Your powers are weak, old man.
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Scourge Squadron? It's suits you well. It's certainly a misfortune for the rebels to encounter you.
—Zevrin to Grave
Scourge Squadron was an elite storm commando squad that carried out daring missions for the Empire during the galactic civil war. Comprised of 4 war indulged storm commandos named:
- Grave- The commander of the team, the orders he gives are unorthodox and when appropriate takes orders from the team. He carries a E-11/S with a extended magazine instead of 25 the E-11/S now holds 75. His sidearm is a DT-57 heavy blaster pistol. He has the rank of Captain.
- Duskfang- The sniper of the squad, never speaks, always precise, the exterminator. Duskfang wears bones as secondary armor for intimidation purposes and has 3 tiny probe droids. Duskfang carries a modified Disruptor Rifle with a E11 attachment, a Vibroblade and a jump pack. He holds the rank of Lieutenant.
- Ravage- The bulwark of the squad, wearing heavy armor and carrying a personal shield generator. He cuts down his enemies with his trusty chain gun called "Screamer". Ravage resupplies and heals himself and his teammates while ripping through the opposition. Holding the rank of First Sergeant.
- Thorn- The explosives expert, slightly deranged but good at what she does. Love for explosives she carries a varied amount of explosives from Ion grenades to thermal imploders. Her E-11b with a mounted grenade launcher for ranges she can't throw. She also holds the rank of First Sergeant.
Their appearances are black storm commando armor, all having black with red out-lining belt capes with their insignia on. Grave and Thorn both have a red pauldron on their left and right shoulder. While Duskfang is the only one that has black scout commando armor, he has bones around his armor and a skull on his left shoulder. He also has a tattered hood and shoulder cape. Ravage wears all heavy armor but has a larger left shoulder piece, he has pouches all over his belt and chest which holds ammo and emergency kolto injections.
History []
Attempted Assassination of Moff Valco Pandion[]
Tell us pirate scum, if you don't my friend here will be more "persuasive
—Thorn hinting at Duskfang's prior interrogations
At 2 ABY, Scourge Squadron was on Malastare when they learned of a plot to kill Valco. Grave ordered Duskfang to keep an eye out for anything suspicious in the crowd while the rest of Scourge Squadron silently wanders through dark alleys. Duskfang pinged the position of some Weeguay that looked like they were planting a bomb, They were executed by Duskfang disintegrating them while Thorn disarms the bomb. Shortly after the terrorists caught up to the squad but were torn apart by Ravage. The assassination was foiled after Thorn blew up the leader after Grave interrogated the Weeguay of their mission and who ordered it. The terrorist whispers "one of your own in high command"
Reaper Armada []
That, that is a lot of firepower no chance the rebellion will successfully engage that amount of ships...
—A captured rebel ship captain gazing upon Reaper Armada
Scourge Squadron in their modified Imperial Escort Carrier, the Neutralizer jumped to the location of Reaper Armada and informed High Admiral Ansarnarti and Deputy Director Arden Zevrin of the assassination plot on Moff Valco Pandion, showing evidence and recordings from the interrogation of a Weeguay captain. Arden told Grave that ISB will take a deeper look into this and insure the traitor will be found and terminated. Back in the Neutralizer Ansarnarti tasked Scourge Squadron of destroying a rebel transport convoy carrying weapons, wounded soldiers and supplies for the rebellion. Scourge Squadron with the help of two other escort carriers jumped in to destroy the convoy. Grave stayed aboard the Neutralizer while Ravage, Duskfang and Thorn got in their personal TIE Hunters and destroyed the fighter escorts while the Neutralizer and sister ships destroyed the Nebulon-B frigate Center Star and it's transports. Shortly after rebel reinforcements jumped in to find their convoy had been destroyed. They engaged the small Imperial fleet with no success and were destroyed.
Assault on Qin'E'ah []
Rebel scum, there is no escape if you fight you will die, if you run you die just surrender and save us all the trouble
—Admiral Ossus on a open channel
High Admiral Ansarnarti had been informed by his specialists that there was a rebel outpost on the small rocky world of Qin'E'ah with a medium-sized rebel fleet guarding the planet. With the help of Task Force Scythe which had 5 star destroyers and 2 interdictors lead by Admiral Ossus put the sizable imperial fleet on the defensive confusing the rebellion.
