Star Wars Fanon

Master Vin, are you hurt?
"Bruised, but not beaten.

—Jeden and Vin after the latter was rescued during the Battle of Coruscant.

Master San-Ha-Vin was a Cerean Jedi Elder and one of the most respected teachers fore the Jedi during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Known for his calm demeanour and friendly attitude towards teaching, learning and his students, Master Vin was respected as a knowledgable, optimistic man and garnered respect from even the likes of Master Yoda.

Born on the industrial world of Mygeeto in 187 BBY, San-Ha was discovered by the renowned Master Yoda, and became a Jedi Initiate. A Cerean, San-Ha possessed a human's ageing cycle but an un-human lifespan, and he became a Jedi Knight in 168 BBY. Serving multiple Jedi duties for three decades, including diplomacy, hunting for artifacts and aiding the Republic in ending conflicts, Vin eventually became a Jedi Master, and dedicated himself to a life of teaching.

Over the course of nearly a century, Vin became one of the Order's best known teachers and scholars alongside his old Master, though despite his fame, he refused a spot on the Jedi Council, devoting his time to teaching instead of the more active missions of the Jedi. He also became the close friend of many well-known Jedi, including the Wookiee Jedi Master Tyvokka, who he shared a close friendship with, and the elegant Count Dooku, who would later fall to the dark side and became Darth Tyrannus.

In 46 BBY, when Vin was approaching his 142nd birthday, he began teaching a new class of Initiates, all of whom were above the age of five, often seen as the maximum age at which a child could become a Youngling. Consisting of six children, it included the Nautolan Kit Fisto, who would go on to become a battle-hardened General in the Clone Wars, and the human, Jeden Vesal, a prodigy discovered by Tyvokka on Alderaan, who unbeknownst to Vin, would become one of the greatest Jedi of his generation.

When Jeden turned 14 in 38 BBY, Vin took him as a Padawan, and Vin saw his first active Jedi roles in decades. These missions included a diplomatic mission to Corellia, which ended in an assassination attempt on the Cerean's life, and a lightsaber duel in a Coruscant cantina between the two Jedi and a failed Padawan who had fallen to the dark side, ending with Vin regrettably ending the corrupted adolescent's life. Jeden became a Jedi Knight in 32 BBY, and began his many missions in the galaxy alone, while Vin went back to teaching once more.

In 22 BBY, the Clone Wars broke out between the Galactic Republic (backed by the Jedi and a new army of Clones of the bounty hunter Jango Fett) and the Seperatists, also known as the Confederacy of Independent Systems, led by Vin's old friend, Count Dooku. In the turbulent times of war, most Jedi were called to fight, though Vin was one of few who never fought a single battle in the Clone Wars, alongside other notable figures like Chief ArchivistLiko Eil, one of Jeden's teenage friends. Jeden, meanwhile, was now a Jedi Master and the High General of the Republic Special Forces, and so was often away leading the 44th Special Forces Division during the War.

In the last year of the war, chaos struck Vin's life. First, he was abducted by a sadistic Neimodian Colonel named Judra during General Grievous' attack on Coruscant, though Vin was later rescued aboard Judra's cruiser by Jeden, his Padawan, Koses Lik-Har and his personal squad of Clone troopers, named Nightingale Squad. On his return to Coruscant, Vin revealed to Jeden that his long lifespan was coming to an end, and it would be a matter of weeks before he passed on.

While Jeden, Koses and the 44th were away once more to search Deep Space for Grievous, Order 66 was called by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, now revealed to be the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Order 66 called for all Clones across the galaxy to kill their Jedi commanders, and the 501st Legion attacked the Jedi Temple itself, led by fallen Jedi Anakin Skywalker, now the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Vin and his Younglings were in the Temple library at the time alongside Liko Eil. Vin managed to escape with his Initiates into Coruscant's city streets, though Liko and thousands of other Jedi were exterminated.

Vin used what money he did have to pay smugglers, mercenaries and thieves to smuggle his Intiates off-world, where they would be safe from Sidious. When he eventually succeeded, however, Vin felt the oncoming of his old age, and settled in an abandoned warehouse. He was discovered by Captain Rex, once a prolific 501st commander, who had abanoned the Legion in the chaos of Order 66, seeing that Palpatine was the enemy. That night, Vin and Rex were themselves found by Jeden and Koses, who had come back to Coruscant to search for Vin, revealing that the 44th had disobeyed Order 66, and that some Jedi, including Yoda and Obi-wan Kenobi, were still alive. With some hope restored in his heart, Vin died, though not before saying farewell to his former Padawan.

Personality []

Vin was a compassionate, gentle teacher who valued knowledge and wisdom above all else. Well liked by Younglings and Masters alike, Vin was a common sight in the Temple, and it was thought that there wasn't a single Jedi who didn't like him. Before he became a teacher, Vin spent two years on the Jedi Council, where his pacifistic views and peaceful solutions were a new sight among the more rugged Jedi Masters.

Vin, however, still posessed a stern attitude when necessary. He was defiant during his torture by Colonel Judra, and was known to discipline some Younglings who were out of line. He also rarely let his guard down, something which allowed him to sense Judra's droids when they attacked the Jedi Temple. Vin let himself be taken so no harm was brought to his students, and he later showed the same initiative during Order 66, doing everything he could to save his Initiates in the chaos of the Empire's birth.

Physical characteristics[]

Like other Cereans, Vin possessed a much taller skull than most, with a second cranium to hold his expanded brain. Because of this, Vin towered over most people he spoke with, with the few he knew who were taller than him including Tyvokka (Wookiees were majorally tall) and Jeden, who was nearly two metres tall. Vin also had pale-green eyes, a well-groomed white beard and moustache, and was known to have a fairly wrinkled face in older age.

Vin wore a pale-brown robe with a white tunic beneath, an outfit that rarely changed since he was a Padawan. Due to his role as a teacher, Vin rarely held the other equipment of other Jedi, such as comlinks, breathing masks, storage compartments or other utilities. However, he still had his lightsaber with him at all times, which was made of Brylark wood, a rare wood stronger than many metals, and possessed a green lightsaber crystal.


<It is your duty to fight for the Republic should the need arise, San-Ha! This isn't my choice, but the Council's>!
"We aren't soldiers, we are teachers, diplomats and peacekeepers! We do not fight in wars, we prevent them!

—Vin arguing with Tyvokka as the Wookiee tries to bring him to fight in the Stark Hyperspace War.
I vowed to kill you, and now my vengeance will be complete!
"I see you've made some interesting friends since you left me, Jeden.

—Vin's sarcasm showing as he and Jeden faced-off against Dark-siders Darth Krasor and Xolem Jiskar.
Solitude is a dream for every man, but loneliness and solitude are not two different things, and loneliness can lead a man deeper into his own thoughts. Occasionally, too deep.
—Vin giving some words of wisdom to Jeden about his Padawan, Koses.