I live to merely serve you, my lord. By your grace, I shall live long enough to carry out your will.
—Sate Pestage to Darth Vader
Sate Pestage was a Human male born in 83 BBY into the wealthy family Pestage on Coruscant. Early on in his career, he served as an accountant and ambassador on behalf of the Trade Federation and later other commerce guilds including the Corporate Alliance, though he ultimately turned to a career in galactic politics as a staff member to Chancellor Palpatine. Pestage's influence, manipulation and accounts allowed him to keep tabs on all of his peers and learn their most hidden secrets, imposing his position through threats and blackmails throughout the Separatist Crisis and later the Clone Wars, while covering up his "dirty work", such as the murder of Senator Vidar Kim. By 20 BBY, the last year of the conflict, the Jedi High Council came to suspect that the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious - Palpatine's secret personna - was none other than Pestage himself, due to the latter's personality and increasing power within the Galactic Republic.
During the early years of the Galactic Empire, Lord Pestage was anointed as Vizier on the Imperial Ruling Council, answering to Lord Mas Amedda and Lord Darth Vader. In his involvement with the Inquisition's Project Harvester and the creation of the Shadow Troopers, Pestage used the code name "Blackhole". By the time the Galactic Civil War intensified, the advisor was moved to the Office of the Supreme Commander, serving as an adjuntant, agent, legal counsel, spy and ambassador to Vader himself, carrying out various tasks that the Imperial Warlord himself could not or did not have time for. By enforcing Lord Vader's iron fist, Pestage's status grew within the Empire's hierarchy, perhaps even rivalling Amedda and Counselor Gallius Rax in political influence and military might, as his skills as a manipulator, politician and assassin skills gained him the trust and respect of Vader. Shortly after, Lord Pestage was named Shadow Hand within the cadre of the Emperor's Hands, acting as the unofficial "second-in-command" to Vader and becoming privy of both his superior and the Emperor's positions as Lords of the Sith, an ancient order of Dark Side practitioners, whose lore the Vizier had studied and had been fascinated with.
In 4 ABY, Pestage accompanied Lord Vader to the Second Death Star, but did not remain there. Instead, he was sent back to Coruscant and later came back together with the Emperor and other Imperial Advisors. At his superior's behest, the Vizier left the battle station aboard the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Retaliation and returned to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant. Not long after, the Second Death Star was destroyed and both Vader and Palpatine perished.
Taking on the aliases of "Sate Molock" and "Lord Shadowspawn", Lord Pestage used the star maps provided years ago by Grand Armiral Thrawn and left for the Unknown Regions aboard the Retaliation. From his flagship, he directed several members of the Imperial Remnant, including Moff Lazarus Bast, and Acolytes of the Beyond against the New Republic, but mostly kept a low-profile and remained in the Unknown Regions, waiting for the other remaining high-ranking figures. Together with General Brendol Hux and Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and with the aid of the mysterious Snoke, Pestage put the seeds for the First Order. The the triumvirate of Imperial survivors formed the High Command of their new order, not including their ally as they were suspicious of his motives. Several years later, Snoke instigated a coup that resulted in the death of prime head of state candidate Sloane, which allowed him to rise as Supreme Leader. Lord Pestage voiced his disapproval of the new leadership, for which he would be later be silenced by the Elite Praetorian Guard in public, to remove a threat of a rival to Snoke.
Early career[]
Mace Windu: “Indeed, he was. Sate Pestage was born here on Coruscant. His family's wealth was the result of generations of working in the Federation. But he was ousted from office. Went on to work a few months for various commerce guilds such as the Banking Clan and was later employed by the Corporate Alliance. He is now a less-known member of Palpatine's staff. ”
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu, on Sate Pestage's early career

Early on, Pestage worked as an employee to the Neimoidian-dominated Trade Federation
Sate Pestage was born in 83 BBY to the wealthy Coruscanti Pestage family, known for its generations of employment under the Trade Federation. He attended the Republic Futures Program, during which he demonstrated many of his hereditary skills in banking and knowledge of policies and laws, which allowed him to shortly after join the Federation. Despite its lately Neimoidian-dominance, Pestage was able to climb the ranks, gaining the position of accountant and representative.
However, his initial moral beliefs of legal matters caused him to be ousted in favor of the greedier and meaner Arsin Crassus, who displayed traits which were visibly reminiscent of those of the Trade Federation's leadership. He went on to offer his services to various commercial entities such as the Muun-dominated InterGalactic Banking Clan and Gossam-controlled Commerce Guild, but did not remain for long due to increased anti-Human sentiment in their ranks. Nonetheless, he was eventually employed by the Corporate Alliance, gaining favor from high-ranking figures such as Senator Passel Argente or his uncle Magistrate Loyar Argente, who were willing to teach him to become a true "corporate" member.

