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"Sep'ratist Soldier", quite a controversial song, since it's all about killing Unionist soldiers, but this is war, we will kill Unionist soldiers until they respect our independence!
—The writer of the song on the controversy surrounding his song
Sep'ratist Soldier was a popular song written by Colonel Edward P. Burgoyne, commander of the 33rd Westland Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army, the song grew in popularity through-out the rest of the CSA, and was also popular with the ground forces of the Force for the Restoration of Separatist Earth, the Confederacy Reborn, and the refounded Confederate States of Earth Army.
The song made it into a patriotic songbook which contained a collected some anthems and other patriotic songs of Confederate Earth, this book was titled "Patriotic Songs and Anthems of Confederate Earth".
Sep'ratist Soldier was, as the name suggests, a song about a soldier in the Confederate States Army, as he joins up and fights the Republic and the Union of Earth States (later, the Empire and the Earth Empire, during the Earth Rebellion against the Galactic Empire).
The song also became popular in other parts of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, as it was seen as both a patriotic and an "uplifting" song.
The Union had their own parody version of the song, known as "Unionist Soldier", the insulting lyrics made the parody very unpopular in the Confederate States, to the point of Confederate citizens violently angry when hearing invading Union armies playing and singing the parody song when marching through their streets.
Insulting one of army's favourite songs I see. Can't you Republic fanatics come up with your own rallying songs? Still, I realise that we Confederates do rousing patriotic anthems much better than you Union boys do!
—A Confederate citizen to a Union soldiers singing the Union's parody version of Sep'ratist Soldier
Original lyrics[]
The lyrics involve a soldier in Confederate Earth's Army, singing about joining up and fighting the Republic forces. It also shows what most people of Earth thought of the Republic (the song refers to the Republic as "tyrants"). The lyrics also refer to the Union, the two lyrics being Unionist soldier and Williamite soldier, Unionists and Williamites were two nicknames given by Confederate Earthlings to Union Earthlings.
I'll place my knapsack on my back,
My rifle on my shoulder,
I'll march away to the firing line
And kill that Rep-ublic soldier,
I'll kill that Unionist soldier,
I'll march away to the firing line,
And kill that Williamite soldier!
I'll bid farewell to my wife and child,
Farewell to my aged mother,
And go and join in the bloody strife,
Till this cruel war is over,
Till this cruel war is over,
I'll go and join in the bloody strife,
Till this cruel war is over.
If I am shot on the battlefield,
And I should not recover,
Oh, who will protect my wife and child,
And care for my aged mother,
Who'll care for my aged mother,
Oh, who will protect my wife and child,
And care for my aged mother?
And if our Sep'ratist cause is lost,
And Sep'ratist rights denied us,
We'll be ground beneath the tyrant's heel,
For our demands of justice,
For our demands of justice,
We'll be ground beneath the tyrant's heel,
For our demands of justice.
Before our state shall bow her head,
Before the tyrants harm us,
I'll give my all to the Sep'ratist cause,
And die in the Sep'ratist army,
I'll die in the Sep'ratist army,
I'll give my all to the Sep'ratist cause,
And I'll die in the Sep'ratist army.
If I must die for my home and land,
My spirit will not falter,
Oh, here's my heart and here's my hat,
Upon my planet's altar,
Upon my planet's altar,
Oh, here's my heart and here's my hat
Upon my planet's altar.
Then Heaven be with us in the strife,
Be with the Sep'ratist soldier,
We'll drive that Rep-ub-lic horde,
Beyond our Sep'ratist border,
Beyond our Sep'ratist border,
We'll drive that Rep-ub-lic horde,
Beyond our Sep'ratist border,
So, I'll place my knapsack on my back,
My rifle on my shoulder,
I'll march away to the firing line,
And kill that Rep-ublic soldier,
I'll kill that Rep-ublic soldier,
I'll march away to the firing line,
And I'll kill that Rep-ublic soldier!