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A Senator was the representative of a planet, system, sector or organization in the Galactic Senate, or similar body.
Known Senators[]
Senator | Planet or sector represented | Term | Notes | Species and gender |
Karitev Imburiav | Scafa IX | 32 ABY-24 ABY | resigned after 4th term | Scafan Male |
Kasenivus Pirexev | Ma'evor sector | 75 ABY-83 ABY | One of the original Third Republic senators | Human Male |
I-vel Sha'an | Corulag | 38 BBY-0 BBY, 19 ABY-43 ABY | Third Longest Acting Senator in Republic History | Human Male |
Vistun Herezel | Corulag | 43 ABY-51 ABY | Nephew of I-vel Sha'an | Human Male |
Zemerl Herezel | Corulag | 51 ABY-55 ABY | Jedi Knight, Retired after 1 Term | Human Male |
Ora Vey | Inqua | 2,120 BBY-2,088 BBY | Died; Drowned | Inque Female |
Bail Organa | Alderaan and InterGalactic Banking Clan | 31 BBY-21 BBY | Human Male | |
Teckla Corobb | Ithor | Retired | Ithorian Female | |
Momada Stonk | Ithor | 30 BBY-5 BBY | Joined the Rebel Alliance | Ithorian female |
Shatia Secura | Ryloth | 19 BBY-20 ABY | Twi'lek female | |
Onaconda Farr | Rodia | 29 BBY-4 BBY | Died | Rodian Male |
Lott Dod | Trade Fedaration | 32 BBY-9 BBY | Neimoidian Male | |
Padmé Amidala | Naboo | 28 BBY-4 ABY | Human Female | |
Davu Secura | Ryloth | 20 ABY-42 ABY | Twi'lek/Human Hybrid Male | |
Koyi Tano | Shili | 19 BBY-2 BBY | Left; Attempted assassination by Palpatine | Togruta female |
Padmé Amidala | Naboo | 7 ABY-35 ABY | Clone of Padmé Amidala, died in 35 ABY | Human Female |
Orn Free Taa | Ryloth | 32 BBY-10 BBY | Twi'lek Male | |
Trella Bare'Ah | Ryloth | 10 BBY-2 ABY | Died | Twi'lek Female |
Tal Merrik | Corellia | 29 BBY-9 BBY | Human Male | |
Nix Card | InterGalactic Banking Clan | 24 BBY-19 BBY | Representative | Muun Male |
Koyi Vashee | Inqua | 20 BBY-5 ABY | Retired | Togruta female |
Mak Plain | InterGalactic Banking Clan and Muunilist | 27 BBY-14 BBY | Muun Male | |
Po Sai | Kamino | 19 BBY-4 ABY | Retired | Kaminoan male |
Mot-Not Rab | Tarnab | 25 BBY-9 BBY | Tarnab Male | |
Aayla Skywalker | Naboo | Temporary | Human female | |
Ajax | Gravlex Med | 202 BBY-185 BBY | Anx Male | |
Ana Nanostarter | Ryloth | 100 BBY-70 BBY | Retired | Twi'lek Female |
Tanaka Taa | Ryloth | 216 BBY-201 BBY | Executed for killing Ashara Nanostarter | Twi'lek Female |
Ashara Nanostarter (Queen) | Shili | 229 BBY-220 BBY | Retired; Became the Queen | Togruta Female |
Teckla Corobb | Ithor | 205 BBY-200 BBY | Retired | Ithorian Female |