Pestage's private estate
At this time, the Alliance had entered a fierce rivalry with the Commerce Guild, during which both sides strove to gain the upper hand by blackmails and threats, who were not rarely put into action. Despite his official duties requiring him as an accountant, Pestage was pressed into training as an agent, which made him into a ruthless and cold-demeanored assassin and spy. He returned to Coruscant, from where he directed several hard blows against the Commerce Guild. In 37 BBY, Sate Pestage hosted a party at his estate during Life Day, making sure to invite many famous and powerful people across the galaxy, such as Senator Vidar Kim of Naboo, rumored to possess highly sensitive on the Corporate Alliance. Hoping to prevent him from selling the information to the highest bidder, most of all to business rivals such as the Commerce Guild, the accountant sprang a plan into motion to assassinate the politician. Throughout the party, the staff ensured that Kim was isolated with only a few others in a corner, while several BD-3000 luxury droids served drinks to the crowd. As the guests gathered to watch the fireworks in the main center, Pestage sneaked up to the senator and talked him into accompanying him inside, claiming that he was not feeling well. Once within the walls of the estate, the accountant viciously took a vibro-knife and brutally stabbed Kim, before ordering his staff to take the body and transport it onto one of the streets of Level 1313. When knews of the senator's death reached the public, Pestage feigned sorrow and claimed that he would run a secret investigation into Kim's assassination. Unbeknownst to him however, he had carried out the carefuly laid plans of Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who, in his public personna of Sheev Palpatine, replaced the deceased Kim as senator of Naboo.

Pestage on an errand for Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Separatist Crisis[]
Aks Moe: “What do you think of the new addition to Palpatine's staff?”
Bail Antilles: “Sate Pestage seems to be a honorable man, but a mysterious one and secretive sort nonetheless. He has much influence and many contacts throughout various commerce guilds. Rumor has it he also has power on Coruscant's underworld.”
Aks Moe: “Yes. But he does seem to have honorable intentions. Still, I am troubled by some other rumors of him being still affiliated....or at least having ties to the Corporate Alliance. And that commerce guild is clearly intent on pledging its support to the Separatists.”
— Senator Aks Moe discusses Sate Pestage with Senator Bail Antilles
In 25 BBY, Sate Pestage left the Corporate Alliance for unknown reasons, but retained ties to it and some of his contacts within the organization. He initially enlisted himselfin the Judicial Department of the Galactic Republic, but quickly abandoned his job, feeling it was too meager for one of his skills, and turned to a career in politics in the Galactic Senate. His influence and abilities gained him the trust of high-ranking figures such as Vice-Chair Mas Amedda or Sly Moore, as well as allies such as Senator Aks Moe of the Congress of Malastare, Senator Gume Saam of the Techno Union and Senator Bail Antilles of Alderaan.
The Clone Wars[]
Clone Wars[]
I am not saying that Chancellor Palpatine is the ultimate villain. But he has become as of late a corrupt and scheming figure. I am sure now that he has had some part in orchestrating this war. He also surrounds himself with the most devious and morally-questionable individuals. Vice-Chair Mas Amedda is his supporter in all wrongdoings and is rumored to hold ties to the Trade Federation, while Sly Moore denies Umbara's involvement with the Separatists and Sate Pestage is receiving kick-backs from the Corporate Alliance. After this war ends, the Delegation of the 2,000 should ask for his removal from office together with his associates.
—Bail Organa
By the time of the Clone Wars, Pestage had become a member of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, serving under Sheev Palpatine as one of his advisors. Despite his position with the Republic, he continued to receive kick-backs from the Corporate Alliance, which had left the goverment in 22 BBY and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. However, Pestage himself remained firmly loyal to the interests of the Republic, though still serving himself the most.
During Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's arrival at the Supreme Chancellor's office, to meet with Palpatine prior to his mission to Nelvaan, Sate Pestage greeted him but informed him of his superior having taken a leave, although commenting that for reasons unknown to anyone in the staff. The truth was that Palpatine - in his alter ego of Darth Sidious - was at the Works to meet with his Sith apprentice, Dooku - the Count of Serenno and the official Head of State of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Covering up Vidar Kim's murder[]
We believe that he might be the Dark Lord of the Sith. We know that Darth Sidious had ties to commercial entities. Dooku told you that he has much influence and power in the Senate. It might be that he uses his position to exploit Palpatine's corruption for his gains. It is also believed that he was involved in the murder of Senator Vidar Kim all those years ago as well as that of other political figures. I have already launched an investigation on the crime and we must move quickly before he figures out our plans and tries to erase evidence.
—Mace Windu
By 20 BBY, the Jedi High Council came to believe that a member of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor might be Darth Sidious - the Dark Lord of the Sith and the mastermind behind the Clone Wars. They also reached the conclusion that their search could be narrowed down to Janus Greejatus and Sate Pestage, both of them advisors to the corrupt Palpatine and with a mysterious background. Ultimately, the Council decided to watch Pestage more closely and to launch an investigation into Senator Vidar Kim's death all those years ago.

