The Second Abrion Civil War was a civil conflict fought within the Abrion Sector from the 18th of October 1920 to the 30th of March 1925. Following the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire formed a Provisional Government for the Abrion Sector due to the previous sectoral governments dissolution during the Clone Wars by the Republic, after it's succession. However, following the Provisional Government's liberal reforms, conservative leaning parts of the Abrion Sector Fleet broke off to form the Abrion Free Army who began a revolution against the sectoral government. Eventually the revolutionaries successfully seized power with the support of the New Separatist Freedom Army who supplied the AFA with battledroids and supplies. The newly formed government held elections to prove their own legitimacy. Investigative journalist however revealed the election's were rigged in favor of the Revolutionary government. Subsequently, several independent planetary militias established the Abrion Liberation Front as a counter-revolutionary force in opposition to the AFA. Later, the Galactic Empire intervened in support of the ALF and their democratic government.