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Sant Chun was an Imperial stormtooper and later Inquisitor. He was persuaded to turn away from the dark side and join the New Republic by Mirelsany Leamu and eventually became a member of the New Jedi Order.
His father, Luex Chun, had escaped the Telosian Civil War as a boy and lived on Polphrynus. His mother was a native to the planet. Sant was born in 33 BBY and his homeworld was occupied by the Seperatists during the Clone Wars and as a young teenager, he was a member of the resistence against the invaders.
Having survived the Clone Wars, he viewed the Empire as the only force strong enough to protect his homeworld from the chaos caused by the last decades of the Galactic Republic. At the age of eighteen he joined the Imperial Army and was stationed on Thuastrineen in the 22-1487th Outer Rim Regular Infantry under General Ioler Dulwin. After five years, he was sent for retraining to become a stormtrooper. By 0 BBY he was in the service of Admiral Feyet Kiez under commander Yimes Balkar. They attacked Rebel Group MT50 on Écparz. During the battle, Chun was in a group of soldiers who were inteded to make up a second assault wave against the Rebel-controlled base. But, before they were sent in, a massive explosion destroyed most of the base and a majority of the stormtroopers in the first wave.
Joar Omnis, another stormtrooper, helped Admiral Kiez place the blame for the loss of stormtroopers on Commander Balkar, making him the most hated trooper in their legion. Chun and two of his new squadmates, Mirelsany Leamu and Tirant Crurannc, took revenge on Omnis. They ambushed him and two other stormtroopers, Byrten Kiize and Nashar Norris, on Eeropha and killed them, concealing their bodies in a swamp. A few days later they were arrested and interrogated and then Crurannc was executed. Leamu and Chun were sent to be trained as intelligence officer.
During his training he was tasked with keeping a small division of soldiers alive through a three day live fire exercise on Balamak. At the end of the second day he was the only officer to have successfully kept his troops alive, sparking the jealousy of his superior, Roize Bankra, who was the previous record holder for keeping the most troopers alive through the exercise. Bankra interfered with the training, ambushing Chun and his men with an AT-ST and killing most of them. Before he could complete the massacre, Chun's rage at the betrayal opened him to the dark side of the Force and he ripped apart the walker with his mind, exposing Bankra to his fury. With the Force alone, he hurled Bankra hundreds of meters away, into the side of a low bluff.
One of the four surviving soldiers under Chun, a man operating under the name of Lars Jax, was actually Steyoan Kroal, ISB observer. Kroal immediately reported the event to Gwellib Ap-Llewff to repay an old debt. Chun was transferred to the Inquisitorius for training in the ways of the dark side. After he became an Inquisitor, he was sent to the Greater Marianas to find an old hermit, Idbo Vinwessor, who was rumored to be an ex-Jedi. When he arrived, he discovered Vinwessor was indeed a Force-sensitive but not any sort of Jedi. He killed the old man.
After the death of Palpatine in 4 ABY, he joined forces with his former superior, Admiral Kiez. Both were still extremely loyal to the Empire and worked together to harass the New Republic on many occasions. In 8 ABY they escaped Anaxes aboard the Whelm and headed for the Deep Core. However, Chun wished to recover data on Mechis III first and he parted with Kiez for the last time. On Mechis III he encountered Mirelsany Leamu for the first time since they had been sent for intelligence training. She was in the service of the New Republic and even though he overpowered her he found he was unwilling to fully embrace the call of the dark side and kill her. While he was debating within himself, she took advantage of his momentary weakness and stunned him with a handheld device and shoved him into an energy cage.
As the stun began to wear off he tried to use Force persuasion to convince her to release him but she resisted and begged him to renounce the dark side and join the New Republic. He agreed to renounce the dark side but said he needed to wait until he was free from its influence before joining her. She accepted his word but did not open the cage, intending to wait until back up arrive. An assault by a detachment of stormtroopers sent from Kiez forced her to release him and he left his lightsaber behind, fighting with a blaster instead. They escaped but he left her on Per Lupelo to seek balance in the Force.
In 10 ABY the return of Palpatine prompted Leamu to seek out Chun. He had been staying in an isolated farm village on Ghorganchu since the two ad parted ways. For nearly two years he had been assisting the local villages, solving disputes between farmers and miners, keeping criminals from extorting them, and participating in many of the necessary chores to keep the farms at full production. Even though he feared confrontation with the Empire might lead him back to the dark side he agreed to return to help the New Republic. Both Chun and Leamu managed to survive the battles against the Dark Empire and they married in 11 ABY and had two children.
X2 approached him in 16 ABY and recruited him into the New Jedi Order, taking him as his apprentice. In 18 ABY Chun was sent to Kraa Butha to lead a New Republic strike force in liberating the planet. They succeeded but the Empire had hired the Exactor to assassinate the Jedi leader and Chun was killed.