To cover up the murder of Vidar Kim, Pestage contacted Darth Sidious
Fearing to be caught and to lose the power he had gained, Pestage formulated his own plot to rid himself any loose ends, that might have made a connection between him and the murder. First, he poisoned all the members of his staff at his family's estate, replacing them with new and even more loyal servants of him, and then proceeded to the scene of the crime, erasing all potential evidence, such as video cams, traces of footprints and handprints and cleaning the used vibro-knife. He established contact with the mysterious Darth Sidious through his allies in the underworld and requested that he eliminate any potential witnesses in exchange for providing his services to the Sith Lord in the future. Sidious ensured just that and the Jedi investigation ended with an unidentified murderer as before. However, Padawan Fhara Kaitis was able to somehow uncover a piece of evidence and decided to bring it before the Council itself. Before she could reach the Jedi Temple however, bounty hunter Aurra Sing - now on Darth Sidious' payroll - killed her with the same vibro-knife used to murder Vidar Kim and placed her body on the same alley of Level 1313, which greatly puzzled the Jedi, who decided that had Pestage been the Dark Lord of the Sith, he wouldn't have risked such obvious moves and decided that Sidious was not the Chancellor's advisor.
Age of the Empire[]
Imperial Advisor[]
That one right there. That's Sate Pestage. One of the Imperial Advisors, members of the Imperial Ruling Council. He reports only to Mas Amedda and Vader, and on a few occasions to Palpatine himself. He is also the Empire's main accountant. Taking him out of the picture would surely help in our struggle.
—General Davits Draven
Following the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Republic was transformed into the Galactic Empire by Palpatine with the approval of the Senate. He rewarded those who had proved useful in his rise to power to prestigious positions: Wilhuff Tarkin was awarded the rank of Moff and Mas Amedda that of Grand Vizier, whie Lord Sate Pestage was among those chosen to be Imperial Advisors, reporting to Amedda and the Sith Lord Darth Vader, and occasionally to the Emperor himself, while issuing commands to the planetary governors and a few Moffs.

