Star Wars Fanon

Servorum is one of those places where you might find an Draxshu around
—Clone Trooper of Green Company, Oilslick

Servorum is a dark swamp planet with a dark sky that storms but occasionally rains, it has tall spruce trees and some fallen ones with some ground and grass darkened by the stormy sky above, it also has fog that gives it a somewhat spooky nature and water that floods the swamp with an little base inside a hill which it shares the same design from Kamino except it is dark grey and black and the cloning capsules in the cloning storage are Green while in the Second Hallway is Flooded and the Exit has Water That Goes Up to One's Hip and it Also has some rocks Inside and the Entrance and Exit look Natural like an Cave. The Entrance and Exits Also has the Same Sliding Doors on Kamino, There are Large Rocks that can be Climbed on and Even the Trees can be Used for hiding, Same thing goes for the Tall Grass Itself


The Kaminoans have Created Numerous Cloning Facilities on Other Planets in Case this one was attacked and in case something wrong in the Republic would happen, In the Early Days of Clone Wars this Planet was the Target for Asajj Ventress has she and her CIS Droid Army attempted to Collapse an Cloning Facility hidden within the planet's Atmosphere but Norton Ren had Found Out and he went with Commander Gree, The 41st Elite Corps, Green Company and Knightfall Squad to the Planet and Begins the Battle of Servorum. Norton Ren's Plan was to Ambush an CIS Scouting Team and Confront Asajj Ventress herself while Commander Gree and the 41st Elite Corps Fought off the Droid Army that have been Alerted

Norton Ren and Green Company consisting of Oilslick, Igniter, Watcher, Punchout, Breaker and a Few Other Clones headed Inside Taking out the Droids Who Where Guarding the Entrance and Exits Disabled the Explosive Charges before Norton Told them to Get out while he Faces off Against Asajj Ventress Herself who reveals herself and Fights The General

After a Long Duel, Asajj Ventress Escapes knowing that she cannot defeat an Grand Master Like Him before Norton Returned to the Battle to See Shadow Squadron, an Squadron of ARC-170 Fighters led by the One and Only Frostbite Provide Air Strikes while the AT-TE's, AT-RT's, AT-XT's, AT-OT's, LAAT/Transports, LAAT/Carriers, H6 Juggernauts and TX-130 Saber Tanks Destroy every Single Droid. Norton Ren Called in his Reprogrammed Droidekas he always Disables with Force Lightning to Secretly Dispatch every Droid that are Against the Clones and Before he Knew it, The Battle was Won by The Galactic Republic...

Meanwhile, Knightfall Squad Consisting of Swordsmen, Bomber, Tech, Ripper, Slicer and Sharpshooter was Tasked by Admiral Dusk, an Black Male Human with Dreadlocks and A Tattoo of an Phoenix's Wings Burning on his Face with an Mission to Prevent an T-Series Tactical Droid from Harming the Injured Warriors due to the Civil War that is Going on from their Homeworld from an Rishi Settlement with an Fairly Medium Droid Battalion who is Commanding the Assault. Knightfall Squad Moved Out Towards The Southeast Sector while Norton Ren was Heading towards the Northwest Sector of Servorum, Thanks to Master Kit Fisto the Rishi Warriors were on Good Hands with the Republic so they would Help in Defending the Village

Knightfall Squad Soon Reached the Settlement as the Warriors were Preparing for battle while the Injured are Receiving Medical Attention, The Tactical Droid Ordered to Attack to which they Complied but Knightfall Squad along with the Rishi Warriors went on the Frontline as they Left no Survivors and the Tactical Droid was Destroyed due to Tech's Grenade Launcher Attachment. The Rishi Warriors Thanked the Commando Squad and hopes for them to Return so that they can win the Civil War that is Happening to which Swordsmen says that General Norton Will Return for them

In the Time of the Galactic Civil War, The Imperials Seized this Planet in Hopes of Destroying the Clone Facility so that every last Remains of the Galactic Republic has been Swept Away into the Past. The Rebels Soon Heard and they Defended the Planet from the Oncoming Stormtroopers because the Cloning Facility is an Ancient Piece of the Republic that should not be Destroyed

In the End, The Rebels Won the Battle and the Imperials Fled leaving them to Celebrate has a Treasure of the Past has been Saved from the Galactic Empire

Some Time before the Battle of Jakku, Imperial Spies were Killed by a Jurgoran who was Disturbed in its Sleep

Behind the scenes[]

This Map First Appeared as an Map you can Download for Battlefront II, The Rishi Settlement is Absent but the Cloning Facility is Still Here. The Fog will Conceal your Vision has it Adds Environmental Design to this Map

See also[]



Alzoc III Capital
