Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire eraRebellion eraNew Republic eraNew Jedi Order eraLegacy era

It's funny the way you look up to me, but I don't look up to you. I have to admit, though, you Ewoks are quite small, very small. There's only one thing you're bigger than: Darth Vader's brain.
—Shade speaking to the Ewoks during the capture of Han Solo and Luke Skywalker

Shade Laonash Kenobi, born Elizabeth Lonta Kenobi, was the former senator of Corellia. She was trained as a Jedi by Master Syfo-Dyas and General R2, before his departure. Laonash had long black hair, which she often kept tied back in a bun. She owned two droids, B-10PO and R2-Q4. Her best friends were R2, the president of Saturn 5, Skipper Brisbane and Rex Pine (who, interestingly enough, were battle droids and comrades). Her cousin was Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Early life[]

Shade, born Elizabeth Lonta Kenobi, was the child of Jack San-Gi (born Jakal Kenobi) and Ursula Derro. She was raised on a farm and often expressed her political views.Shade never knew her father and only believed he was still alive. At the age of seven Shade first tied her hair into a bun, as she stated in her diary. Her mother stated she looked like the Princess of Naboo, Padmé Amidala, and said she was not a good example to follow.However, Shade looked up to the newly crowned Queen of Naboo. On the family's trip to Coruscant she was taken on board by Jedi Master Syfo-Dyas. She was a good Jedi Knight, but left the order at the age of fifteen to pursue a career in politics.

Relatives' death[]

Shade's uncle and carer died at the age of 66. Shade did not seek help from her mother. She studied hard at many schools until she was asked by Chancellor Valorum if she would like to represent Corellia in the Galactic Senate. Shade joined the Senate at the age of nineteen and then learned to pilot a Jedi Starfighter and various other vehicles. She visited many planet including Saturn 5, which had no place in the senate. When she visited Saturn 5, it had just stopped the Olympics and was holding it's annual Cross Island race. Shade entered and won the race beating the last record by 3 hours. Shade was called back to headquarters.

Recruited At Point Blank Range[]

She was given her medal and attempted to leave. However, discovered by General R2 as a secret agent, she stayed and was questioned.. R2 sensed she was able to use the force and was over cautious when questioning her. When Shade revealed she was working under Chancellor Palpatine's orders. R2 told her that he was once a Jedi, but left and was now training as a sith. Shade was trained as a Sith Lord and became R2's second apprentice.

Trained By The Sith[]

I'm surprised she knows what the force is, let alone how to use it.
—General R2 speaking to himself about Shade

Shade was trained well by R2 and became an expert force-user. Her lightsaber techniques were not as extraordinary, though. On a mission to the C.I.S ship, Jumbo Columbo, Shade manually planted explosives on one of two cannons, whereas R2 used the force to disable the other. Shade's training was minimal and the exercises were often interrupted by duty, arguments and afternoon tea.

Geonosis and Mygeeto[]

Dooku: “As you can see, this battle cannot be won by our Apprentices.
R2: “Well, neither can it be won by our battle poses.
―R2 after neither Shade and Asajj won

Shade fought for the C.I.S on Geonosis and during a fight between Count Dooku and General R2, she was sent out to fight Asajj Ventress, Dooku's apprentice, however both were injured and could fight no longer. So R2 decided to take on Dooku in hand-to-hand combat himself.She followed R2 on a mission to Mygeeto, the following year, and she decided to treat her Sith training as a small incident and proceed to work as a politician and Jedi Knight.

Saturn 5 Great War[]

The Saturn 5 Great War raged on Saturn 5. It was a war between the government and a large group of terrorist known as the LTG (Local Terrorist Group). During the war the 1 tonne truck was invented and many new guns came into use by the Saturn 5 Army. It was a war fought with bullets, tanks and manual weapons, no lasers, no lightsabers. To outsiders it is known as the 'Non-laser Saturn 5 Bloodbath,'. After the Great war had ceased, Shade traveled back to Coruscant and was promoted to the rank of Jedi Master.

Half way through The Clone Wars[]

Shade continued to fight through the Clone Wars. She faced many of her old allies, including Count Dooku and General Grievous.She was part of a back-up unit consisting of mostly senators to try and resolve the war carefully, although Shade did not rely on this system because it rarely ever worked. She eventually met with R2 on the battlefield and all hope of Shade rejoining the Sith faded. After a menacing battle Shade and R2 stopped and regrouped with their factions. They never met again in hand-to-hand combat until well after the Clone wars had finished.

