Star Wars Fanon
Rise of the Empire era

CW Satine Kryze was a Female Human who was a human pacifist who become Duchess of Mandalore, however Kryze was assassinated in a Death Watch bombing and Mandalore went into a civil war, resulting in Death Watch truimphant.

Assassination in the Senate Building[]

Satine Kryze was present in the Senate Building when the assassination massacre reached Palpatine's ears and was greatly affected by their deaths


Eventually during the Battle of Mandalore, Pre Viszla prepelled off of his jetpack and rammed into Satine Kryze and knocked Kryze over, Viszla choked Satine but one of Pre's most trusted men, Jerrim Serrith sniped Viszla and the bolt went right threw him and hit Kryze as well, the two collapsed to the ground and died.

