Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

She said all the right things and....distracted me for too long.
Jar Binks, recalling his encounter with Scortra[src]

Scortora was a Gunugan female and a member of the Gungan Empire's military forces in the city of Otoh Gunga two years prior to the Invasion of Utapau. Scortora served with Jar Binks, Crowned Prince of the Gungan Empire, while Binks was tasked with guarding a Gungan relic called the Kaiburr crystal, an orb with healing powers that the Gungans believed were granted by their gods. Binks had been watching Scortora for several months, developing romantic feelings for her. During this time, Scortora was approached by the Human government of Utapau to aid them in stealing the Kaiburr crystal from the Gungans. Agreeing to it, she distracted Binks by presumably initiating a sexual encounter, which allowed the Humans to steal the relic. When Binks discovered that the relic was missing, he was stripped of his royalty and banished from Otoh Gunga, while Scortora was executed for treason.[1]


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