Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Shadow Guards were an organization of elite soldiers who served the Galactic Empire during the Great Jedi Purge. They were the highest ranking branch of the Emperor's Guardsmen and fought alongside the Royal Guard and Senate Guard. Their appearance was identical to the Royal Guard, except that their armor and visor colors were inverted, with the full body armor and robe being black and the visor red.

Few Imperials knew the true origins of the mysterious and powerful Shadow Guard. They were silent and enigmatic warriors that received orders directly from Emperor Palpatine himself. The Shadow Guards commanded a great level of respect within the Empire's ranks and often led elite Imperial commandos into battle against the Emperor's most hated foes. They often called upon the services of the Shadow Stormtroopers during their battle engagements.

Their primary weapon was a Lightsaber Pike with a red beam extending from the tip of the weapon. In addition to this, their equipment included a heavy blaster pistol as well as a utility belt which included a medpac. Also, they possessed a comlink which was long range, encrypted and miniaturized as well as included hologram capability.

These guardsmen demonstrated Force powers of their own which led many to suspect that they were in fact former Jedi that had been captured, tortured and brainwashed by Palpatine. However, others believed that the Shadow Guards were simply loyal members of the Emperor's red robed Royal Guard who were trained secretly in the basic skills of the Sith arts.

They were capable of using a range of Force abilities such as Force Lightning, Force Push, Force Repulse and Force Choke.
