Shyla Spearrunner was born on the Expansion Region planet Corsin in 43.5 BBY to a political family. She enrolled in the University of Corsin in 24 BBY and landed an advisory gig to the Corsin Senator of the Galactic Republic a year later.
Birth and Training[]
Spearrunner was born on Corsin in 43 BBY. Her parents were career politicians. She was taught at a young age the importance of politics and community representation. Her interest in public service blossomed as a teenager and she enrolled in the University of Corsin--much to her parents approval--as a Political Science Major in 24 BBY. She aspired to specialize in political theory. Her parent's connections to government allowed her to receive offers to assist Corsin public officials immediately. She wound up accepting the offer to assist the representative Senator of Corsin in the Galactic Republic. She became a junior aide.
The Entreaty and Jammer's pardoning[]

Shyla during her time as an aide to the Senator of Corsin.
She participated in the sting and battle on the retired diplomatic vessel Entreaty. She was kidnapped and held as a bargaining chip by Bruce Jammer to secure his--and his crew's--clemency for all crimes charged to Anteluma's Vengeance by the Judiciary and the Republic's membership.
Her future[]
She intensified her relationship with Bruce Jammer and eventually married him in 22 BBY. Soon afterward she became pregnant with Simeon Darkmoon. Her public role during this era--aside from a few key public events and fundraisers --was relatively low-key.
Behind the scenes[]
Shyla Spearruner was created by I'm the Chosen One. Shyla Spearrunner's likeness is based on Billie Piper and Naomi Watts. She was once a major part of the Epic of the Star Wars saga--initially created to be one of the main three figures of the series--but slowly saw her role diminish to a cursory character meant to die off halfway through. Her characterization closely reflected that of Princess Leia, from the political background of her parents, to her Force-sensitivity, to her largely abandoning her past life to marry the scoundrel. As a result, she was cut from the main saga not only due to the unoriginal characterization, but due to the overcrowding of major characters in the series that played larger and more integral roles.
She was recycled and kept connected to Bruce Jammer for a story featuring the pair. However, instead of remaining Force-sensitive and a Jedi abandoned by Senator parents, she transformed into a political aide with aspirations to ascend to a Senate seat in the galactic political forum. She is not truly a cut character as her story--as well as the story of her future husband Bruce--remains in the ESW continuity, albeit not as important or as focused upon.