Seculoo Onderas was a Jedi Knight, and later Jedi Master of the Morsian Jedi Order.
Early life[]
Seculoo was born to poor parents on Tatooine in 39 BBY, being taken by a Jedi Knight in 38 BBY for training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Whilst there, she trained to be a Jedi and served the order faithfully, quickly learning her Jedi skills and being far and away the strongest Jedi out of her fellow younglings and later padawans. She became a Jedi Knight in 23 BBY, becoming one of the youngest Jedi to earn the title at just seventeen years old.
Clone Wars[]
Just prior to the Clone Wars, Seculoo was given Gurtaka Kida as a padawan and assigned her own Clone Legion in preparation for the upcoming war. When it broke out in 22 BBY, Seculoo led her legion with Gurtaka at her side, leading them through several tough campaigns and gaining the respect of her soldiers.
Order 66[]
In 19 BBY, Seculoo and met with the Morsian Jedi Master Urde Ra'akdoon and his 666th Legion in orbit around a planet to swap notes. Seculoo, Gurtaka and few of her troops had travelled to the bridge of Ra'akdoon's flagship the Infiltrator II when Order 66 was issued, turning the clones against their Jedi generals. However, thanks to Ra'akdoon's second in command, Lieutenant, shouting a warning, Seculoo was able to turn on and kill her traitorous clones before they could kill them. Angry and scared, she tried to turn on Ra'akdoon's own men, but he stopped her. Her own fleet was questioning about her and Gurtaka's fate so to throw them off, they gave their lightsabers to Lieutenant who persuaded their fleet that the Jedi were dead. With their own fleet now gone, they were stuck on the Infiltrator II, though to move anywhere, they were given some clone armor from the Venator's armory for them to wear, in order to blend in with the clones.
Ra'akdoon got the Jedi to hide in a shuttle in the hangar whilst he led his fleet to Coruscant to retrieve their belongings from the Jedi Temple. Still wearing the clone armor, Seculoo and Gurtaka accompanied Ra'akdoon and his clones who had not been affected by Order 66 to the planet's surface and to the Temple, where they all witnessed the killing of the Jedi and destruction of the Jedi Order. They also witnessed the killing of the younglings and the invasion of the Temple by Anakin Skywalker. Determined to survive after Order 66, Ra'akdoon led them to their rooms and they retrieved their belongings before escaping back to the fleet in orbit, rapidly travelling to the Outer Rim to find a planet to exile themselves on.
Whilst travelling, Ra'akdoon and the group discovered the control chip planted in the heads of the clones thanks to some scans performed in the medbay of the Infiltrator II. Seculoo remained in the medbay with the rest of them whilst an operation was performed on a clone trooper to determine whether the chip caused the clones to turn during Order 66. When this turned out to be the case, Seculoo and the others were shocked, but witnessed the successful operation to remove the chip. On Ra'akdoon's orders, all the clones on board the Infiltrator II were freed of the chips and he addressed them with what they were going to do next, which involved them all going into exile. Choosing the Tokanga system, Ra'akdoon chose the planet Tokanga I for the Jedi to exile themselves on, whilst Ra'akdoon and his men exiled themselves on Tokanga III within the same system, Ra'akdoon promising to keep in contact with the two of them. After bidding Ra'akdoon and his men a tearful thanks and farewell, Seculoo and Gurtaka started their new life in exile.
Galactic Civil War[]
Seculoo settled into her new life after a period of mourning, as the sudden shock of what had happened hit her. However, after comfort from Gurtaka, she quickly adjusted to her new life in exile. The two of them stuck together and came up with a plan to survive on the planet, as with the small funds Ra'akdoon had to give them, they had to make a plan of action quickly. Seculoo decided on a quick plan where she posed as the big sister to Gurtaka and the two of them purchased a small flat to live in. Whilst Gurtaka got a part time job, Seculoo started work as a waitress before quickly deciding to change into a gym profession. Whilst there, she met her future husband who was a regular at the gym. Whilst she debated honoring the Jedi code that forbade attachments, after realising that the Jedi Order was dead and that she didn't need to abide by their rules, and under persuasion by both Ra'akdoon and Gurtaka, she started dating him and the two quickly got engaged, marrying in 17 BBY. Now married, she and Gurtaka moved in with her husband and settled down to a married life.
Shortly after marrying, however, her husband overheard her talking to Ra'akdoon in one of their many calls and jumped to the wrong conclusion. Seculoo had a hard time trying to explain but with help from Gurtaka, she revealed the truth and her husband found out that the two were Jedi, and that Seculoo was not in fact the sister of Gurtaka. Ra'akdoon was the Jedi who helped them and that they remained in contact after the fall of the Jedi. Afraid that her husband might reveal her to the Galactic Empire, Seculoo begged him to keep it a secret. Her husband agreed, saying that he would keep the secret until death.
In 15 BBY, Seculoo gave birth to a son, Sullis Onderas. Due to her new child, she left her job whilst Gurtaka and her husband promised to support her whilst she got used to being a mother. Soon after, she discovered that her child was also Force-sensitive, which she tried hard to hide from her neighbors and friends, to avoid revealing her own Jedi status to them. The first years of looking after her child was stressful and hard for her, as she had to wait for her child to be old enough for her to start training them, or at least teach them to get their Force powers under control. Shortly after, in 10 BBY, she gave birth to her second child, a daughter, who was not Force-sensitive.