Ossus was able to use his interdictors to pull the Neutralizer out from behind the rebel fleet and destroy some of the defenses and allowing Admiral Ossus to put his fleet on the offensive. The confused rebels tried to jump away but were pulled out by the interdictors and destroyed by the destroyers. Scourge Squadron landed on the outpost and moved quickly to secure the landing pads so that the storm troopers can push back the rebellion while Scourge Squadron would move up to the engineering department and destroy the shield generator. They would soon take the command center killing all rebels on the way. To find out the rebels were amassing a large fleet.
Ambushed []
Task Force Scythe, this is Admiral Piper of the Alliance we're going to avenge our fallen brothers and sisters, prepare for your death!
—Admiral Piper threatening TF: Scythe
The rebels put a tracker on the Neutralizer after it jumped away from the Qin'ah system and being ambushed by a rebel strike team consisting of 4 MC80's and 4 Nebulon-B frigates. The imperial Task Force Scythe was put on the defensive deploying TIE fighters and Hunters to defend vital ships like the interdictors and the Analyzer. Admiral Ossus called for assistance while Scourge Squadron and the Escort carriers destroyed the fighters.
In the enraging battle Task Force Scythe lost 2 star destroyers, 1 interdictor and 2 escort carriers. Scourge Squadron boarded the MC80-Aquarion and rushed towards the reactor-core setting 8 thermal imploders onto the core and set a timer for 10 minutes. Scourge Squadron left the doomed Aquarion destroying the ship and a Nebulon-B that was engaged with the Neutralizer. Admiral Ossus congratulated them and ordered Scourge Squadron to rally back to the remains of TF Scythe promptly as help was coming. High Admiral Ansarnarti and Zevrin jumped into the system destroying most of the rebel fleet before they fled. Ansarnarti ordered Zevrin and Scourge Squadron to follow the fleeing rebel ships to find one of their strongholds.
Espionage []
Grave, Duskfang, Ravage and Thorn I need you to secure the data center so we can benefit ISB and destroy the rebellion quicker.
—Arden Zevrin tasking Scourge Squadron
Onboard the Warhammer, Zevrin had followed the rebel ships that had attacked Task Force Scythe. In cloak a feature of the Warhammer and her sister ships had. Upon seeing that the rebel fleet was heading towards an asteroid field they picked up on the scanners that there was a base in a large asteroid. Zevrin issued 4 new TIE Phantoms for Scourge Squadron and ordered them to sneak past the ships, disable the sensor field and shield generator with their Ion cannons then infiltrate the facility and gain any information of fleet movements and officers within the rebellion.
Scourge Squadron landed not to far away from the primary hanger and had to use their jump pack thrusters to get closer to the base while avoiding X-wing and A-wing patrols. Ravage told Grave that if they could take control of the turrets of the facility then they could fire on the patrols and the rest of the strike group. Zevrin said that it would be a great escape plan and the ISB heavy cruisers could come out of cloak and fire upon the MC80's. Scourge Squadron slowly sneaked past patrols and killed few soldiers on the way to the data center, the Warhammer jammed the communications so that the team can break through the doors killing everyone but the commander of the facility. They gained information on the rebel high command and took the commander prisoner by Zevrin's newest order.
Scourge Squadron would then go to turret control and fire at the rebel ships. The Warhammer, The Silencer and The Opal Star came out of cloak and fired at the starships until one of the MC80's crashed into the asteroid cutting off life support, gravity and lighting systems. The rebel commander dies and Grave takes his key codes, Scourge Squadron leaps across a giant hole from where the MC80 crashed and exploded. They reached their TIE Phantoms and jumped away from the outpost as it's main reactor explodes.
Clean up on Yavin 4 []
The graveyard of the infamous Death Star. The rebellion got lucky but not this time, this time they perish.
—Admiral Ossus talking across FleetCom
3 ABY, the repaired Neutralizer accompanied by Admiral Ossus' star destroyers, interdictor and acclamator's set out to Yavin 4 to find any supplies or rebels still hiding on the planet while 2 star destroyers set up a fuel depot in Yavin. Approaching the moon the star destroyer Analyzer picked up encrypted channels but they were not rebels they were pirates. The pirates had managed to capture some rebel ships and fired at the Analyzer put were quickly dispatched by the sheer firepower of the Analyzer. The Analyzer helped clear a way for the Neutralizer and the acclamator's to land near the Great Massassi Temple.
