The first clone army was great, but it lead to do the bidding of the dark side. I can help set things right.
—Jedi Master Navok
The Second Clone Army was an army created by Jedi Master Novak.
The Second Clone Army was first constructed by Jedi Master Novak ((pronounced /noʊ.væk/)) who foresaw the rise of the Empire and the events up to 137 ABY. Assuming that they would need help, he made a 2nd clone army in around 21 BBY. Having easy access to clones, he gathered DNA samples and formed an underground army over the course of a year, having experience with the Kaminoians cloning while on Kamino. With large amounts of credits at his disposal, he made the army, and he even had made an underground cloning facility on the other side of the planet Qexis.
Clone Jedi[]

Master Lota talking to one of the Clone Jedi in disguise.
Jedi Master Novak made a group of 20 clones fused with his DNA, which had the appearance of clone troopers, but the minds of the Jedi Master. They were to be taken out of their hibernation pods at a designated time. The first to come out were the 13 clones that became known as "Squad-1." They were considered perfect until the battle on Hoth. Trying to cover the escape of the rebels, they confronted Darth Vader. They kept Lord Vader and his troops busy until the rest of Vader's reinforcements arrived. The "clone Jedi," as stated previously, looked like clones and could think like the Jedi. However, the 20 Jedi clones were also Force-sensitive, supposedly giving them a certain edge in battle. The first five to come out were soon killed by the Death Star while on the planet Drinba IV. The final clones to come out came out after the death of Luke Skywalker. They awoke their clone brothers from their deep slumber. These clones were led by one of the clone Jedi "Fil," who came to the aid of the Republic in 138 ABY. They defended Coruscant from an invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong. The remaining three clone Jedi became official Jedi Masters.