Lord Pestage and Lord Amedda report important news on the Empire's development to the Emperor himself
At some point in 17 BBY, the rebel cell led by General Davits Draven carried out an attempted assassination of Pestage during a party on Empire Day at his estate. Through secret agent Kaoul, the advisor to learn of the plot and when the sniper shot hit him, he survived, as he revealed a hidden cortosis breastplate underneath his robes. The assassin Karta Ligna was then apprehended by Royal Guards assigned to the private residence. Pestage personally interrogated the woman, using various torture devices to break the victim and later kill it once he had learned what he wanted. He then reported the information to Lord Vader, who congratulated him for his success and grew a liking to him, due to his display of ruthlessness and wilingness to actually "dirty his hands", both traits uncommon among other Imperial Advisors.
Following Vader's near-destruction of General Draven's rebel cell, the Sith Lord spoke with the Emperor on behalf of the Advisor, urging him to have the man promoted. Palpatine agreed and summoned Lord Sate Pestage to the Imperial Palace, where he gave him the title of Vizier before the very eyes of his peers, subordinates and superiors. He was also awarded command over the Grand Inquisitor, the leader of the Jedi-hunting Inquisition, and ordered to oversee progress on Project Harvester.
Involvement in Project Harvester[]
Sate Pestage: "How are proceedings going on Project Harvester? Lord Amedda is eager to inform our Emperor of the current status."
The Grand Inquisitor: “Not so well, unfortunately, Lord Pestage. Several of our...recruits have passed out during their intensified training in the last stages. Our hopes are in Dhara Leonis, a star cadet from the Lothal Imperial Academy. I assure you, my lord, she will rise to our expectations. I see her potential in the Dark Side of the Force. If she passes the last stages, she will undoubtedly prove herself a worthy weapon in the Emperor's arsenal.”
Sate Pestage: “And the daughter of that Jedi Master? Eeth Koth? What about her, Inquisitor? Has she progressed? Will she rise to your "expectations"? Is she one of your "hopes"?”
The Grand Inquisitor: “She is still unable to get past the final stages, my lord. She is not...progressing as we would have expected. She is sometimes...hesitant to embrace the Dark Side of Force, obviously a trait from her late father. She has been under the tutelage of the Second Sister, one of the best instructors and Jedi hunters among the ranks of the Inquisition, my lord. But I am certain that one day Koth's daughter will pass. She must past. Or be replaced by a stronger candidate. However, I will...”
Sate Pestage: “I suppose you are aware, Inquisitor, that your "hopes" will not please Lord Amedda, nor the Emperor. I warn you, do not fail and make quick progress. Soon, I am certain you will be called to the Imperial Palace to report your success....or your failure. For your sake, Inquisitor, I hope that is it the former. As you should know, the Emperor is in a foul mood nowadays. I doubt he will receive these news with much warm. Do not fail, Inquisitor. For if you do, there are many within your ranks that could easily and eagerly replace you. ”
The Grand Inquisitor: “All is as the Emperor wills, my lord. As the Emperor wills.”
- — Sate Pestage and the Grand Inquisitor

The Grand Inquisitor reported to the Vizier Pestage on the progress of Project Harvester
In the aftermath of his promotion to Vizier on the Imperial Ruling Council, Lord Sate Pestage was ordered to act as the Emperor's liason to the Grand Inquisitor, who currently worked on Project Harvester, a project that required Force-sensitive young individuals be taken and taught the ways of the Dark Side of the Force, so that one day they would serve the Galactic Empire as official field agents, undercover spies and military commanders. However, it was now behind schedule, as many of the candidates passed out during the final stages, which had intensified training. After being informed of this, Pestage ordered the Inquisitor to make progress and warned him of the Emperor's foul mood.
Not long after their communication, Lord Pestage commisioned Commandant Brendol Hux of the Imperial Academy on Arkanis to keep an eye on the Grand Inquisitor and keep tabs for him on the progress of Project Harvester. After learning of the well-going proceedings, the Vizier reported this to Lord Amedda, who in turn notified the Emperor. However, before the project could reach full succeess, the Grand Inquisitor was killed in a confrontation with the rebel group known as the Specters aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Sovereign, the former personal flagship of Governor Wilhuff Tarkin. The Grand Moff sent a message to Lord Pestage, who relayed it to Amedda, who pushed the request asking for Lord Darth Vader's help to the Emperor himself, who acknowledged it and tasked his apprentice with accompanying Tarkin back to Lothal.
Galactic Civil War[]

Two Shadow Troopers, "Blackout Troopers"
Advisor to the Office of the Supreme Commander[]
I am afraid that Lord Vader cannot talk at the moment, Your Highness. He is currently leading the assault upon the Rebellion's base on Hoth. But be certain, I will tell him to contact you once he returns. Lord Vader will be with you in time.
—Sate Pestage to Palpatine
Following his successes in the aftermath of the destruction of the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station in 0 ABY, Lord Darth Vader was anointed the last Supreme Commander of Imperial Military, a title worn by at least 9 individuals before him, most notably Grand General Cassio Tagge, as well as awared the honorary title of Emperor's Hand, worn by only a select few of Palpatine's trusted subordinates. As Vader was away on his campaigns to bring down the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Lord Sate Pestage was moved at the Sith Lord's request to the Office of the Supreme Commander, to manage his schedule, screen his calls, and oversee his personal affairs.

