Master, surely there are other means. The sith code demands the use of passion, but hatred is not the only form of passion.
—Sata Jinbosh to her master, Darth Enred
Sata Jinbosh, also known as The Dragon Child of Tython and Darth Statia was an extremely powerful Force-sensitive Mirialan-Rattataki hybrid female, Sith apprentice of Darth Enred, and founder of the New Je'daii order. Daughter of a Rattataki Sith lord, and a Mirialan, Sata was born on the planet Mirial, where upon the discovery of her inherited powerful force powers, she was sent to Korriban Sith Academy to be taught by her new Zabrak master, Darth Enred. She served the empire during the Galactic War, and was loyal, despite the fact that she often questioned the dark side, and secretly trained herself in the use of the light side of the force.
When she was only 14 years of age, she killed her first Jedi, Quas Fendi, whilst saving her masters life and displaying a great finesse in the use of both light side, and dark side force powers. This enraged her master, who decided to take on a new apprentice on the side. A Sith Purebood girl named Wakiah. Much to Darth Enred's dismay, Wakiah and Sata developed a strong friendship which would prove to last a lifetime.
When she turned 16, she received a vision of the long dead Je'daii master Ketu, who told her that he had been observing her through the force, and had noted that she displayed a great balance in her use of both the light, and the dark. Something that was held with great importance to ancient Je'daii philosophy. Intrigued by her vision, and further tutored by her new force spirit master, Sata, and Wekuah secretly engaged on a long quest to restore the old Je'daii order.
A Rattataki sith, named Jierech was tasked with a reconnaissance mission on the republic world Mirial. Caught in a seemingly random storm, his ship was downed, causing him to be stranded on the world for over ten years, where he fell in love with a young mirialan named Sata, keeping his career forever secret. The two had a child together, however Sata died during childbirth. Jierech named his daughter after her deceased mother.
Early life[]
We are all aliens to someone young one. I am an alien, you are an alien, and the Purebloods and the humans are aliens to me. I welcome you in open arms. Any daughter of Jierech is a dauhter of mine.
—Darth Enred, comforting Sata.
Born to a secretive sith lord, Sata had a decent upbringing, and got along well with her loving father. However her life changed dramatically when she was just a young child, no older than 12. Up until this point her father had assumed that she had not inherited his force sensitivity, as she had never displayed any use of the force. However, one day when she was being bullied by some of the Mirialan children about her racial differences, she accidentally zapped one of the boys with force lightning, just enough to cause minor injuries. Despite the fact that she probably scared the boy more than hurt him she ran crying to her father, confused and frightened by what she had just done. Her father comforted her and told her everything would be ok, and that he was proud of her, which was not a lie. He was very proud of her, but at the same time, saddened by what he would have to do next. Knowing what was best for her, he told her about his history as a sith, and informed her that she would have to go away to a school for gifted individuals on a far away world called Korriban. Giving up his secret life, he contacted the sith academy, and soon enough, Sata was sent to be trained as a Sith Apprentice, where she was trained under the Zabrak sith master Darth Enred as a Sith Inquisitor.
Despite the fact that she was a half breed, and a completely alien one at that, the Sith Academy accepted her, recognising her great potential in the dark side of the force. However they did not make her life easy by any stretch of the imagination. The other apprentices and masters turned their noses up at her, which eventually led to her feeling isolated and alone, resulting in her becoming quiet and very introverted. It was not the first time she experienced racism, but it was the most extreme she had ever faced. It did not matter to her master though, as he himself was also an alien. She felt safe in his company. Although he discouraged her kindness to others, and actively encouraged her darker emotions, he was kind enough to her, as he was a friend and ally of her father. Feeling finally accepted by someone on Korriban, and being officially accepted as an apprentice, she took her new name, Darth Statia.
Light Side Training[]
During her intense two year training period, Sata discovered an ancient Jedi holocron explaining the very basics of light side force usage in the tomb of Ludo Kressh. Aspiring to excel, Sata secretly trained herself in the use of the light side whilst alone, knowing it would serve to make her more powerful and give her an advantage over the other apprentices, whilst also being aware that if her master were to find out, he would be enraged. She became rather proficient in the light side after a while, but never demonstrated it. What she didn't know was that her intrigue in the light side was being subtly influence by the force ghost of Ketu, who had been observing her since birth, noticing that she had a unique blend of both light and dark inside of her.
First Jedi Kill[]
"Urgh, Well done Statia,... You have done well..."
"Quiet master, I can help you"
"What are you doing!?"
