Star Wars Fanon

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Shane was a very powerful force-sensitive human male. He was the son of a Jedi, Siri Tachi, conceived with an unknown man. Tachi believed it could have been Obi Wan Kenobi.

If such was the case in that point in time, Shane was destined to be a very powerful wielder of the Force, being the son of not one, but two Jedi.


Shane was born in 19 BBY, six months after Order 66 and the beginning of the Great Jedi Purge, to Siri Tachi on the planet Raxus Prime, but would not be raised on the planet.

A playful boy, he loved crawling and discovering new things during his formative years, demonstrating a strong connection to the Force before he could even walk. Tachi had no father he grew up with, as the man who did indeed father him was in exile, and his mother was always om the move, so never met anyone to become a surrogate.
Around the age of 3, Shane began to his mom questions about his dad, and always noticed her sorrow when thinking about the Jedi Order's destruction.