There the pirates set up a heavy defense until Ravage and Duskfang picked off the heavy gunners while Grave and Thorn destroyed gun emplacements. Regrouping they cleared a path from the pirates and reprogrammed droids while the storm troopers seize the supplies and march on the Temple. Ossus ordered Scourge Squadron to follow the pirate captain and detain them. The pirate captain got inside a shielded separatist tank and Thorn came up with an idea of using the Analyzer's turbo lasers after throwing Ion grenades and thermal imploders with no avail. Grave agreed and ordered a danger close on the shielded tank. After the death of the pirate captain they met up with Colonel Wodah a Theelin officer. At the gates of the temple Colonel Wodah said High Admiral Ansarnarti got word of a ancient destroyed ship at Belsavis which could hold weapons or more that could be beneficial to the Empire but the Rebellion know the ships exact location.
Treasure Hunting []
Scourge Squadron we'll clear a path so you can get Ansarnarti's prize.
—Colonel Wodah to Scourge Squadron

Jumping to Belsavis, the station under imperial control demands why are there warships unscheduled before being interrupted by Ansarnarti in his flagship the Guardian, an assertor class dreadnought. Shortly after landed around the coordinates Scourge Squadron and Colonel Wodah deployed in AT-AT's and a AT-HMT command walker. Everything was quiet until the rebels used snow speeders to take down the front two AT-AT's. Wodah ordered Scourge Squadron to use thermal imaging and use the Anti-Air turrets on the back of the AT-HMT destroying several snow speeders before they fled back to their camp next to the ancient ship buried in the snow.
After forcing the remaining rebel forces into the buried ship in the extremely dark corridors, Grave ordered Ravage and Thorn to go and find the power source if any while Grave and Duskfang repel down the elevator shaft. Ravage and Thorn slowly walked down the corridors killing the frightened rebel soldiers and getting to the bridge. One power core is left, fully charged, Thorn gave the power core to Ravage and walked back cautiously. Grave and Duskfang ran into a rebel group but unnoticed. Grave and Duskfang listened to the rebels talking about this old droid that was the perfect assassin. Grave told Ravage and Thorn to come down silently and get ready to execute the rebel group. Killing the rebel group Scourge squadron plugged in the power core and acquired the droid.
After regrouping with Colonel Wodah they set off back to the Guardian just as a rebel fleet arrives to ensure the droid plans don't get in the Empire's hands. The Guardian, The Neutralizer and the Belsavis Station fired at the Nebulon fleet jumped back to Malastare.
The Mid Rim Ambush []
We just found out the entire rebel fleet is heading towards us!"
—Arden Zevrin and Ansarnarti on FleetCom
High Admiral Ansarnarti and Arden Zevrin gained information of a large rebel fleet lead by Admiral Ackbar. The same sized fleet mentioned on the Facility raid. Zevrin has got a spy in rebel high command feeding information to ISB keeping tabs on where the rebellion deploys their fleet. High Admiral Ansarnarti briefs Reaper Armada on the plan and how to engage this large rebel fleet having the two largest Task Forces ambush the rebel fleet from the sides while the primary force lures the fleet in establishing mines across the lines. Scourge Squadron assists with Zevrin's fleet getting close to the fleet to deploy terror droids on each of the capital ships so that they can turn off the shields and weapon systems so Ansarnarti and Admiral Ossus can destroy the disabled ships while the main force groups up with the rest.
Once the outer rebel ships were disabled, the Neutralizer destroyed some of the rebel transports that came from Hoth and other worlds the Empire force the rebels out of. The Rebellion's only choice was to destroy the interdictors only and not to waste any time engaging the star destroyers however Home One and some MC80's drew the fire away from the transports and frigates by firing at the dreadnoughts of each Task Force. The battle ensues and rebel deaths are at a all time high, Scourge Squadron is given information that a imperial prisoner onboard the cruiser Tranquility is a high value defector of ISB and mush be either terminated or captured. Landing on the partly damaged Tranquility Scourge Squadron rushes to the brig fighting their way through, killing the defector and running their way back to the hanger only for a out of control A-wing crashes into their shuttle. The rebel fleet jumps away after successfully destroying the interdictors but losing half of their entire fleet with Scourge Squadron still onboard.
