Star Wars Fanon

The title of Shogun was a high-ranking title in Kazokan society from the Inner Rim world Kazoku. Individuals with the title were the leaders of shogunates and were the heads of their respective clans. They were also members of the Shogunate Commission's Committee, a council of shoguns overseen by the Emperor.

First established by the Imperial Faction, the title of Shogun was vastly different in the old age. A shogun was the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Faction's Kazokan Army, the military forces of the planet. As crime became more and more apparent and situations where military force were required, the Emperor of Kazoku—the planet's leader at the time—appointed more and more shoguns that oversaw military matters. Shoguns eventually took power into their own hands and took control of Daimyos personally, and soon became warlords in the period known as the Kazokan Wars. This period of civil war would go on until 18,690 BBY when Yahata Shogun, the Nakamura Clan's shogun at the time, began a campaign to reform their planet's government and begin a new age of peace. As the shogun of their clan, they fought against many shogun warlords on Azuma, Nishi and Nihon, until 18,684 BBY where they perished in combat. Their clan and daimyos did not stop, however, as they vowed to complete their mission and continued the fight with Daimyo Yoshiie of the Seiwa Clan as Regent-Shogun. In 18,680 BBY, Yoshiie and his daimyos had killed Meiji, one of the last shogun warlords in the Kazokan Wars that posed a threat to the new government, and in the aftermath of Meiji's death, the creation of the Shogunate Commission began.

During the Owari Reformation, the title of Shogun was changed and their new duty were to be the heads of their clan, their Shogunate, and a member of the newly established Shogun Committee that would be overseen by the Emperor. Shoguns were also to rule a provincial council in which they were the chairman of to ensure their territories were safe and secure without threat of civil war, and dealt with these matters personally if two provinces were facing cooperation difficulties that daimyos could not solve.
