Star Wars Fanon

Shachath was a female Human who was transformed into a Force Demon during her later life, granting her immortality and retractable black wings while stealing away her life force and her Humanness. Her unique condition gave her the ability to feed upon the life force of sentient beings, traveling about the galaxy by unknown means and reaping the souls of only those individuals who called for death. Appearing to them in their most desperate and vulnerable hour, Shachath offered them the mercy of a painless death if they so chose. She claimed that in the entirety of her existence, only once had a Jedi Knight called for her, and when she arrived she was turned away.

After encountering the Jedi Master Thracia Cho Leem on Affa, Shachath began a close friendship with the odd woman and would eventually go on to join the Jedi Order during the Golden Age of the Jedi. While continuing to help those individuals in desperate need, Shachath largely remained at the Temple of Arts, Bodhi on Tython as an instructor.