Reunion []
Hello old friend, a general now are you, for the terrorists? Congratulations may I say.
—Grave to Crix Madine

Upon realizing that the Tranquility was the flagship for Crix Madine a former storm commando that deserted after the chemical attack on Dentaal, Grave insisted that they use their hologram emitters that they recently got onboard the Warhammer and pay their old friend a visit. When Scourge Squadron entered the personal quarters of General Madine they encountered some guards and Madine himself talking to Mon Mothma. Scourge Squadron cuts the transmission and kills the guards taking Madine as a hostage. Grave and Duskfang stayed behind with Madine while Ravage guarded the entrance of the office and Thorn wandered around the Tranquility trying to find something to cover their escape. Thorn wanders into the reactor and places her last remaining thermal imploders and explosives on the reactor. Ravage sees some rebel soldiers walking to Madine's office and they question him if everything is all right. Ravage says it probably was a power cut when the Warhammer broad sided Tranquility. The soldiers insisted that they check in with the general, Duskfang waiting on the other side kills them when they enter the hall and hides their bodies. A shuttle lands in hanger 3-A a level above from Madine's office and Scourge Squadron calmly walks to the hanger with Madine. Madine not wanting to risk the lives of his crew and probably some of the fleet acknowledges Grave's threats and walks with them to the shuttle. Upon reaching the shuttle some rebel officers and Jedi notice Madine and the rebels that surround him aren't really rebel soldiers and they draw their weapons only for Thorn to blow the reactor knocking everyone to the ground and Scourge Squadron with Madine as hostage runs to the shuttle killing the pilots and jumped away. Luckily forced out of hyperspace by Arden's new prototype interdictor they give Madine over to Arden and are highly congratulated. Arden spoke to Madine about having something special in mind that will highly benefit the Empire and bring swift justice to the Rebellion and their allies.
Skirmish at Vaetov[]
Orders from the Emperor, High Admiral, he wants us to let them go with the Death Star plans and Madine. Why?
—Commander Iden Versio to High Admiral Ansarnarti

Imperial High Command set out a false mayday signal to the rebellion in hopes they send a rescue party for Madine and seizing the Death star plans. Madine "escaped" and found out that the Empire has been building a second Death Star. Scourge Squadron waits for the rebel fleet to engage the Imperial Defense Fleet above Vaetov. The rebel fleet was to distract the star destroyers so that Renegade Squadron and the Bothans rescue Madine. Madine tells Renegade Squadron that the Empire is building a second Death Star and the plans are on this very facility. Renegade Squadron leaves with Madine while the Bothans scour the facility for the plans. Unknown to the Bothans they walk into a trap as Scourge Squadron was waiting for them along with Inferno Squad and legions of storm troopers. During the heavy fire Duskfang and Thorn pick off the Bothan's one by one while Grave and Ravage "Pursuit" Renegade Squadron. Only 4 Bothans escape with the Death Star plans and shield generator door codes. The rebel fleet that was above Vaetov is destroyed by Grave, Ravage and Inferno Squadron. Soon after a MC80 Command Cruiser and few other cruisers jump out of hyperspace to cover the retreating Renegade Squadron and Bothans then jumped back out soon has High Admiral Ansarnarti jumps into the system and damaging a MC80 Cruiser. High Admiral Ansarnarti insists that Inferno Squad goes to Endor and support the Imperial Forces there while Scourge Squadron stays with Reaper Armada waiting until the Alliance sends their fleet to Endor so Reaper Armada can surround them and destroy the Aliiance once and for all.
Operation Yellow Moon[]

Out numbered 10-1, I expect heavy loses but we will take some of them with us and we cannot let Reaper Armada enter Endor!
