I'm one of MI5's top sharpshooters.
—Shasta Moonreaper
Shasta Moonreaper was a female assassin who later joined the Secret Galactic Intelligence Service. She is also Kayla Moonreaper's biological mother.
Early life[]
Born on Alderaan, Shasta grew up as a tomboy with her best friend Valeria Kennt. She was always running around and playing "guns" with the boys. She had no interest in what the other little girls were playing with. She hated dolls and she hated to play "dress up".
Her interest in blasters and other weapons eventually led to marksmanship training. She and Valeria trained for many years and, after much hard work and practice, she became an assassin-for-hire. But she would only take jobs that benefited the authorities. She would only assassinate someone evil or criminal and she only fought for justice. Even though she was taking the lives of criminals, she felt her heart was in the right place, avenging the innocent.
Shasta's parents had always discouraged her from playing with the boys, and then discouraged her weapons training as she got older. When she officially became an assassin, her parents disowned her.
Having a child[]
In her late 20's, Shasta fell in love with a Zeltron man named Jyn Landeskog. Shasta thought it was love, but Jyn was only using his pheromones to manipulate her feelings toward him. When Shasta became pregnant, Jyn disappeared from her life.
In 44 BBY, while on a job with Valeria to stop a young droid-maker named Buzzy Bakken, Shasta discussed with Valeria what to do with the baby once it was born. After Buzzy Bakken's compound on Myrkr was destroyed, Valeria agreed to adopt Shasta's child, since Shasta didn't see herself as a mothering type of person.
Since Shasta was being used by Jyn for his own pleasure, she vowed to never let that happen again and trained to resist pheromones. When Shasta had the baby, Kayla, she turned her over to Valeria.
A chance encounter[]
While on Naboo in 42 BBY, Shasta was approached by Digika about a job that involved assassinating Queen Teresaa of Theed. Shasta, of course, turned him down because the Queen was a good person and didn't need to pay for any crimes, because she hadn't committed any.
Later, Shasta heard about MI5 preventing the assassination attempt on Teresaa and heard that Digika and another Bothan had been taken into custody.
Knowing her skills could benefit MI5, she decided to join the agency. She also felt it was a good way to help more people throughout the galaxy.
Agent of MI5[]
The hunt for CarbonEye and Dr. Noah[]
Shasta's first mission as an MI5 agent was the trip to Tatooine during the hunt for CarbonEye. Her team, led by Onolar Neot and Shalin Kitovaz, were investigating the thefts at Jabba the Hutt's palace when they had a little run-in with a team of Tusken Raiders calling themselves the Yargh who had been hired by CarbonEye himself. The standoff eventually turned into a draw and the two groups went their separate ways.
When Shasta's team returned to Coruscant, they witnessed MI5 Headquarters being attacked. And in the process, M was incapacitated. So Frederick Gray had momentarily stepped in to take over as Head of MI5. Angeo Lim assigned Shasta to be Frederick Gray's bodyguard while they moved to a secure, undisclosed location for the duration of the CarbonEye mission.

