Star Wars Fanon

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The Serenes were an extradimensional sentient species from another plane of existence. They were omniscient and all-powerful, possessing the ability of instantaneous matter-to-energy transformation and teleportation, as well as time-travel. Their apparent abilities included moving entire asteroid belts and stars, creating alternate time-lines, and affecting universal states of nature such as the gravitational constant. Unique about this spectacular species was that they were the very basis of becoming one with the Force, and were claimed to have always existed, with grand explanations as to how they first came into existence. This extradimensional sentient species could control throughout space, matter, and time. However, they were extremely in any aspect, favor, "free-will" to all. They made contact with a few sentients throughout all the eras by shape-shifting and planning different plots in a universal scene. They were fairly respectable. The Serenes had come to admire and have benevolence with the influence of sentient species compassion and curiosity into their otherwise timeless, apathetic, and stable culture. There was a legend wherein a Serene shape-shifted into an unknown Jedi woman and spared the Sith Asa Aw of what he could become for the great scale for all interstellar unification of space. Serenes also counteracted with Force spirits, wish to lend other explorers the secrets of the Force, free-will, and life.

Behind the Scenes[]

I appreciate all the Fanon users who make this website a terrific serenity.

