Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

Sifo-Dyas was a Jedi Master and Council Member who secretly commissioned a clone army on Kamino. He was a friend of Dooku but after Dooku turned to the dark side he murdered Sifo-Dyas and took over the cloning project.



Very little is known about Sifo-Dyas' life but it is known that he was a member of the Jedi Council and skilled at using the Force to forsee the future. He was a good friend of fellow Jedi Master Dooku.

Over ten years before the Clone Wars, Sifo-Dyas forsaw that the Republic would face war and secretly travelled to Kamino to ask the Kimonians to create a clone army for the Republic. However the Sith Lord Darth Sidious found out about the project and sent his new apprentice Darth Tyranus, formerly Sifo-Dyas' old friend Dooku, to kill the Jedi Master and take over the project.


A year or so after the Invasion of Naboo, Tyranus travelled to Kamino to kill Sifo-Dyas. He ambushed the Jedi as Sifo-Dyas prepared to return to Coruscant but Sifo-Dyas sensed the presence of the dark side and managed to ignite his lightsaber in time to block the blow.

Dooku then revealed his alleigance to the Jedi Master and offered Sifo-Dyas a chance to join him, claiming that they didn't have to be enemies. Sifo-Dyas refused and the two engaged in a brief lightsaber duel. Sifo-Dyas was no match for Dooku who quickly overpowered him, stabbing him in the chest with his lightsaber. Sifo-Dyas looked up at his old friend with a sorrowful expression before dying.


Dooku kept his old friend's body frozen for years until the InterGalactic Banking Clan initiated their plan to turn the Kaleesh warlord, General Grievous, into a great cyborg supreme strategist for the Separatist droid armies. Dooku used Sifo-Dyas for a blood transfusion for the General. Once Grievous' transformation into a cyborg had been successfully completed, Dooku gave him the very special gift of Master Sifo-Dyas' own blue-bladed lightsaber.

When Obi-Wan Kenobi traveled to Kamino to investigate the source of the dart that silenced Padmé's attempted killer Zam Wesell, the Kaminoan prime minister Lama Su informed Obi Wan that Sifo-Dyas had ordered the creation of a clone army on Kamino at the request of the Senate, in order to help the Galactic Republic. The Jedi Council was not aware of the order until Kenobi informed them of it after he met with the Kaminoans.

During the Battle of Geonosis, Sifo-Dyas' army was eventually revealed and fought for the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.

Personality and traits[]

Sifo-Dyas was a mysterious Jedi Master so little is known about his personality. However he was devoted to the Republic and the Jedi Order and was sad when Count Dooku turned to the Dark side. Even when Dooku fatally wounded him, Sifo-Dyas displayed no hatred, only sorrow at what his former friend had become.

Powers and abilities[]

Force powers[]

As a Jedi Consular, Sifo Dyas preferred to focus on the Force rather than combat and was skilled at forseeing the future. Sifo-Dyas was also able to use the Force to sense Darth Tyranus before the Sith Lord attacked him on Kamino.

Lightsaber training[]

Sifo-Dyas was a practitioner of Shii-Cho but his lightsaber skills were no match for the elegant and precise swordplay of Count Dooku. Sifo-Dyas was easily defeated by the Sith Lord and killed.