—Admiral Piper
The rebellion distracted numerous Imperial fleets from converging on Endor and destroying the rebel fleet. Most of the rebel fleet stayed at Sullust as they learned Reaper Armada was coming and quickly. When Reaper Armada came out of hyperspace and saw the rebel fleet High Admiral Ansarnarti ordered all ships to engage. Scourge Squadron deployed in their TIE hunters and the Neutralizer and engaged the frigates, transports and fighters while the dreadnoughts Guardian, Predator, Warhammer, Stalker and Empire's Pride bared down on the rebel fleet. Scourge Squadron destroys many escort ships and fighters.The Precedence, Admiral Pipers ship is heavily damaged and only engines are operational , Piper orders the fleet to ignore the star destroyers and interdictors and focus on the dreadnoughts specifically the Empire's Pride. Shortly after Admiral Piper orders his crew to abandon ship and plotted a collision course to the Empire's Pride, a message across the galaxy screams the Death Star is destroyed along with the Emperor and Lord Vader. The Precedence rams the Empire's Pride destroying the super star destroyer, destroying the dreadnoughts Predator and Stalker, badly damaging the Guardian and destroying 18 star destroyers.
Ansarnarti orders all remaining Imperial ships to defend the Guardian while everyone evacuates the doomed ship and handing command over to Zevrin and Grave. Here Scourge Squadron must defend the crippled Guardian from the rest of the rebel fleet with the back up of star destroyers and long range fire from the Warhammer. Scourge Squadron destroys the gun emplacements on the MC80 Command Cruiser Hope so that the star destroyers can break its shields and destroy the ships. Reaper Armada is dismantled and forced into exile. The rebellion believing that ISC and ISB had perished at Sullust they celebrated. The remaining of Reaper Armada regrouped at Lola Sayu and hid their presence waiting for their moment to strike back.
SC-084 "Grave"[]
The rebellion could learn a lesson from us, if they weren't dead...
SC-084, adopting the name Grave when he joined the Storm Commandos, he leads a deadly Storm Commando Squad Called Scourge. Grave is the team's commander as well as their mechanic. Grave was a promising candidate for the Storm Commando leadership program which he passed with flying colors. He never leaves a soldier behind and fixes complex systems like cloaking devices or kyber cores. Grave earned the rank of Captain (Naval) in 1 ABY after Admiral Strang's death and was stationed at the Storm Commando training station, here he met Ravage, Duskfang and Thorn.
SC-043 "Duskfang"[]
I took inspiration from a member of the republic's Delta Squad called "Sev" now I am hunter, the exterminator.
CS-043 or as he calls himself Duskfang is the squads sniper and stealth operations expert and when he killed something that proved challenging he took a "part" of it and strapped it on his armor. On a mission to a mandalorian moon he found a tattered shoulder cape with a death watch insignia and decided to wear it along with a hood. Duskfang was one of the original 50 storm commandos and served under Strang and Crix Madine. While onboard the Conqueror Renegade Squadron destroyed the star destroyer and injuring Duskfang to the point he couldn't speak. To Scourge Squad is a in-valuable member as he is ruthless on the battlefield and has a undying hatred to the rebellion.
SC-138 "Ravage"[]
Big gun, check, Ammo, check, EKI, check, Little gun, Little gun? Oh yeah I don't need one
SC-138 also known as Ravage gets his name from when he mowed down a bunch of rebels leaving a crippled ship with his chaingun and relishes in the screams the rebels cry out. He always bring ammo for his squad mates as well as kolto injections in case they get hit badly. He resupplies and heals the squad while savagely beating rebel soldiers into pulp. The fear he gives off due to his ways on the battlefield made him a target for the rebellion to kill but keep failing to do so. His mental record is worrying but he knows the rebellion are the targets. He holds a personal shield generator and tanks damage and draws fire away from the rest of the squad.
SC-142 "Thorn"[]
Explosives are my best friend they make people you hate disappear
SC-142 has a habit of blowing things up usually with rebel soldiers next to them. She specializes in explosives and is extremely thorough with Imperial protocol as well as hacking. Being the brains of the group and ironically being a bit crazy with her explosives she always finds a way around a typical situation. She proved her hacking skills when she went into the Imperial mainframe on Scariff and learned of certain plans and galactic dominance and left as soon as the rebels attacked Scariff. She never has been caught and was offered a job in the Imperial Security Bureau but turned it down when SC-084 asked her to join Scourge Squadron for her skills as a hacker and expertise in explosives and alternative thinking.