Saronians (pronounced SUH-rone-EE-ans) were a species of humanoids that were the direct descendants of Duros brought to the planet of Trooden by the Rakata as slaves in 100,000 BBY. They were distantly related to the Neimoidians, and ancestral to the Troodenites.
Biology and appearance[]
The Saronians were humanoids descended from Duros slaves. They retained much similarities to their ancestors, including sexual dimorphism, lipless mouths (except that they had down-turned mouths like the Neimoidians), noseless faces, bluish skin, and red goggle-like eyes that had slit pupils (though their eyes were thinner in shape). Their sense of smell came from olfactory glands beneath their eyes.
Saronians had skulls that were longer than that of Duros, and their own descendants, the Troodenites.
Society and culture[]
Before the overthrow by Troodenite tribes in 50 ABY, Saronian society was a quite developed, albeit isolated society until the overthrow. The Saronian government was aristocratic in nature, in which a monarch would rule over the whole society of Saron, the aristocratic (plutocratic) tribal nation of the Saronians. As an aristocratic society, Saron was ruled by a select few called Esharaka (akin to the Durese word "Esalacha" meaning "excellent"), who were a priestly order (the first and highest in the Saronian caste system). Their caste system may have been inherited by way of Rakata cultural influence during the Pre-Republic Era ( - 25,000 BBY).
See: War of Worlds and above