Star Wars Fanon

Seoul 5 was a planet in Wild Space. It was home to the Seoularians, a human race.


The planet was inhabited by an advance human civilization known as the Seoularians. They conquered most of Wild Space and parts of the Outer Rim Territories around 50,000 BBY, with Seoul 5 as their capitol.

However, in 28,000 BBY, Seoularian space was invaded by the Rakatan Infinite Empire, with Seoul 5 falling last. After the invasion, many Seoularians were deported from the world as slaves to other planets in the Empire, including Lehon. In 25,000 BBY, the Seoularians were among the species to revolt against their overlords, during the Rakatan Civil War.

Due to Rakatan subjugation, the population of Seoularians dwindled during the following years into small settlements on the surface, with less than 1 million people living there. The planet's location was lost to time, and the Seoularians degraded and did not have space technology.

In 6 BBY, one of the many Viper probe droids sent out by Emperor Palpatine to scout for new storehouse planets rediscovered Seoul 5. Despite it's relatively unknown location, Palpatine was reluctant and had the Galactic Empire simply make an airbase on Seoul 5.

Later in 3 BBY, a Seoularian named Sozin Sakai joined the Imperial Navy and received minor TIE pilot training at the Imperial airbase before being sent off to the Corulag Officer Academy.
