Star Wars Fanon
This article is a fanon expansion of a topic from the Expanded Universe. For the canon page entry, see here.

Sidirri was a Human female Jedi Initiate who fell to the dark side after surviving the Great Jedi Purge. A year before the Battle of Yavin, she confronted Darth Vader on the planet Dargulli only to be slayed by the Sith Lord.


Born around a decade before the Clone Wars, Sidirri was taken from her homeworld at a young age and brought into the Jedi Order, where she was inducted into the Soaring Hawkbat Clan. In 19 BBY, Sidirri and her clanmates were stationed at the Jedi chapter house on Bogden 3 under the care of Jedi Master Du Mahn when Jedi Masters K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel arrived to transport them back to Coruscant. Before they could do so, Order 66 was issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and the clone troopers under K'Kruhk's command turned against the Jedi. While Masters Mahn and Jeisel were killed, Sidirri and her fellow younglings managed to escape with K'Kruhk and Chase Piru as they fled from Bogden 3.[1]

Over the next several months, Sidirri and the other Jedi survivors struggled to live in a galaxy now under the rule of the Galactic Empire. During this time, Sidirri began to succumb to the temptations of the dark side after witnessing Master K'Kruhk give into his rage while freeing the younglings from a band of pirates.[1] Despite the efforts of Jedi Master Zao, Sidirri ultimately struck out on her own and fled from the hidden Jedi Temple that K'Kruhk established on Arkinnea.[2]

By 1 BBY, Sidirri had fully succumbed to the dark side and desired to become a full-fledged Sith Lord. Foreseeing that the current Sith Lord Darth Vader would kill his master Sidious and bring order to the galaxy, Sidirri desired to become his apprentice and drew his attention by killing stormtroopers that had been sent to collect taxes on the Inner Rim world of Dargulli. Upon encountering Sidirri, Vader was briefly tempted to take her on as his apprentice but ultimately decided against it and killed her instead.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

The character of Sidirri, introduced in Dark Times, was intended by author Randy Stradley to be the Dark Jedi in Empire.[4] Since this connection was not canonically established in-universe, DarthVorath decided to make the connection explicit for the purposes of his fanon continuity.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Dark Times: Parallels
  2. Dark Times: Fire Carrier
  3. Empire: Betrayal
  4. Randy Stradley Dark Horse on Facebook