Madness is a funny thing. Twists us. Causes us to do things we normally wouldn't. Leaves us a little...broken. It can drive a man to extinction...or give him everything he wanted!
—Sandyar to his master Tahn Ya
Sandyar Trek was a former Jedi Apprentice of Tahn Ya, who fell to the dark side and became Darth Krodhin. He was born on Shyyar, a desolate planet in the outer rims, and crashed on Kashyyyk.
In 22 BBY, Sandyar was found by Tahn Ya on a surveillance mission in the Clone Wars. Tahn Ya sensed that the boy had great potential and was impressed by engineering prowess, so he took him in as his first apprentice. Sandyar learned from his master, and fought alongside him in many battles.
But, Sandyar was convinced by Darth Mykll that the only way he could reach his true potential was if he joined the Sith. Convinced, he lost his humanity and sanity to the Dark Path of the evil Sith, and later lost his life to his former master in an epic duel.
Early Life (36 BBY to 28 BBY)[]
Sandyar was born on a desolate planet in the outer rims known as Shar in the year 36 BBY. His parents left the planet when he was eight-years-old, attempting to make a better life on Coruscant. But their ship crashed on Kashyyyk, killing Sandyar's parents. Sandyar had been extremely injured, damaging the tissue of his heart. He constructed a heart shield that helped pump blood into his chest, assisted by a man he met one day. Sandyar would spend the remainder of his life on the Wookiee planet.
Wait! Can I join you? As-as a Jedi?
—Sandyar pleading to Tahn Ya.
In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars had begun. Sandyar was fifteen, and was hunting for food when he was spotted by Tahn Ya Tahn Ya. Scared, Sandyar ran away from the Jedi, but Tahn Ya pursued him. Tahn Ya finally caught up to Sandyar, stopping him in a dead end.
Tahn Ya explained to him why he was there, and Sandyar invited him to his camp. After explaining himself to Tahn Ya. Tahn Ya then told him he had great potential, and Sandyar quickly asked him if he could join him, as a Jedi. Tahn Ya could not answer him as a ship blew overhead, firing lasers at the group. Clone Troupers stormed over to protect the two, and Tahn Ya told Sandyar to follow him as he stormed over to their ship, the Shmi I, named after Tahn Ya's late mother, Shmi Tahn Ya.

Sandyar looking at Coruscant for the first time.
Boarding the ship, Droids began to fall to the ground on hover cruisers, and as one shot at a turned Tahn Ya, Sandyar shouted as he stopped the laser in mid air. Shocked, he force pushed the droid back several feet into a tree, destroying it. Tahn Ya uttered amazing, as he climbed into the ship alongside Sandyar. Tahn Ya was so impressed by Sandyar's ability to use the Force without any previous knowledge of it. Tahn Ya sensed something special about the boy, and after the battle, they flew back to Coruscant.
Once at Coruscant, Tahn Ya introduced his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, to Sandyar. Obi-Wan shook Sandyar's hand, and, awed, Sandyar told Obi-Wan it was an honor. Tahn Ya explained that he sensed that Sandyar had amazing potential. Tahn Ya followed to say that he believed the boy needed a master to train him in the ways of the Force. Obi-Wan agreed, but said that his master had to be Tahn Ya.
Clone Wars[]
With Tahn Ya as his master, Sandyar fought in several battles and, at the same time, he was being trained by his master in the ways of the Jedi and the Force.
Battle of Hi Syier[]

Sandyar trains with Tahn Ya on Hi Syier.
While training on Hi Syier, a fauna-filled peaceful republic planet, he and Tahn Ya were stormed by a group of droids, whom fired at them with blasters. Defending themselves, they killed the droids, and found that they were being sent by an entire starship.
Tahn Ya informed his Padawan to keep the droids busy as he attempted to go on the starship himself. Following orders, Sandyar slashed the droids to pieces with quick jabs, only taking a few minutes before storming to a ship he found docked a few miles back. Slicing the two droids in front of the ship (entitled Hands of Death), and stormed inside. He confronted it's commander, an armored human with two robotic under hands.
The commander, named Fraqq, was angry at the young padawan for storming into his ship. Angrily, he shouted at him,
You dare enter the ship of the Commander Fraqq! You young idiot; I will slaughter you for this...
He pulled out not one, but four red lightsabers, and charged at Sandyar, who pulled out his yellow one and blocked his blow. The fight continued, as the two slashed their sabers together, moving along the ship. Sandyar force pushed the man away from him, getting the high ground so he could storm after him. Fraqq blocked the boy, and picked himself up, force choking Sandyar. Sandyar dropped his lightsaber, and gasped for air. In a rash feat of anger, he channeled a build up of the force, and released it with such an intensity that the computers of the ship shattered and Fraqq was thrown through the wall and outside.
Sandyar dropped to the ground, and, picking up his lightsaber, walked over to the fallen human, who had lost his robotic limbs, leaving gashing holes in their place. Sandyar stood over the defeated man.
You've failed...
—Sandyar, standing over the fallen Sith
He walked away. But, Fraqq pushed himself up, eyes red in anger, an charged at him with a lightsaber his force grabbed. Defending himself, Sandyar stabbed the man in the heart with his lightsaber. The man feel to the ground, and after looking slightly shocked, Sandyar walked away.
Walking to a sound he heard a few miles away, he saw Tahn Ya fall from an explosion in the sky, and landed on the leaves of a tree. He informed Sandyar to come, and, with slight hesitancy, he followed him.