"Healing you, I know how"
"How dare you! You are Sith!" - Conversation whilst Sata force healed her master after he was cut down.
After her training was deemed complete, Sata and here master were sent to hunt down a Jedi rumoured to be in Empire space. Upon arrival on his space station, they were confronted by a small platoon of republic troops. Quickly carving their way through, they eventually reached the command centre, where they were ambushed by more troops, who again, they made quick work of. Enrad, confused by the lack of Jedi, let his guard down, which Sata advised against. Enrad mocked her, and continued to search for clues about the Jedi's whereabouts, when suddenly the missing Jedi Quas Fendi made an appearance, cutting the Darth almost in two. Sata and Quas engaged in a long duel, where she displayed a mastery of Niman, aswell as a finesse in the dark side of the force. Quas commented, mentioning that he could sense good in her, and offering her a chance to break off the duel, and become his padawan. Loyal to her master (but not necessarily the empire it might be noted), she refused, and the Jedi was able to disarm her. As the Jedi went to strike her with his lightsaber, Sata was able to utilize Tutaminis, an ability far to advanced for someone of her rank and age, and blocked the blow, finally killing the Jedi with extremely powerful force lightning.
She then ran to her dying master, he was extremely impressed with the way in which she defeated the Jedi. Overwhelmed with the fear of losing yet another father figure, she gave up her secret, and used the Jedi form of Force heal. Despite doing this out of love for her master, it enraged him, stating that it was not the way of the Sith. However, her mission was successful and she returned to Korriban with her badly injured master, who would forever need cybernetics to survive.
Wakiah and Ketu[]
Enraged but eventually forgiving of his apprentice, Enred took a new apprentice named Wakiah, a young Sith girl, around the same age as Sata. Hoping that this would spark a rivalry between the two, encouraging Sata's use of the dark side. He was surprised, as well as disappointed by the friendship the two had kindled together. The two trained together and a friendly rivalry was formed, however Wakiah had come to accept that Sata would always be her superior. The two shared everything and saw each-other as closest of friends.
Who am I to argue with a force ghost? Especially with one so powerful as him. He is right Wakiah.
—Sata Jinbosh to her friend, Wakiah
Late one night some time after Sata had turned 16, an apparition appeared over her bed. That of the very late Ketu, an ancient master of the long gone ancient order of the Je'daii. He told her everything of the Je'daii order and their philosophies. Something that rang true for Sata, who had never been a bad person, and always had an interest in balancing her force powers. He promised her that he would guide her through the force as he had been since her birth, so that she would bring about the resurrection of the Je'daii order. In her confusion and amazement she agreed, not entirely sure that what was happening was real. He told her that her master would send her to Arkania in the following months, and that he would be there to help her.
The next morning she told Wakiah of her experience the night before, and she advised her not to dwell on it, but that she would support any decision she made. In the mean time, Sata delved deeply into the archives, researching the ancient Je'daii, and the more she learned, the more she came to realize that this was her true calling. She set out to find like minded individuals and found one Thomas Herwel, an apprentice at the academy, who was small and rather weak in the force. Becoming quite the victim at the academy, Sata looked out for him, and recruited him to her cause.
Just as Ketu had told her, her master ordered Wakiah and Sata to visit the world of Arkania, where apparently there was a small enclave of Jedi operating. One such Jedi was Quas Fendi's former apprentice Keliah Priv. Seeing her vision come true, the three young sith were shocked. Wanting to know what would come next, she communed with Ketu again. He explained to her that she should show the Jedi that she means no harm, and attempt to recruit them to the new Je'daii order. Asking how she would go about doing this, Ketu simply responded by teaching her the force ability Beast Language, which she mastered with exceptional ease. Cryptic as ever, he informed her that this would come in useful and vanished. Without so much as a plan, Sata, Wakiah and Thomas set off to Arkania, in their new ship, called the Moth Rush.
En-route to Arkania, the ship was attacked by pirates, which Sata destroyed using advanced telekinesis. The ship landed safely, but badly damaged at a secret abandoned imperial port on the frozen world. Their mission to find the enclave led them into a wilderness, as the enclave was hidden deep within the Arkanian mountains. Starving, freezing and with only the will of the force to keep them going, death seemed inevitable.
