Star Wars Fanon
Shattered PerceptionsReal-world article

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This article is about Shattered Perceptions, the series of stories. You may be looking for Star Wars: Shattered Perceptions, the first story in the series.

Each time a story is told, something is inevitably changed. It seems insignificant at first. Sometimes, however, that one thing can change something else. That one little thing can change the rest of the story entirely. These stories start with a single change. A change that creates another story.
—A short description of Shattered Perceptions

Shattered Perceptions is the name of a series of stories written somewhat like films. The series was created by Wys Kaller, a writer who uses this alias on Star Wars-related sites. The series is still in the works, but the stories are mostly planned out already. The series is named after the first story

Synopsis of the Series[]

The first story alternates between the telling of two tales: the tale of the Twi'lek Jedi Knight Wysk'aller, his protocol droid D-5DS, and his astromech droid R7-E3 and the events in the film Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. At the point of Vader's death, however, Wysk'aller enters and Vader is saved and returns to the light side of the Force.


  • Wysk'aller
  • D-5DS
  • R7-E3
  • Luke Skywalker
  • Leia Amidala Skywalker
  • Jar Jar Binks
  • Malfunctioning B1 Battle Droid

Notes and references[]

  1. Revision history of "Shattered Perceptions" at Star Wars Fanon, the Star Wars wiki of fan invention