Shasta during the hunt for Dr. Noah.
Later, after returning with Frederick Gray and M to MI5 HQ, Shasta was assigned to the Alderaan team for the new Dr. Noah mission. The team had disguised themselves as upper-class citizens and mingled at the art show at the Celestial Lady casino resort so that they could capture Arven Pavail. Pavail had keycards that would allow access into Noah's lab in Crevasse City. Shasta's disguise was a short red dress that revealed way too much skin for her liking. But, she went through with it for the sake of the mission.
The team did indeed capture Pavail, so they headed over to Crevasse City and infiltrated Noah's lab. During the infiltration, they captured Professor Dent and uncovered the blue-prints for Noah's space station, aptly named Noah's Ark.
The next part of the mission took them to Kiffu and Kiffex, where they found the Ark hiding within the electrical storm between the sister planets. Having been pulled into the Ark by it's tractor beam, Shasta realized that hiding in their ships would just cause Noah's forces to go in after them. So she was the first of many agents to appear in the docking bay and surrender. She only surrendered to hopefully be taken deeper into the space station and face Noah himself. The group of agents were eventually taken to see Noah and the inevitable final battle ensued. Shasta suffered minor damage to her head, but came out of the battle alive.
Vacation cut short[]
After two consecutive successful missions, Shasta was awarded some much needed time off. Planning to vacation on the Gambler's World, Vorzyd V, she boarded the massive passenger transport Starport 15. While on the trip, she discovered a thief named Jace Riker who was attempting to steal a priceless work of art in the ships cargo hold. With the help of Patroni, Pax Eem and the ships captain Harris, Shasta was able to apprehend Riker and his accomplices. The ship made a pit-stop on Brentaal IV so they could be turned over to the local authorities. Shasta then continued on with her vacation.
The Muunraker mission[]
Four years later, she was teamed up with rookie agent Jace Bont to take down an arms dealer named Klay on Bakura. Shasta was able to stun Klay and bring him back to MI5 Headquarters for an interrogation. As it turned out, Klay was connected with billionaire Jordo Drax. Shasta was then placed on the team sent to Fondor with Gruu Funkistann and Pandolfo Taproot to destroy Drax's stash of weapons.
Upon searching records at the Obsidian City spaceport, they discovered a spaceport official Den Drumb got into a confrontation with Jaws about the shipment of weapons. So the MI5 agents headed across Obsidian City to find Jaws. They did in fact find him, along with the enormous shipment of weapons. Placing mines, they were able to blow up the weapons, as well as the top of a building. But Jaws managed to escape.
When MI5 found out that Bont and Europa Kapanen were captured and being tortured by Jordo Drax near Kalee, Shasta contacted her friend Valeria Kennt on Dantooine and asked her to head out and rescue them. Soon after, they went out to Dantooine to pick them up.
They went back to Kalee and infiltrated Jordo Drax's underground compound in search of Drax. From Holly Goodlekku, they found out Drax was heading for his space station, so they commandeered a ship and followed him. While aboard the space station, they learned of Drax's plans to wipe out the InterGalactic Banking Clan, so they turned his own Muunraker ion cannon against him, crippling his station.
Shasta and Europa eventually caught up with Drax as he was about to climb into an escape pod. Shasta managed to open the airlock before Drax was in the pod, so Drax was sucked out into the vacuum of space. They then made their way to the docking bay to make their escape before the station exploded.
Protecting limmie and it's spectators[]
The following year, Shasta was involved in the investigation of Agnew's death. After some interrogations that were going nowhere, the agents finally got the lead they were looking for, the former limmie player Bozak. They discovered he was murdering beings involved in the movement of the Alderaan Daylights team from Alsakan to Alderaan. While Shasta helped get the Daylights' team owners to safety, Jace Bont chased down Bozak and killed him. The agents later regrouped at the Q'u Branch workshop on Alderaan.
Tracing the incoming calls from Bozak's comlink, the agents discovered Gideon Roon's location (the man who hired Bozak). Shasta and Jace Bont headed out to the cabin in the Alsiri Pass where they discovered that Roon planned to blow up Aldera Stadium during the Federal League's championship limmie game. Roon had rigged the cabin with explosives and attempted to kill the agents. Bont only suffered minor bumps and scrapes but Shasta suffered a concussion, so Bont raced her back to the Q' Branch workshop for medical attention. Shasta sat out for the remainder of the mission, which turned out to be a success. She recovered fully over the following weeks.
The second hunt for Dr. Noah[]

Valeria and Shasta in 34 BBY.
In 34 BBY, after a visit with her old friend Valeria Kennt, Shasta was assigned to the team tasked with recapturing the escaped convict Noah and his friends. She and QUAD were sent to investigate Noah's lab on Ord Mantell. All they found were empty vats and incubators.
Later on during the mission, Shasta was able to successfully kill Noah's accomplice Perkins on Khubeaie with a single shot to the head.
The final battle with SMERSH[]
In 32 BBY, just before the Invasion of Naboo, the criminal organization SMERSH invaded and took control of MI5 Headquarters on Coruscant. Shasta happened to be in the building when it happened. She managed to gather weapons and sneak around the building unnoticed, eventually meeting up with fellow MI5 agent Ainslé Vos. The two women ventured through MI5 HQ attempting to subdue as many SMERSH goons as they could. Soon, more MI5 agents arrived back at HQ and together they rescued the hostages and took back control of MI5 Headquarters.
After the interrogation of SMERSH operative Jasper Fondorball, Shasta was part of the team that traveled to the ice planet Rinnk and they all stormed SMERSH's hideout. They chased down SMERSH's leader Stavro and also witnessed the death of fellow MI5 agent Pandolfo Taproot.
Clone Wars[]

Shasta at age 50 during the Clone Wars.
At 50 years of age, Shasta was one of the top operatives at MI5. She was well-respected and considered a seasoned veteran. The younger rookie agents looked up to her and sometimes treated her as one of their superiors. She had aged well over the years, still able to keep her figure. There were a few creases around the eyes and corners of the mouth, and some gray hair mixed in with the blonde, but she was still attractive.
A few months after the Clone Wars broke out, M and Europa Kapanen had assigned Shasta to act as a "chaperone" to the team of agents heading out on the Nadiem mission. Upon arriving on the planet, she was disguised as a regular Nadiem farmer along with most of the other agents.
While on Nadiem, she and the agents discovered an underground cloning facility. The members of Sharkey's clone squad had suddenly turned on them, admitting they were not part of the Galactic Republic. In an attempt to rescue Jedi General Sharkey, a battle broke out. She ended up killing the clone called Goon. When the battle ended, Sharkey was freed from his prison. While discussing what steps to take next, the facility's self-destruct sequence initiated. Shasta was one of the agents that managed to escape the facility before it was destroyed.
Behind the scenes[]
Shasta Moonreaper was created by the Star Wars... 007 Style series creator Dubya Scott.
This character was awarded 2nd Place for "Best Female Character" in the 7th Annual Wiki Awards in 2012.
- Here We Are, Juggernaut
- CarbonEye (First appearance)
- Dr. Noah
- Starport
- Muunraker
- The Limmie Daylights
- For Your Photoreceptors Only
- You've Got Spirit, Kid (Mentioned only)
- Fondorball
- Licence To Clone