Shrieking blanketed the skies. The small group of travelers were without a doubt under attack. It came as a great surprise to find out the attacker was none other than a supposedly extinct Arkanian dragon. Fire rained down on them, and sata was mostly able to hold off the brunt of the flame with Tutaminis, however her power was weak due to the gruelling few days behind her. It then became clear to her that this is what her master in spirit meant when he taught her Beast Language. Using it, she was able to tame the huge repitle, and explain her mission to him. He told her his name was Araki, and that he was happy to help a warrior powerful enough to tame him. The three Je'daii to be mounted the dragon, who was aware of the Jedi enclaves location, and took them there. When they arrived, the Jedi had already sensed their presence, and perceived it as an attack. The three sith dueled with the Jedi, until one Jedi, Alejac Bleix noticed that they weren't trying to attack and were simply defending themselves. He told the other Jedi to withdraw, and Sata and her companions calmly tossed aside their lightsabers. They were taken into the enclave where they had a long discussion about her role in re-establishing the Je'daii order. After a long negotiation, it wasn't until Ketu himself made an unexpected appearance, and informed them of Sata's excellent prowess in the force and leadership capabilities, that the Jedi converted, and joined Sata's New Je'daii order.
New Je'daii Order[]
With the New Je'daii order now established, Sata and Bleix had a meeting to discuss how the order should be ran. Sata informed that when given a mission by his Jedi superiors to track down sith, he should always attempt to recruit them to the order, keeping it secret from the Jedi. He agreed, and told her she should do the same with any Jedi she is sent to kill. That way the order would have a balanced mix of Sith and Jedi, who are loyal to the Je'daii order, and can manipulate their respective orders from within to maintain balance in the galaxy.
The former Jedi helped Sata and her companions to fix her ship, before heading off to Tython, where Ketu had informed her of the ancient ruins of Bodhi, the old Je'daii temple of arts which has long been abandoned. It was here that the New Je'daii order would call their home, and train new members in the art of balance and the force. Arriving, the group non surprisingly found the temple in ruins, overrun by grasses and half buried. Araki, and the more powerful of the force users in Sata's company, were shortly able to rebuild the temple, restoring it to its former glory. Inside they found many ancient relics of the Je'daii order, including information of the Tho Yor and Je'daii practices.
Over the course of only two years, Sata's New Je'daii order grew exponensially, recruiting many Jedi, and Sith to their ranks, such as the Jedi Nesro Blovan and Rogin Sotam, as well as the Zabrak Sith, Divios Rahior. With growing prosperity, rumors grew of the orders existance, however the order remained nothing more than a rumor. No-one new the wearabouts, the structure, or even the truth behind the new Je'daii order, which is exactly how Sata wanted it to stay. A secretive organisation that seeks knowledge and balance in the galaxy, and amongst its members. Most people who had heard of the order, did not even believe it existed, and it remained nothing more than a conspiracy theory for its entire existence.
Keliah Priv[]
At only 18 years of age, Sata had already become greater than a lot of Jedi Masters, through her extended periods of training under Ketu and Darth Enred, as well as her training alongside the former Jedi Master, Alejac Bleix. Despite already having most of the new Je'daii order as her unofficial apprentices, teaching them on the true ways of the force, and taking special time to train her close friend Wakiah, Sata deemed it was time to take an official apprentice. Someone she felt needed the guidance. That someone was Keliah Priv, the former student of Quas Fendi. The First Jedi Sata had ever killed.
Sata was a good teacher to Keliah, and Keliah learned a lot from her new master. The two got along well, and Keliah grew more and more strong in the force. However, Sata had noticed that Keliah was becoming stronger in the dark side of the force, more than she was the light. Sata worried that this could be due to the death of her master, which she still felt responsible for. She also worried what Keliah would do once she found out that it her former masters death was at the hands of her current master.
Eventually however, Keliah did find out. It was on a mission for Darth Enred to slaughter the members a small Jedi academy, which Sata was going to use as a chance to recruit more Je'daii. The two had split up, and Sata went to deal with one group of young Jedi, whilst Keliah was sent to deal with the other. Sata's part of the mission went well. She had managed recruit a few new members, and those who refused had agreed to say that Darth Statia attacked and that only they had managed to escape. Keliah's part of the mission had also gone reasonably well. She too had managed to recruit a few members. However upon entering the academy, she was attacked by a feisty young Jedi, who she did not hesitate to fight back. With no other option given to her, Keliah killed the young Jedi. When the mission was complete, Sata had sensed that some of the new recruits seemed saddened by a loss. She asked Keliah why this was show, and was dissapointed with her response. Not only that, she new that these new recruits would not be loyal, due to the fact that they had joined the order simply out of fear and that allowing them to leave would mean that the existence of the secret order would be leaked to the Jedi. Sata none the less sent the new recruits to Bodhi, where they would begin their training. She then told Keliah that she was disappointed with how she handled the young Jedi, saying that it reminded it of herself on her first mission with her master. When Keliah questioned this, Sata finally deemed it time to tell her about Quas Fendi. Enraged, Keliah drew her blade, and attacked Sata, resulting in a long duel in which Keliah was constantly on the offensive, fighting behind a wall of tears, and Sata was on the defence. Eventually realizing that after her apprentice would not give up, Sata was left with no choice but to disarm her by cutting off her hand. Stealing one of the former Sith recruits ships, Keliah fled, and something compelled her to go to Korriban where she found Darth Enred and told him everything of Sata and the new Je'daii order. Darth Enred took Keliah as his new apprentice and secretely flew for Tython with a small battalion of troopers.
