Sam Sinays was a male Human who served as a Jedi Knight during the Old Republic era. He then went on to become a Sith Lord of the Sith Order of Decreto and later Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire following the War of Twelve Heirs.
Early years[]
Sam Sinays was born to a family with strong ties to the Jedi Order, a family that held a close friendship to the famed Draethos Jedi Master Odan-Urr. Odan-Urr took Sam Sinays to be his apprentice alongside another pupil of his – Nomi Sunrider – who would later go on to become Grand Jedi master.
As Sam Sinays training progressed, he developed his skill to greater and greater degrees of mastership. He quickly mastered the Force forms, but found a natural skill in lightsaber combat. But Sam Sinaus tenacity brought him dangerously close to the dark side of the Force many times, and it was only with the help of Odan-Urr and Nomi Sunrider that he managed to remain in the light.
Sam Sinays continued on, eventually becoming a fully fledged Jedi Knight and close friend to another Jedi student named Exar Kun. The two developed into a strong duo, continually dueling one another in order to hone their skill.
But one day, Exar Kun happened upon the holocron of his Jedi Master, and so began his descent into the dark side. Sam Sinays took it upon himself to find Kun and bring him back into the light. His mission took him to the Empress Teta system, and the Krath. Sam Sinays was confronted by Satal Keto, whom he nearly killed save for the intervention of Allema and Exar Kun.
Tortured by his former friend, Sam Sinays was slowly corrupted towards the dark side. He was offered a simple choice, kill an innocent prisoner Kun had captured, and the torture would stop. Sam Sinays relented, killing the innocent and securing his place at Exar Kun's side.
Serving Exar Kun[]
Sinays started off his Sith career studying the ancients of Sith lore and magic; quickly becoming the most prominent alchemist of the Brotherhood of the Sith. He often used his knowledge gained as a Jedi student to his advantage, rising through the ranks of the Sith during the Great Sith War until, eventually, he became so powerful that he was considered a threat by the Dark Lord.
Kun, fearing his position ordered his apprentice Ulic Qel-Droma to track down and eliminate Sinays. Sinays fled the Sith Empire, heading deep into the Unknown Regions, and thus avoided his fate.
Forced to flee for his life, Sinays settled on a desert planet named by the natives as Nerezza. There he continued to train himself in the dark arts; becoming even more immersed in the Sith ways. Eventually Sam Sinays decided to show his utter devotion to the Sith ways and completely covered his body in the red and black of Sith tattoos.
Not long after Sinays’ had commissioned a skilled Nerezzan blacksmith to fashion him a unique set of black armor. Designed to not only keep him safe, but to strike fear into his enemies, the armor became the most recognizable feature of Sam Sinays. Sam Sinays killed the blacksmith, so as not to allow anyone a set of armor of equal quality, and returned to the desert.
Sith Order of Decreto[]

The Sith Temple of Nerezza.
Several months after the murder of the blacksmith Sam Sinays continual exploration of Nerezza finally bore fruit. Sam Sinays happened upon a great temple, steeped in the dark side. Inside the temple, Sam Sinays sensed the presence of hundreds of dark side adepts, which had blackened his senses to all others. By the time Sinays realized he had been discovered it was too late, and he was captured by the Sith.
Now a prisoner of the Sith, Sinays was tortured by a tall and imposing figure of a man named En Tir. En Tir constantly questioned Sinays about subjects of which he knew nothing, soon gaining the enmity of En Tir and his anger. During one of his torture session En Tir, in a fit or rage released Sam Sinays so as to kill him. But was thrown onto a sharp pike, protruding from the prison wall.
Calling En Tir's lightsaber to him, Sam Sinays challenged the guards, but none approached him. Not long after, Sinays discovered the En Tir had been a member of the Sith Council, and that by killing him, Sam Sinays had usurped his position.
Sam Sinays was taken to the Sith capital world of Ni and brought before the Dark Lord of the Decreton Empire Hekas-ni. The Sith warriors escorting Sam Sinays informed the Emperor of En Tir's death, and that by Sith law, Sam Sinays was now a member of the Sith Council. Hekas-ni resented Sam Sinays, but had to abide by his own laws, and so presented Sam Sinays as the newest member of the Sith Council.
