Star Wars Fanon

Shelekar was a planet located in the Sevastol sector of the Outer Rim Territories, home to the Chirok and Krikan species.


Shelekar was first discovered in 8002 BBY by Corellian explorers. The crew of the expedition ship were immediately attacked by the hostile Krikans but were rescued by the Chiroks. The two races had been at conflict with one another since they came to be, which xenobiologists approximate to be around 20,008 BBY. The Chirok language was close enough to Basic that the explorers were soon able to establish communication with the bat-like race and introduce them to the Galactic Republic.

It would be several years before peace was brokered between the two native races of Shelekar. It was Jedi Master Avun'aot who eventually brought their civil war to an end and both races were granted official representation in the Galactic Senate.

During the Draggulch Period however, Shelekar was invaded by the Sith and the Krikans fell in league with Dark Lords, waging war with the Chiroks once more. As the Republic collapsed, Shelekar lost contact with the rest of the galaxy and continued their endless conflict even after the Sith were destroyed and the Republic was restored.

Shelekar would not be rediscovered until after the fall of the Empire by New Republic explorers. The Krikans had mysteriously vanished from the planet, leaving the Chiroks as the dominant race. Once they had been reintroduced to the galaxy, the Chiroks joined the New Republic and Shelekar was once more granted representation in the Senate. During the Imperial Sith War, which lasted from 25 to 26 ABY, a battle was fought on Shelekar.