Battle Of Bodhi[]
During a meeting with the Je'daii council, Bodhi was attacked by a small battalion of Imperial troops, lead by none other than Darth Enred and his new apprentice, Keliah. Sata mounted Araki once again, in a great battle against the Imperial troops, fending off wave after wave whilst the other Je'daii readied themselves. This battle was something to be seen, and it earned Sata the title of the Dragon Child of Tython.
When Enred and Keliah (who now donned a new synthetic hand) made an entrance, Sata dismounted Araki and told him to join the fight with the others. She was then joined Wakiah and the four engaged in an intense duel. Wakiah eventually managed to kill Keliah, and the two finally managed to kill their former master. Saddened by the loss of a father figure and a student, Sata was comforted by Wakiah and the two rejoined the other Je'daii to help destroy the remaining imperial force.
After the battle of Bodhi left the temple in ruins once again, the order decided that they should relocate to a new world. One even more secretive than Tython, so that no-one would be able to find them again. After roughly three years of searching, the order finally settled on an uncharted world, which the local primitives named Raxom. Using the force, hard work and sith sorcery, the order built an exact replica of Bodhi on this world, and named it "New Bodhi". It is here that the New Je'daii Order still call home.
It is unknown at what age, and how Sata Jinbosh died, however her legacy lives on to this day in the form of the secret order of the New Je'daii. Very real, but considered nothing more than a conspiracy theory, they are still able to manipulate the Jedi and the Sith order without being seen, with the intent of keeping the Galaxy in balance.
Personality and traits[]
A young Rattataki/Mirialan hybrid with pale green skin that appeared almost white, and had black hair and silver eyes, Sata Jinbosh was deemed as an exceptionally powerful force user and a very promising young Sith before she started learning to use the light side of the force and eventually became leader of the new Je'daii order. She had black tattoos on her face that resembled Mirialan markings, referencing her ancestry. From an early age she was mature, kind and had a very calm demeanour, which helped her in achieving the balance in the force that she secretly sought after for a long time, and especially helped her revive the Je'daii way of thinking. She wore a black leather armour and many piercings around both ears. She was also skilled in martial arts, as well as subtlety, which helped her a lot in keeping her true intentions secret from her master. She was loyal to her friends over anything and had a cold sense of humour, possibly from being raised by Sith from an early age.
Powers and abilities[]
A skilled Sith and a Je'daii master, Jinbosh was extremely powerful in the force, being proficient enough in telekinesis to cause a small fleet of pirates to crash. She was also a master in the arts of Tutamenis, Force heal, and Beast language, accomplishing feats such as stopping Arkanian dragon fire with the force, Healing her master who had been almost cleaved in half, and taming said Arkanian dragon. Jinbosh was very skilled in the dark side of the force, being able to easily fore choke someone to death and utilize force lightning to its utmost potential. Her true strength however lay in diplomacy, being gifted in talking herself out, or into a situation, as well as showing great leadership skills. So much so, that it is thought she used the force in some way to make herself more convincing, but in a much more subtle way than a Jedi mind trick. Being an experienced warrior despite her age, Sata was skilled in the use of weapons, such as her lightsaber, and was an absolute master of Niman (being her preferred form) as well as being proficient in Ataryu and Soresu. Sata owned three lightsabers throughout her life. Her first, while she was still loyal to the sith, was a standard length lightsaber, with a red synthetic crystal. Later in life, when being trained by Ketu, she "cleansed" the red crystal of its dark side energy, resulting in a white crystal, which she used in the construction of her new lightsaber. Her final lightsaber was rarely used, and was a blue shoto saber, which suggests that she had some skill in Jar'kai duel fencing.