Star Wars Fanon

Salissian Guards were mercenaries hailing from the remote Salissia system in the eastern fringes of the Outer Rim Territories who fought for were known for their martial prowess. Over the centuries they fought for different factions in galactic conflicts and gained a famous reputation as excellent soldiers. Their employers at various times included the Jedi Inquisition, the Tion Hegemony, the New Sith, the Tapani Noble Houses, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Corporate Sector Authority.

Notable units[]

  • Tion Royal Guard – The various monarchs in the Tion Hegemony employed Salissians as part of their military household for centuries. The Kings of Cron were their main clients and the ones they had the longest history with, because the earliest Tion Salissian Guard units existed as early as 24,000 BBY. During this time they fought in many conflicts under the Tion banner, and gradually the word of their triumphs spread throughout the galaxy, especially their shocking victorious over superior opponents.
  • Pontifical Salissian Guard – The Jedi Inquisition that took power in the Republic during the New Sith Wars did not find the regular Republic Army or the Senate Guard reliable for their goals, so they hired a force of Salissian mercenaries. This unit both fought on the front lines against the New Sith as shock troops as well as helping the Inquisition maintain order on Coruscant, which became increasingly brutal. The Salissians took part in crackdowns and executions of suspected "Sith agents" and anyone who opposed the Jedi regime. The Guard was disbanded during the Ruusan Reformation.
  • Units also served the New Sith over the course of the New Sith Wars. Since the Salissian system was very close to the territory of the New Sith Empire, a great number of Salissians fought for them against the Republic. Occasionally they would even meet those of their brethren who served the Jedi in battle.
  • Salissian House Guard – The noble houses of the Tapani sector hired Salissian mercenaries as well for the House Guard forces. Salissians were viewed as more reliable and tougher than the locals, as they were not involved in any court intrigue and were better fighters. Their service in the Tapani sector was largely uneventful, and mainly revolved around defending nobles from rival plotters in court struggles.
  • The CIS hired a number of Salissian mercenaries who fought for them, most notably, at the Battle of Drongar in 20 BBY.

Behind the scenes[]

This article is based on the canon Salissian mercenaries, which are described as tough fighters who served the CIS during the Clone Wars in the Battle of Drongar. Their only appearance was in the 2004 novel MedStar I: Battle Surgeons. The author of this article wanted to expand on this group and based them largely on real life Swiss Guards, who had a reputation in Europe and served as royal guards to many European monarchs, to the point where "Swiss" is often synonymous with "royal guard."