The inclusion of a former Jedi in the council instantly gained flat refusal from the other members of the council, calling it borderline heresy. Hekas-ni rebuked them instantly, quoting the ancient Sith lows written by Konopka over 1,000 years earlier. Konopka, although resenting the idea of a Jedi on the council knew that the law was true, and so submitted; he was followed shortly by the rest of the council. Sam Sinays took his seat on the council, and was at first greeted with mockery and deceit, making many of his early decisions all the more tougher, but his tenacity was admired even by the most hardened members of the council.
During these years, Sam Sinays only true ally was not a member of the council itself, but the head of their security, Sekal Phasas'a. The two developed a strong relationship, often training with one another; although Sam Sinays hardly ever bested the hardened warrior. Through Phasas'a, Sekal developed a working relationship with another council member, Taral II of Tasipar. So strong was the trio's relationship that, following the death of one of the council members at the time, Sekal Phasas'a was promoted. The foundations for the House of Sinays had been built.
Death of Hekas-ni[]
Years passed, and Sinays, Taral and Phasas'a power grew. Sam Sinays took command of the Dacori sector, which bordered the native home sector of Taral. Sekal was also granted territories close to his allies, and often took to entertaining his lover Korin there.
In 3,964 BBY the Emperor, Hekas-ni died, and control of the Empire passed on to his son Setal-ni. Sam Sinays, who had been away during the revelation asked Sekal to voice his protest, while he made his own way to Ni. When he finally arrived, Sam Sinays found that the council had fractured. He left with Sekal and Taral, fearing the ambitions of Mythos.
Arriving at Tasipar, the three received word of a failed attack on Ni, and sensed that the newly formed House of Sinays was the next target. Sinays knew he had to act quickly, and divided his forces. He tasked Taral with halting the Mythosian at Gelaas, and Sekal with making contact with his close friend Kell; leader of the House of Kell. A day later Sekal returned with grave news.
War of Twelve Heirs[]
Kell had refused to ally himself with Sinays, citing his neutrality in the conflict. Sinays was enraged, and begun planning an invasion of Kell's territories against the wishes of Phasas'a. So after, Taral returned with word that Korin's invasion force had been defeated, but that Corae had lead a successful invasion of the territories of the House of Set.
Sinays realized that Mythos' territories were growing, and rapidly surrounding his own.
Between the wars[]
After four years of war Sam Sinays had finally achieved victory over his adversaries, and claimed the title of Dark Lord as his own. Taral was granted domain over Sinays former territories, while Sinays himself move his headquarters to Ni.
During these years, Sinays failure to find an enemy worthy of fighting led many to believe he had "lost his touch", and in some cases open revolt. Dealt with mainly by regional governors, these small uprising had little affect on the rule of Sam Sinays, who was more concerned with his latest venture.
In 3,943 BBY Sam Sinays announced that he had discovered the long lost flagship of the original Decreton Knights; the Devastator. Many who had become disaffected with Sinays reign returned to his fold, either impressed or fearful or repercussions. But a core group of rebels persisted.
At the head of these rebels was Ater Phasas'a–the son of Sekal Phasas'a and Korin–who seemed unaware of his father's past friendship with Sinays. Three years passed, and Ater's following grew. Sam Sinays, fearing civil war ordered his soon-to-be Commander of the Home Fleet, Jandi Ban to massacre the populous of Logi. An act which sickened many of the honor-based Sith Lords; including his close friend Taral.
Taral, although loyal to his old friend, had been approached by Ater Phasas'a and convinced that by joining the Phasasites, he would be saving the Empire. Betraying his former ally, Taral joined the Phasas Council alongside Ater, Armanas Strasbourg, Evance and one other Sith Lord.
Sam Sinays had been betrayed by all he had once loved, and was determined to get revenge.
Personality and traits[]
Sam Sinays most striking trait was his tenacity to get things done. He would often stop at nothing to achieve his goals and would not fear making enemies in order to do so. A close friendship with Sekal Phasas'a and Taral made this trait all the more present, as Sinays' felt himself capable of achieving much more.
Sam Sinays, although having many enemies, also had many friends. Sekal Phasas'a and Taral, two very influential figures in Sith politics were his closest allies, and the combined strength of their fleets acted as a great deterrent to all others.
Sinays also respect the lineage of families, as was shown by his initial refusal to act upon Ater Phasas'a's treacherous actions following Sinays discover of Devastator.