Shorestalkers were a species of creature native to Neroth. Shorestalkers resembled a strange mix between crustacean and eel.
Bizarre creatures, shorestalkers had slim and narrow eel-like bodies and a pair of arms ending with large crab-like claws. Their bodies were blue-grey in color, with red dorsal fins. Their claws were also red in color, covered with thick and knobby chitin. The face of a shorestalker had a pair of small mandibles that pulled prey into their jaws, as well as bristly sensory antennae similar to that found on lobsters.
As their name suggested, shorestalkers were primarily ambush predators that inhabited the shallow waters and lagoons of Neroth. They were bold creatures, using speed and surprise to snatch prey from the water, flying above the water's surface, or even from land. Shorestalkers were mostly solitary, although they congregated during the mating season. While foul-tempered, they rarely, if ever, attacked sentient life.