Sharkey was a Human male Jedi Master who later became a Jedi General during the Clone Wars.
Having been taken from his home on Bakura at a young age by Master Jorus C'baoth to train at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Sharkey didn't have any memory of his home or his family, except for a fire-red landspeeder bed that he took with him to Coruscant. Even as an adult, he couldn't bare to part with it.
He studied as a youngling under Yoda's tutelage and then became Ki-Adi-Mundi's padawan. Sharkey never liked using his lightsaber to fight. He always tried to find a more peaceful way of settling conflicts.
After becoming a Jedi Knight, he returned to Bakura to visit his birth family. But he had been gone for so long that they seemed like strangers to him.
During the Clone Wars, Sharkey served as a Jedi General under Saesee Tiin's command in the Battle of Nadiem.
At some point during that battle, Sharkey was brain-washed into thinking he was working for Finn Killifer. So Killifer gave him his squad of clones to secretly insert into the Grand Army of the Republic.
The Force was fighting back against the brain-washing and Sharkey's true memory was slowly coming back. Not wanting to simply kill him, Killifer placed Sharkey in a stasis chamber, holding him in suspended animation.
Not long after, MI5 discovered him and freed him from the chamber. One of Killifer's clones, Wrister, activated the self-destruct sequence in Killifer's illegal cloning facility. With the help of MI5, Sharkey managed to escape before the place was completely destroyed.
Behind the scenes[]
Jedi Master Sharkey is based off of the character Sharkey from the 1989 James Bond film Licence to Kill.