Senesha'rae was a female Chiss born in 105 ABY on the frozen planet of Csilla. She and her older brother Xanta'dath'srammir (known most of his life as Xant) were taken in by their uncle Rysh'la'timalyit after their parents were killed in what was reported to be an unfortunate accident. Xant, who was six years her senior, did not get along with their uncle, who was often considered cold and distant, even by Chiss standards. The young man believed that they should not be forced into the strict mental structures of calculated disconnect that were so common among their species. It wasn't long before Xant left the world, taking his little sister with him.
Early career[]
As they roamed the various Outer Rim worlds, Xant took on many different odd jobs in order to gain the money needed to take care of his baby sister. It became obvious with rising costs of caring for another person and fewer jobs surfacing, that more legitimate work was not going to cut it. It wasn't long before they began taking on smuggling jobs, carrying cargo for less than savory clients. They found it easy to slip by any kind of inspections, though, as Sen's youthful, innocent presence and the older Chiss's unwavering poker face made it hard for authorities to believe the two were doing anything illegal.
As Xant learned the smuggling trade, so did Sen, growing up at her brother's side and quickly becoming an accessory to his increasingly dangerous jobs. By the time she had reached her teenage years, she was an accomplished pilot, a shark in gambling rings, and a genius liar.
In her early twenties, Sen found herself completely heart broken when in 126 ABY, her brother was poisoned to death. The person responsible for her death went undiscovered, though Sen had a sneaking suspicion it was likely a consort of one of the more vicious targets Xant had recently.
Merquise Syndicate[]
The Chiss woman carried on her brother's legacy, taking his ship and pushing herself to take on more and more dangerous jobs. As it turned out, she was a natural, and every impossible mission was met with success on her end. She began doing most of her work around Hutt Space, since the majority of bosses in that area would pay top dollar for whatever it was they wanted done. It was during this time that she met a man named Tak Sakaros, who was the Boss of the Merquise Syndicate on Nar Shaddaa. He had apparently been told about her by one of his own vigos, Gurdo Nobb, with whom Sen had met a few times in the past. She was surprised to discover Nobb had claimed her to be the best smuggler he had ever known, which was saying something in the Outer Rim. True to her Chiss nature, though, she never let it show, and instead struck up a friendship and partnership with the crime lord. That friendship soon turned into much more than that, as the two became lovers. Tak continued to give her steady work, all the while giving her a safe haven within the ziggurat of the Merquise Syndicate.
Shortly after this time, Tak came to her with a request from his vigo Ventresca Tan. His cousin, who was busy defending Ryloth from the power-hungry One Sith, was in dire need of supplies, and surely wouldn't last long without them. Agreeing to help, Sen disguised her ship as a mining freighter, packed the secret holds with supplies, and took off. She successfully ran Darth Krayt's blockade of the planet without being discovered, and eventually made it back off world with a few new bumps, cuts, and bruises. When she returned to Nar Shaddaa, she was equally surprised and relieved to see just Tak, and just how much he had shared her anxiety. From then on, their relationship became more public.
It was this fact that made her own life much more endangered on the Hutt moon. While out doing a favor for an old friend at his warehouse, the Desilijic kajidic sent explosives. When Sen noticed the clan's emblem, she immediately dropped the crate and ran, but the explosion was still enough to injure her, and kill several people in the warehouse. The Desilijic had used her as bait for Tak, and while unsuccessful, it sparked a gang war, the repercussions of which were still being felt decades later.
Love Lost[]
An old Sith Lord and former friend of Tak Sakaros named Gav Daragon returned to Nar Shaddaa, and began wreaking havoc on its population, killing hundreds of thousands. Tak came to Sen, telling her that he needed to stop his old friend at any cost. Sen knew what that meant, but refused to believe anyone could kill the man she had come to love. It was some time later when Alluria Quinn, Tak's apprentice, had been taken captive by the Sith and his men, that he came to the Chiss to tell her he had to leave. After sharing a moment for a quiet goodbye, and a kiss, he left.
He died saving Nar Shaddaa from Daragon's wrath.
Sen had never been a huge believer in any kind of religion, but she knew the Force was something completely different. She had seen it work in the time she had been with Tak. When he died, she could not explain it...but she knew he had gone. He came to her, in his final moments in the Force, and gave her one final comfort before he was gone.
Moving On[]
In his will, Tak left half of his fortune to her, which was more than enough to make certain that she never really had to work again. Despite that fact, however, she continued to work for the Merquise Syndicate for minimal pay, doing larger favors for the Syndicate's new leader, Ventresca Tan. She and Tan formed a friendship through the years, much to the dismay of Tan's somewhat jealous girlfriend Sheya Lassan. Despite Sheya's distaste, and Sen's amusement with her, however, their friendship was nothing more than that.
Tak had fathered a son named Nagarian with Reiko Kaytana, and so Sen came to know Nagarian's older brother and sister, Tariun and Rin. Sen was fond of Rin, despite Rin's conquest of the Chiss Ascendancy, but avoided Tariun whenever possible; though the two were courteous to one another, Tariun looked so much like Tak that Sen found it painful just being around him.
Once a large portion of the families that lived within the ziggurat moved to Belsavis, Sen served as a messenger between the two groups in order to keep them from contacting one another directly (which they had decided would be too dangerous with the number of enemies they had).
Senesha'rae's comrades considered her very emotive for a Chiss. Thanks to her brother, she showed very little of her Chiss heritage, only hiding her emotions and true thoughts when it best served her, rather than all the time. Sen was always very quick-witted, charming, and shameless. She was always notorious for being able to talk her way out of just about any issue.