Order 66[]

Shade survived Order 66. She was on Saturn 5 at the time of the Great Jedi Purge. Unlike most other survivors, including R2, Shade continued life as normal. In the late months of 19 BBY. Shade resigned from her place in the senate and began to work as political advisor to young children. However when shade heard of the death of Padme` Amidala and Anakin's turn to the darkside. Shade returned home, to find Ursula was working at an Imperial factory. The owner's of the farm told her about how recent advents made her go crazy and unreliable. The old couple at the farm looked after Shade until Summer, 18 BBY, when R2 confirmed his decision to go into exile. Shade became a Corellian pilot and bounty-hunter. Working with Prime Solo, Shade killed around 200 bounties before, in 17 BBY, Prime traveled to Alderaan and left Shade behind

Han Solo[]

I never knew people who are like 40 could look so good.
—Han Solo, to Chewbacca about Shade in 6 BBY

Shade met Han Solo for the first time in 6 BBY. After leaving Prime to his own business, Shade became worried and began to search for him. Unfortunately Shade was out of practice when it came to piloting ships. So she looked for help from Corellian spacers, but nobody would take her to where she wanted to go. So after spotting an old enemy Shade managed to find a passage to Raxus Prime. Chewbacca was co-piloting the Millennium Falcon. Han Solo gave Shade the chance to give him an offer. So Shade offered a sum of 50,000 which was never actually paid.

Core and Heart[]

Shade went to Raxus Prime and discovered the remains of an ancient civilization. Prime had told her that he was on the ship Calibure that had last stopped on Raxus Prime, but there was no sign of it anywhere.Shade began to explore the planet and found a prison. A bounty hunter named Defeer Jamika had been left there after flying to Raxus Prime on the Calibure. Shade asked for his help to locate it, as Jamika claimed he knew the route and the planet at which it stopped next. Jamika was reluctant and first, but after Shade made him an offer to free him from prison, he became a little more interested. After Shade told Jamika her name he agreed to help her. They escaped Raxus Prime on the old starship Core and Heart.

Shade Laonash: “Defeer, it was only after you learned my name that you agreed to listen to my proposition. Because that's what you wanted, and because I needed you, I didn't press the matter. I'm not a simpleton Jamika. You knew my father.
Defeer Jamika: “I knew him. Probably one of the few who knew him as Jakal Kenobi. Everyone else just called him Blackheart, or Blackheart Jack.
Shade Laonash: “Blackheart?
Defeer Jamika: “Good man. Good pirate. I swear you look just like him.
— Shade and Defeer

Death Star[]

Shade joined the Galactic Empire in 2 BBY. She hoped to find her father on the Death Star. She went undercover as a TIE Fighter Pilot and was later given the chance to fly alongside Darth Vader. She went out into to battle numerous times against the Rebel Alliance, until she heard news of R2's plan to re-control Kamino. She worked on the Death Star for 1 year. During this time she made many friends and had a constant rivalry with Grand Moff Tarkin. Sensing the nearby destruction of the Death Star, Shade left the Empire and met R2 on The Saturn Flower over Kamino.


After meeting R2 on his space cruiser, Shade proceeded to help the New Confederacy in their mission to regain control. After fighting hard in the space over Kamino. The droid forces landed an took over the outside buildings. They then began to fight inside until many city complexes were under the New Confederacy control. The Kamino Cloners worked on enhancing battle droids and weapons. R2's lightsaber The I Kill You was given a restraining bolt also.

Personality and traits[]

Shade siggy

Shade Laonash Kenobi's signature

Shade portrayed a dark personality, until rejoining the Jedi Order after the Battle of Mygeeto. She was a determined, brave and hardy individual. Many who worked around were encouraged to pursue their dreams. Shade was an anti-romantic female who liked to lead large groups of people.

Powers and abilities[]

Shade was an exceptional saboteur and preferred to use manual weapons (i.e explosives) rather than The Force in combat. She was one of the few Jedi to survive the Great Jedi Purge and the Wookie Crisp Battle Of Kashyyk. She could use all Jedi abilities and was taught lightning force by General R2 and Palpatine, although this abilities was never used to harm anybody.