Over the next ten years, Seculoo settled into her new life as a mother and wife, whilst keeping in contact with Ra'akdoon, who suggested training her son in the ways of the Force. Whilst he wanted to travel and meet her family, he deemed it too dangerous and was dedicated to supporting his growing farm and the clones who where tending to it. At the destruction of the Death Star in 0 BBY, Seculoo sensed that the fall of the Empire was near and so became far more cheerful.
Joining the Morsian Jedi Order[]
When the Empire fell in 5 BBY, Seculoo was one of the first to celebrate, along with Gurtaka who had moved out several years prior, speaking to Ra'akdoon about what they would do next. Whilst Seculoo wanted to reveal her secret as a Jedi to the citizens, Ra'akdoon advised against it, as whilst the Empire was dying, it could easily hunt her down and kill her, as a final act of spite and revenge. Instead, Ra'akdoon had heard about the Morsian Jedi Order and was thinking of joining it, bringing Seculoo and Gurtaka with him. Whilst she was hesitant to leave her family, she agreed that she would be willing to at least visit the Order prior to committing to it.
In 7 BBY, Seculoo travelled to the Morsian Protectorate Planet of Undulis along with Ra'akdoon and Gurtaka to visit the Order, headed by Kadian Termos, another Jedi of the old Order. He showed them the Jedi Acropolis, as well as the nearby Jedi Village where the Jedi and their families could stay. This fact swayed Seculoo into the Order, but she would only commit if her husband and children were willing to move. Ra'akdoon, Gurtaka and Seculoo travelled back to her home and had a grand discussion with Seculoo's husband and Gurtaka's wife to determine if they would travel to Undulis and stay in the Jedi Village there. Ra'akdoon himself was joining the Order but remaining with his men on the farm, as he had to run the business. After several days of discussion and persuasion, Seculoo's husband and Gurtaka's wife agreed to travel to Undulis and stay in the Jedi Village. Due to her previous record as Jedi Knight, she was granted the rank of Master in the new Order, along with Gurtaka.
Seculoo was no-nonsense, always remaining focussed on her job at hand. She was dedicated to the Jedi Order and placed it at the top of her priority lists, no matter what. The Order was her life and every waking minute she had she would spend either on a mission for the Jedi or furthering her skills by training at the temple. She was always kind to others, as per the Jedi code and way, though like many of the Jedi of the order, she was quite often also aloof and arrogant. She had a dislike for those who did not fall within the Jedi's view and could be impulsive, though others with her could usually stop it in time before she went too far.
Seculoo's beauty often attracted her the attention of many people, and whilst she usually brushed this attention off, she sometimes used it to advance her mission, if it fell in line. Her fiery red hair was imbued with the force and often changed in hue and slight brightness with her moods, which helped other Jedi recognise what mood she was in, and to stay away from her if it was a bad one. When angered or excited about something, her hair became bright and a deep red-orange, whilst when upset or depressed, her hair lost color and became washed out, usually a dark red color.
After the fall of the Jedi Order, Seculoo became more mellow and subdued. After entering exile, she entered a period of depression which saw her less excitable and talkative. Her hair became dark and dull from her sudden change and her personality became more enclosed from the rest of the world. However, thanks to her friends and eventual husband, she perked up and, with the fall of the Empire in 0 BBY, regained her passion and spirit. This carried over to when she joined the Morsian Jedi Order, where her old passion for the Jedi and personality that came with it resurfaced and she once again worked to better the Jedi and Force.
Relation to others[]
Jedi Order[]
Seculoo had a positive relationship with the Jedi Order, being dedicated to its betterment and future, she quickly became a Jedi Knight and took on her padawan. The council recognised her skill and many of the Jedi in the order saw her potential, with some also recognising her beauty. Many Jedi came to her for advice or help, with others coming for training, leading Seculoo to enjoying her time with the Jedi until it was cut short by its destruction in 19 BBY.
Urde Ra'akdoon[]
The two originally had a neutral to wary relationship, mostly from Seculoo's distrust of Ra'akdoon, a similar opinion and viewpoint held by the other Jedi. She had made no attempt to contact or understand Ra'akdoon's past, leaving her to remain distrustful of Ra'akdoon, and for him to remain impartial about her existence. This was set to remain the same until Order 66, when she was forced to work with Ra'akdoon to ensure her survival. Over the course of Order 66 and its immediate aftermath, accumulating in their exiles in the Tokanga system, Seculoo grew closer to Ra'akdoon, understanding more about his life and past, leaving her with a different view of him. This was also helped by the dawning realisation that they were possibly some of the last Jedi left in the galaxy, which combined with Ra'akdoon's kindness towards her and her padawan saw a drastic change in her view of him. Upon their exile, the two were now firm friends and this only strengthened and grew as they frequently spoke during their twenty year exile, sharing secrets and recent goings on in their life. When they both decided to join the recently revealed Morsian Jedi Order, comprised mostly of exiled Jedi like themselves, the two went together and were firm friends upon joining together.