Silas found a single deathwatch Supper commando who was easily dispached. Before making their way to the elevator room the group was greeted by Dagger, he then gave the duo two duffel bags that contained their gear. After making it to the elevator room, they encountered a large amount of Death Watch soldiers. Kex and Davrel softened up most of the squads while Echon sliced the terminal while Silas took on a Basilisk war droid by himself. Silas switched his dc-17 to it's grenade mode and destroyed it with a single well placed shot. As soon as Echon sliced the door open Kex and Davrel and helped the group make it to the elevator to confront Theta.

Theta, We Meet Again[]

"Theta": “Guess I should have focused on all of you.
Silas: “Or at least brought backup.
―Theta, as he escaped

After leaving the elevator the group was immediately attacked by "Theta". The battle was purely one sided, with "Theta" focusing the most on Echon. Seeing an opportunity, Silas fired his verpine, striking "Theta" in the arm. "Theta" quickly escaped soon after, and M4-78 was shut down, preventing the Death Watch from using the planet.

Not Retreat, Tactical Withdrawal[]

After the defeat of "Theta", Echon left the group, which prompted the others to leave the WSC as well. During this time Silas contacted Myles who was at the Skirata Clan household in Kyrimorut on Mandalore. During his year off rest Silas honed his body in the ways of combat and accuracy while waiting for his chance to fight the Death Watch once more. a year later Silas was contacted by the WSC who had said that they had found "Theta" in one of the many secret Death Watch outposts in the galaxy. Myles joined up with Silas, and the two departed for the WSC's flagship, Secret Destiny.

Assassins in the Vents[]

Silas was happy to learn that not only had The Wolf Star Coalition figured out where Theta was, but they wanted Silas to assassinate him. Silas then went with the detachment down to the outpost. The detachment was comprised of Silas, Aurea Hali, who was the padawan of Echon, who had become a Jedi, and Trhin Voss'on't, a former stormtrooper. After landing on the planet Silas led the team to the base, where they sneaked into the base through the air vents. After going as far as they could in the vents, the group then silently slipped into the hallways. While making their way through the base Silas used his verpine shatter gun to kill the guards while Aurea used her lightsaber to destroy any droids the team found. Upon making their way to an abandoned balcony overlooking marshaling yards, they found Theta. After setting his sights upon Theta Silas got a call from the WSC that their flagship was under attack! Silas then watched his moment slip away as Theta left the yard in his personal ship. Silas then lead the group back to Teroch-1, where they quickly flew back to the Secret Destiny.

Secret battle on The secret Destiny[]

Once they boarded the secret destiny silas found that the deathwatch were all over the ship. While Aurea tried to cut through th door Silas got to work defending the ship from the deathwatch. After defeating all the deathwatch marines Aurea managed to cut through the door protecting the leader of the boarding party Lucian Orca. Lucian having got what he needed decided to leave the ship. Silas noticing that lucien was trying to leave the ship tackled him while Aurea used the force to pull the two mandalorians deeper into the ship. Eventually Orca broke free from Silas and manage to escape the ship witout what he went there for.

Personality and Traits[]

Silas was a very laid back Man-dalorian. Silas like his father before him liked to raise the moral of his friends and family with jokes. Silas preferred direct combat to sneaking around which Silas saw as very cowardly way to go around, although he could sneak if the situation called for it. Silas liked to help people whenever he could and didn't charge people for bounties if they couldn't afford it. During combat he didn't lose his cool except in extreme circumstances. Silas was the son of a clone and a Mandalorian. Although he was not a jedi ,and traveled with two of them Silas was far from helpless in comparison. His ability to think up inventive and often extremely unorthodox solutions to problems on the fly proved to be a constant source of frustration to all enemies he encountered (and often his friends). . Silas would take extreme risk for his friends like stepping in front of a salvo of blaster fire to taking on and defeating a basilisk war droid by himself.


Silas's took after his mother in looks. The only indication that he was the son of a clone trooper was his dark brown hair that fades to black in the back. His eyes were a bright cobalt blue.

Weapons and Gear[]


Silas wore his own personal set of Mandalorian armor made out of Mandalorian iron. As was tradition, he painted his armor and decorated it personally. His armor was painted a Black with blue trim and a tan jumpsuit. On one shoulder he had the Mandalorian skull and on the other he had a stylized crest of his initial's that were shaped like thunderbolts.On his back he wore a Mitrinomon Z-6 jet pack much like Boba Fett's. On his legs, he wore an Arc trooper kama given to him by his father.


During his life Silas wielded many weapons. Early in his life Silas used a Bowcaster with an under slung blaster rifle. When he left home Silas was given a DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System by his father,He also got a Verpine shatter gun sniper rifle, at the request of his father who had used them during his time as a republic Commando.In both of his gauntlets Silas has Knuckle plate vibro blades. He also carried a Stun Baton. While trapped on Tatooine Silas used a EE-3 blaster rife which he put into storage after he got his Dc-17 back. . Silas's most frightening weapons was a mandalorian chainsword given to him by Echon Kenobi as a gift on Wookiee Life Day. Silas only carried the chain sword once in combat, after that he left it in the Teroch-1 since it was an effective tool to use in interrogation. Silas also had a disintegration pistol that he never used and left in a footlocker on his ship.




Silas rode in a MS-07B Mako patrol craft that he named Teroch-1. He got it as payment for a bounty on Mustafar. After gaining it, he customized it with bounty cages, twin ion cannons, rapid-firing laser cannons, naval Minelayer with Void-7 seismic charges. It also contained a modified hull with heat capable of surviving prolonged exposure in superheated magma.


Silas had an adopted brother named Myles Nesneros. Myles had been raised alongside Silas since his true parents, were killed while hunting a bounty on Alderaan. After their deaths. After his fifteenth birthday, Myles joined his brother in the bounty hunter trade acting as a medic.

Behind the Scenes[]

Silas was named after Jango Fett's aide de camp. He was originally going to be the son of Darman and Etain but their son ended up being named Venku Skirata.


The Death Watch Revival Series
Major Conflicts
Conquest of the Death Watch
Aurea Hali - Echon Kenobi - Silas Nesneros - Myles Nesneros - Trhin Voss'on't
Cloak - Dagger - Celeste Ial - Redneb - Skoll
Davrel Hokan - Kex Hokan - Lucian Orca - "Theta"
Siena - Helms
Frayed Hunter - Secret Destiny - Shadowstar
Red Barchetta - Teroch-1 - Zakkeg - Zero Gravity
Outside Media
Failure at Cerea
In Progress
Star Wars: Conquest - Imperial Treachery