If I lose control of this planet, I undo centuries of work done by my ancestors.
—Samson Aberforth
Samson Aberforth was a Tyrrhan nobleman, military leader, and the Varkhan of Benefictus during the waning years of the Gargan Dark Age. As ruler of Benefictus, Aberforth presided over some of the most gruesome periods in his family's history as his planet became invaded and assaulted by a highly-organized crime syndicate known as the North Stars, led by political extremist Aeon Gavaille. To combat the threat, Samson installed his lieutenant, Irsan Gharsan, as Officer of the Cavalry - who organized a group of Benefictan soldiers into the Western Raiders. With the combines forces of Aberforth and the Raiders, Benefictus was successfully liberated.
Aberforth played a crucial role in Gharsan's rise to power as Gargan the Great. He paved the way for his ascension in the Imperial hierarchy and presided over his early military successes. What happened to Aberforth after the liberation of Benefictus is unknown, though he presumably died sometime in the 220s BBY.