Star Wars Fanon

Many,many Jedi are like you. They don't understand the force. Some were bad with it, though grew out of it. You will be like that someday.
—Her master cheering her up.

Sheavoss was a female Chiss Jedi Knight born in the Golden Age era. The Golden Age era was an era of near to none Sith activity as the Sith 'died out' shortly. The era was a time of peace, growth, prosperity. The Jedi Order were still doing humanitarian work trying to clean up planets and remove any and all weapons from them. The Republic of Unified Systems and the rest of the Universe was at peace, a time where everyone just sorta laid back and enjoyed theirselves; no more fearmongering and warmongering.

Sheavoss became a Jedi around the age of Sixteen years old on the planet of Courscant, a planet used as a birthing ground. The planet Courscant was in Neutral Territory, it didn't belong to any country and was a sort of a neutral zone where everyone could go to and not fear war. As the Jedi Order became lenient after the Order Reformation and the fact that the Order had so many critics and enemies across the Universe, counting the Sith of course being its natural enemy over millennia and millennia, The Jedi found themselves favored in the eyes of the public once again.

Sheavoss was a expert sword-fighter though was horrible with The Force. She didn't understand The Force and couldn't wrap her mind around it all but she also couldn't do simple moves like Force Jump and Force Telekinesis without screwing them up. With a blade, she could get. She treated the Lightsaber like it was her own limb, taking the quote as her rule. She had always practiced and practiced, hitting it to its very core, the T. It was one of the things she could perfect.

Sheavoss had a good childhood, enjoying her years of innocence. In her childhood, her Force-Sensitiveness didn't show though, and her mother thought she wasn't Force-Sensitive at all. Shea thought that lead to her not being good with the Force, though in her Jedi years she tried to compensate for it with her blade skills. Her master saw her as just another Jedi, saying to her that someday she will understand the force and she would, one day, use the force like the greatest of the Order. Although she wasn't all too good with the Force, the Council gave her the title of Jedi Knight after her continuous struggles to get there (including passing the many tests and trials.)

Sheavoss served in the humanitarian effort rebuilding and removing weaponry. She enjoyed this and was always seen on another far away planet defusing bombs, or etc. She had found a holocron though saw nothing of it and brought it to the Jedi Temple on Courscant. After discovering it, she returned to her work. She had somehow triggered an old Alphadroid that tried to best her at Melee combat, which failed as Sheavoss lunged and her blade went through the droid's chest.

After four years of that type of work, she ceased.


Her lightsaber was a purple saber that allowed the blade to lengthen or shorten if wanted. She occasionally customized the hilt.
