Star Wars Fanon
Legacy eraUnity era

Salis Pénzember was the father of Fari Pénzember and a former soldier in the army of the Sith Order of Decreto.


Although Salis' location of birth is unknown, he was indoctrinated into the Sith army at an early age, joining the Sith Youths mid-way trough the Successors War.

Ever loyal to his master, Darth Krayt, during the Octom War Salis fought as a field commander, and received numerous decorations to add to those he had already received. It was during the Octom War that Salis meet his future wife, Starost.

Salis, following the conclusion of the Octom War, retired from service and took up profession as a traveling merchant, preferring always to be on the move than to settle down in one place with his new wife. Years passed and they had their first child, Salis Pénzember, Jr., followed by their second, Fari.

By the year 180 ABY the Pénzembers had found themselves on Coruscant, trapped, due to the Coruscanti plague. Both Salis and his elder son were arrested during the conflict by the Black Guard for aiding the rebels. They later died in confinement.
