Star Wars Fanon
She's like a Merraxen...only not.
—Unknown Merraxen warrior

Setra during the Merraxen-Sith War.

Setra was a female Human who was captured by Merraxen slavers and taken to Korriban to be a slave-warrior. She fought during the Merraxen-Sith War and was known for her bravery on the battlefield.


After the Merraxen's defeat, she fell in love with Master Hydroth and later married him. However, this angered some of the Merraxen, who assassinated Hydroth. This, however, made Setra the new master.

Setra proved that she was willing to stay true to the Merraxen traditions and even helped freed them from Sith rule. Setra later declared war on the Republic. Though would take Coruscant, she fatally underestimated the Republic, resulting the Merraxen's defeat and her death.

Personality and traits[]

Setra was noted for having multiple husbands, the greatest of which was Maz'dunna. She was considered a great leader and was known for being passionate about Merraxen culture.