Vizier Sate Pestage served as the personal right-hand man of the terrfying Imperial Warlord Darth Vader
Under the name "Blackhole", he signed the documents for the commission of Shadow Troopers, an elite cadre of Stormtroopers and Death Troopers to serve as assassins, infiltrators and spies for the Imperial Military's covert operation. His involvement in this caused the troops themselves to be sometimes reffered to as "Blackhole Troopers".
In time, Pestage came to control the Empire on a day-to-day basis, gaining authority that made him second only to Lord Vader himself, being now equal in the warlord's eyes to Lord Amedda, the Grand Vizier under the Empire. During the Battle of Hoth, the Emperor tried to contact his apprentice, only to be messaged by Pestage, who informed that his superior was already on the ice world's surface to lead the fight himself, but would contact his Highness after the battle, before he bid Palpatine to wait. Such level of power and influence as well as his favor with Vader caused some members of the Rebellion to speculate that the Vizier was the Supreme Commander's "right-hand man". Pestage was also made privy of his masters' status as Sith Lords and was allowed to study the lore of the Dark Side of the Force, which fascinated him.
Vader's last orders[]
Sate Pestage: “I shall do so immediately, my lord. I will make sure everything is prepared until yours and the Emperor's return or until you send me further instructions. Your wish is my command, my lord.”
―Darth Vader and Sate Pestage

Pestage was among the advisors who accompanied Vader and Palpatine to the Second Death Star
In 4 ABY, Lord Sate Pestage accompanied Lord Vader to the Second Death Star, where the Supreme Commander was to be informed of the progress in the battle station's construction by Moff Tian Jerjerrod. The Vizier did not remain however and was ordered by his superior to return to Coruscant and wait for the Emperor to be ready to travel.
Shortly after, he accompanied the Emperor to the battle station together with most of the remaining members of the Imperial Ruling Council: Lord Ars Dangor, Lord Janus Greejatus, Lord Sim Aloo and Lord Kren Blista-Vanee. He, Dangor and Vanee remained mostly at the side of Darth Vader aboard the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Executor, notifying him of the latest news, internal affairs, business, military campaigns, and productions throghout the galaxy, as well as the proceedings for the upcoming skirmish on and above the forest moon of Endor, while Greejatus and Aloo spoke with Palpatine and Counselor Gallius Rax of a contingency plan, which included the enaction of Operation Cinder.

Lord Pestage returned with Lord Vanee and Lord Dangor to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant at Lord Vader's orders
Lord Pestage did not stay long this time as well, being sent with Lord Dangor and Lord Vannee back aboard the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Retaliation to the capital world of Coruscant by Lord Vader, to oversee the last preparations for the Empire's triumph over the Rebellion together with Lord Amedda. Due to this, the three advisors were not on the Second Death Star when it was destroyed during the Battle of Endor. News of this and of the deaths of both Emperor Sheev Palpatine and Supreme Commander Darth Vader reached them quickly and the remaining Ruling Council watched in horror from their war room as riots engulfed various Imperial worlds, including Coruscant itself.
Fall of the Empire[]
Pestage? Vader's "right-hand man" still lives? I was certain that he died on the Second Death Star.
—Brendol Hux
Unlike Lord Amedda, Lord Sate Pestage left Coruscant together with Lord Kren Blista-Vanee and Lord Ars Dangor, using some of the star maps provided years ago by the Chiss Grand Admiral Thrawn to retreat into the vast Unknown Regions in one of the Emperor's observatories.

