(text of the quote)
—Setta Baash
Setta Baash was a Togruta slave living on Dromund Kaas during the Great Galactic War who served the notorious smuggler Sadros Rockwell
Early life[]
Setta Baash was born into a famous entertainment family on the planet Nar Shaddaa in the year 3665BBY her mother was an exotic dancer for the Hutt Cartel her father a musician
Setta Baash's life changed in 3653BBY when her father was killed over a debt he owed to a rival Hutt gangster and her mother came to be an alcoholic. Fearful she'd end up rotting on the leash of one of the Hutt overlords, Setta Baash fled her home and was hiding in the alleyways of the Lower Promenade when she met a human smuggler named Sadros Rockwell who Setta knew to be more than a mere smuggler she was a slaver
Setta Baash knowing full well what she was liable to be in for given her upbringing in the court of the Hutt Cartel all but sold herself into slavery begging Sadros Rockwell to take her from Nar Shaddaa no matter what the price.
Sadros Rockwell claimed Setta Baash as her own slave, keeping her out of the hands of several extremely interested buyers when they reached her apartment on Dromund Kaas.
When Sadros Rockwell was absent Setta Baash was assigned to be an erotic/exotic dancer at a private club Sadros co-owned, the patrons of the club could watch her dance but were forbidden to touch or harm her.In the year 3645BBY Setta Baash was offered her freedom by her mistress who was trying to take pity on Setta Baash, she refused to be freed, her enslavement guaranteed her certainty in life and kept her out of the clutches of less honourable masters.
Personality and traits[]
Setta Baash was well versed in the ways of the Outer Rim territories and aware of the prospects of being kept as a slave, even when offered freedom she refused preferring servitude and the benefits of being owned by a kind master over freedom and uncertainty