Star Wars Fanon
Star Wars Fanon

Sara Kalbec was a female Corellian, and the daughter and partner to Tyrus Kalbec. She became an assassin shortly after she joined with Tyrus. She was not born to Tyrus, but rather adopted when Tyrus killed a corrupt diplomat on Yag’Dhul. She was only a small child when he found her in the dungeon, chained to the wall. She was unconscious at the time, so Tyrus took her in. She did not know she was adopted until after she grew up and was about to leave for higher academic schooling.

When she returned, she joined up with Tyrus and traveled with him everywhere. She even joined up with the Liberators Pirate Organization as he did, feeling a sense of attachment to him. When Tyrus was assigned to bring Chin Chaldak back to Tesh Vohore, she traveled with him. But when Tyrus grew too old and broke his leg conducting an assassination, Sara was forced to take over.

When she went out on her first mission, she was captured by slavers on her way back. She was rescued by the Liberators, and taken back to Tyrus. When they met up, she learned that the slavers that kidnapped her were in a larger scheme to distract Tyrus. This would allow the mastermind behind to get to the Vohore family, who had a long time grudge against them. She decided to help Zan fight off the new threat, a "resurrected" Zhar.
