Seloktrians were a Near-Human species that lived on the planet Velox.
The selokrtians originated from beings in the Fire Force that inter-bred with eachother and Sith. Over time the power that members of this order had was mixed with the intimacy of the members. Over time a new species arose where the members of the species all had red, orange, pink, or yellow skin and red or black hair.
The species that this species came from were Zeltrons, Arkanians, Sith, Epicanthix, Kiffar and Humans. With the mix of all of these species and the powers used by the Fire Force members the creatures were prone to have high Force sensitivity, high intelegence, and an exceptional life-span.
Durring the Cold War members of the Fire Force and the Sith began to procrate. Once, several members of the Fire Force and the Sith (most of wich were Purebloods and Humans) got on a transport and ended up lost outside the known galaxy. Each of the aforementioned species was on the ship that took them outside the known galaxy. They eventually ended up on a planet that they named Velox. Over time the various species interbreading formed a new species that they called Seloktrian.
Each of these species contributed to this new species in some way. From the zeltrons they recieved two livers and pheramones, from the Arkanians exceptional inteligence, from the kiffar they had the ablility to use Psychometry naturally, from the sith they recieved their exceptional Force sensativity, from epicanthix they had execptionally muscular build, and from humans they had their ability to have children with most other near-humans.
Their culture came mostly from the zeltron, arkanian, and sith culture. They had a very sexual and romantic society along with a caste system. They practiced both monogomy and polygamy. Seloktrians dressed in wildly colorful or revealing attire often a mixture of both. The females typically wore bikinis as well as skin tight or nearly skin tight clothing of other styles with incredibly bizarre color patters and designs. Seloktrians were very intelligent and viewed all species that were not their ancestors as inferior or worthless. Seloktrians were also very good warriors and powerful enough to kill anyone who even thought of attacking them.