Lord Pestage, using a holographic device to establish the guise of the enigmatic and ruthless "Lord Shadowspawn"
However, neither of them abandoned the Empire completely. Pestage used the aliases of "Sate Molock" and "Shadowspawn" and, from aboard the Star Destroyer Retaliation, directed high-ranking Imperial Officer Corps members such as Moff Lazarus Bast of the Veteran fleet against the Rebel Alliance-turned New Republic, influencing several skirmishes such as the Liberation of Sullust, which ended in a defeat for Bast's Imperial Remnant. He was also rumored to be a leader alongside fellow advisor Yupe Tashu of the Acolytes of the Beyond, a group that worshipped and held the Sith Lords Darth Vader and Darth Sidious - the Emperor - in high regard and collected items once possessed by them and by their forebearers. But other than this, he kept a low-profile and waited patiently for Counselor Gallius Rax and other surviving leaders to retreat into the Unknown Regions.
Eventually, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and General Brendol Hux arrived aboard the Executor-class Super Star Destroyer Eclipse, the Emperor's personal flagship, into the Unknown Regions, where they were met with the remains of Rax's fleet and the surviving Imperial Advisor (Vanee was killed in the Liberation of Sullust and Dangor surrendered himself over to the New Republic).
Rise of the First Order[]
Planting the seeds[]
Lord Vader and the Emperor followed the Dark Side of the Force. Their power came from it. And so too will ours. The Sith reorganised themselves in the Unknown Regions and so will we.
—Sate Pestage
Grand Admiral Rae Sloane was one of the last members of the Imperial leadership together with General Brendol Hux and Lord Sate Pestage
To avoid the discovery of their presence by the New Republic, the remains of the Imperial navy went deeper into the Unknown Regions, which brought them to the lair of the mysterious Snoke, an enigmatic figure and a practician of the Dark Side of the Force, who offered to serve as its guide and ally. And so he did.
In 9 ABY, Brendol Hux, Rae Sloane and Sate Pestage resolved to finally bring about a "new order", that would challenge the New Republic and supplant it as the successor of the Galactic Empire. Together they formed a triumvirate and with the approval of the Imperial Remnant made the First Order, the follow-up of Palpatine's goverment and controlled by the iron fist of its military. The triumvirate became the first set of the High Command, which led the organization, with assistance from Snoke, who had already cemented his provided aid into support from many officers and soldiers, who felt that only a Force-sensitive strong in the Dark Side could be the heir of the Emperor and Vader. This grew a heated rivalry between Snoke and the First Order leadership, which was forced to accept him in their ranks to avoid in-fighting.
Force removal of candidation for Supreme Leader[]
Sometime around 19 BBY, Snoke orchestrated a coup that resulted in the assassination of Rae Sloane, who was the prime candidate for the position of Supreme Leader besides Sate Pestage himself. Fearful, the old man stepped down, allowing Snoke to take up his desired place as the First Order's true ruler. Nonetheless, despite his apparent cowardice, Pestage continued to voice his disapproval of the new leadership, arguing that that Snoke was an outsider while he had been a "second-in-command" to Darth Vader himself and even claimed that he was the Imperial Warlord's Shadow Hand within the cadre of the Emperor's Hands.

Supreme Leader Snoke enjoyed humilliating his rival Pestage before the eyes of the Retaliation's crew
However, Snoke's power was too great within the militaristic goverment, and Pestage was forced to watch as the new Supreme Leader eliminated those who stood in his paved way to glory and to a new order under his reign of terror. Often times, Snoke used the Force to humilliate Pestage before his own crew aboard the Retaliation, to impose his authority over him.
Fall of the last Imperial Advisor[]
I will not bow to a self-proclaimed ruler! An outsider! For I am Sate Pestage: Advisor and Vizier on the Imperial Ruling Council under Grand Vizier Mas Amedda and Shadow Hand to Warlord and Supreme Commander Darth Vader. I have served them and through them I served Galactic Emperor Palpatine. I am my own master now! I will not kneel before....
—Sate Pestage's final defiant words
Years later in 25 BBY, the Supreme Leader was ruled almost unquestioned, with General Armitage Hux, Brendol's disgraced son and one of Gallius Rax's recruited children, and Kylo Ren, the Master of the Knights of Ren, a Dark Jedi and the grandson of Vader, acting as his main enforcers, rooting out "dissidents"within the First Order's ranks and carrying out missions against the Resistance and Force-sensitives aligned with it or following in the footsteps of the Jedi Order. Sate Pestage and Brendol Hux were the only remains from the time of the Galactic Empire, memoris fading in a new era: Snoke's era. It was only this former affiliation that kept them safe from being killed, but only for a time.
Pestage was silenced by the Elite Praetorian Guard at Supreme Leader Snoke's behest
Pestage resolved to conspire with Brendol and a few other pro-Imperial allies to orchestrate a coup against Snoke and de-throne him, allowing the former advisor to take up his mantle. The Supreme Leader had long suspected this however, learning of all of his opponent's moves through First Order Security Bureau Agent Terex, once a Stormtrooper of the Imperial Military, brief crime lord and now in service to the Empire's successor, who feigned symphaty for the cause. Once proof was gathered of his conspiracy and all of his associates except for the General were rounded up, the Supreme Leader accused Pestage of treason and had him brought aboard his flagship, the Supremacy, where he had gathered all the higher-ups of the First Order Officer Corps. Pestage was brought before the throne of Snoke, but before he could defiantly speak in the face of the tyrant, he was executed via being cut down by the glaives of the Elite Praetorian Guards, the Supreme Leader's personal protectors and executioners.