Star Wars Fanon
Murese ModernityMurese Postmodernity

The Second Predorate of the Mure, more commonly known as the Second Predorate in Basic and as the Mrâdorûtinyuntok in the Sith language,[1][2] was a joint coalition government formed between the Rakata Mure tribe and the Sith Kûskûshnwûlanjattsisottoikut in the aftermath of the Sith-Rakata War of 4987 BBY. Like the First Predorate that preceded its establishment, the Second Predorate was a krato-magocracy that ruled the fortress world of Mure and the greater Mure system—collectively known as "the Mure"—as an independent system-state.



The Second Predorate was inspired by the progenitor state known as the Infinite Empire Predorate of the Mure, more commonly known by the retronym First Predorate. Founded by the legendary predor Osraa immediately following the fall of the Infinite Empire in 25,200 BBY,[3][4] the First Predorate successfully managed to maintain some semblance of the Rakata way of life for over sixteen millennia despite suppressing the truth about the Infinite Empire's fall. However, between 9066 BBY and 5399 BBY, light that last left the former Empire worlds in the Deep Core and Core Worlds[4] in 25,200 BBY arrived in the Force telescopes of the Murese Rakata, revealing the lies of the Predorate and leading to its fall. The Rakata Mure tribe was plunged into chaos for millennia afterwards.

Sith diaspora

In 5000 BBY,[3][5] the Old Sith Empire launched a failed invasion of the Galactic Republic subsequently known as the Great Hyperspace War.[4][6] Though the Sith were defeated and driven back to the Stygian Caldera, Supreme Chancellor Pultimo authorized a counter-invasion of the Sith Empire aimed at the systematic extermination of the Sith species.[6][7] In the aftermath of this Sith genocide,[7] many Sith-blooded refugees fled the faltering Empire to worlds as diverse as Thule,[4] Tund,[4] Ambria,[4] Vjun,[4] and Dromund Kaas.[7] Others, however, fled further afield to the uncharted depths of the Unknown Regions[4] in search of refuge worlds far from the reach of the Republic.

Arrival of the Sith

In 4990 BBY, a weary group of perambulating Sith veterans of the Great Hyperspace War called the Kûskûshnwûlanjattsisottoikut stumbled upon record of the ancient Rakata hyperlane known as the Mure-Lehon Bypass while wandering the Tempered Wastes.[4] Traveling to the Mure system aboard their Derriphan-class battleship Koshottoi, the Sith rediscovered Mure and attempted a landing on the long forgotten Infinite Empire fortress world. However, the Sith vessel's internal systems were inadvertently disabled by the Monolith's energy-resistant ray shields, forcing the crew to conduct an emergency landing on the planet's southern supercontinent.


With the Koshottoi coming to rest in a Montane forest clearing subsequently known as Sith Landing, the Sith refugees constructed a small village and set about repairing their damaged vessel. With the southern hemisphere in the grip of its standard year-long winter season, the Sith were forced to remain in the vicinity of Sith Landing. However, towards the end of the spring season, a group of Rakata scouts from the Mure tribe stumbled upon the Sith settlement. Believing the refugees to be a vanguard invasion force or a hunting party like those of the Anzati who occasionally preyed upon the Rakata, the Mure tribe raised a coalition force of warriors drawn from the equatorial city-states and preemptively took the fight to the interlopers.

Sith-Rakata War

The Sith-Rakata War began with the subsequent Battle of Sith Landing. Armed with the Force and advanced technology, a force of five hundred Sith soundly defeated a Rakata army eight times its size, driving them back to the tropics and initiating a counter-invasion of the Rakata city-states. Supported by the Koshottoi's half-dozen Blade-class starfighters[8] and jury-rigged artillery pieces built from their warship's concussion missile batteries[9] and point-defense cannons,[9] the Sith embraced a leapfrogging strategy allowing them to systematically eradicate the city-states in a piecemeal fashion. However, as they numbered fewer than a thousand in total,[9] their campaign's longevity and ultimate success remained in doubt, buoyed up only by their uncontested air superiority and Force-sensitivity.


Recognizing the interlopers' Force-sensitivity from the descriptions of Rakata survivors, the Osraawa priesthood in residence in the Temple of Inexorable Victory came to believe that the Sith held the key to restoring the Rakata species's lost Force-sensitivity. Offering a truce and temporary reprieve, the Osraawa sent the priest Tuo to treat with the Sith leaders Lorus and Kelgath. With both sides acknowledging their inability to achieve total dominance over the other without settling for a Pyrrhic victory, the Sith and Rakata agreed to end the war. Diplomatic negotiations followed this truce, ultimately leading to the establishment of a coalition state aimed at the preservation of both peoples' respective interests.

Founding of the Second Predorate

In exchange for control over the local Force nexus lying under the Kwa Star Temple known as the Meseren, permission to settle any area of Mure in peace, and knowledge of ancient Rakata artifacts and teachings, the Sith agreed to share certain pieces of their technology with the Rakata and assist in their pursuit of renewed Force-sensitivity. In an effort to preserve both peoples' respective interests, the Sith and Rakata established a joint coalition state known as the Second Predorate. In contrast to the ancient First Predorate established by Osraa, the Second Predorate was a diarchy ruled by the strongest members of both the Sith and Rakata populations, equally representing the interests of both peoples.


Notes and references
