Saire Ornel was a young woman from Uthel, who joined the Rebel Alliance after the Battle for Yavin IV, and would later play a significant role in the struggle against the Galactic Empire and Iv'Iurius. She was the only daughter of Deyla and Rickster Ornel.
Early years[]
Saire's parents were fond of history, just like their daughter, and traveled a lot. But the girl never knew them, as they died during the Iv’Iurius purges, that were executed by the gas droids in the countryside of Uthel.
Joining the Rebellion[]
A family friend Erlion took the girl to Shiib to the Fiderkha Orphanage, where she grew up and then moved to her friends not far from the city of Fiderkha. At 1 ABY she met Erlion, who told her the truth about her parents and their fate, the truth made had its influence on girl's decision: Saire agreed to leave Shiib and go to Uthel to join the Rebellion, just like many young people who were eager to join the Alliance.
The same day she met a bounty hunter Mack Tawkaster, who was trying to escape from a gang on a swoop bike. Saire would help him hide from the crooks, and they would later use his starship to travel to Uthel.
They made their way to a Rebel base in the Northern swamps, a place full of ferocious dangers, where even the Empire would not send their legions.
The Imperial Commanders decided to send TIE bombers to the planet, thus forcing the Alliance give up. However this battle was lost to the rebels, and it almost brought the end of the local Moff Iv'Iurius. Several Rebel star fighters would stop the Imperial vessels, making possible for others leave the system in time.
Search for a Jedi[]
The next years Saire was aiding the Alliance as she could. She didn't see Erlion for some time, but he told her, that she could find help on the planet of Tuak'Khan, where one of the old Jedi masters, D'Nar, was hiding.
After the battle of Hoth a small rebel group with the leader and Saire’s friend Mack Tawkaster, a former soldier, found a shelter on Tuak'Khan, and Saire used this chance to find the Jedi.
She also learned, that D'Nar knew her parents in the past, prior to the end of the Clone Wars. Finding him wasn't an easy task, for he could be anywhere on Tuak'Khan disguised as a local monk from Tuakka.
It was this small city, where the next battle between the Empire and the Rebellion took place. This time the Imperial forces succeeded in taking over the primitive planet and capturing almost all the rebels. By some miracle several rebel agents managed to flee Tuak'Khan, though that wasn’t the end: betrayals and losses were just waiting ahead.
About a week later Mack and Saire received a message from a rebel captain Elver Mordonn, that was staying with a group of his soldiers on the planet of Quedalur. He said, that the professors of the local Krisse University were secretly supporting the Alliance, and would provide a hideout for the time being. Saire and Mack would go there, but soon they learned, that Mordonn betrayed them, and the majority of rebels had already been sent to prison. Due to some lucky circumstances, Saire and Mack managed to escape from the Empire.
Liberation of Uthel[]
Whatever happened next, it eventually brought them again to Uthel—this time they had to strike a final blow on Iv’Ivurius. Together with Mack they worked out a plan of recapturing the capital, the main goal was to find and activate the old planetary shield generator. This operation was even more dangerous that the first time—Iv’Ivurius was on the planet this time, and he foresaw such a turn-up of events, so he asked for reinforcements in advance.
The rebel group managed to get to the capital, Ledjin, where the generator was located, some time ago protecting the citizens from enemies' invasions, but inoperative during the Empire. Its activation could help to overthrow Iv’Iurius, and this was easier now: the Empire was dealing with other things; hundreds of systems were declaring its independence now and were not afraid to oppose Palpatine.
The rebel group was almost destroyed, but the local dwellers began the riot; it was so intensive, that the Imperial and Iv’Iurius troopers concentrated their forces on the city insurgents. Meanwhile Saire and Mack managed to make their way to the generator. Iv’Iurius knew that and followed them in order to kill both and prevent the activation. Erlion, Saire’s friend was at the city at that time and he was the one who actually stopped the dictator at the cost of his life.
The shield generator was operating again, and the Empire perished. Soon the Palpatine regime met its end. And Uthel reestablished the previous system with the local Council. Saire refused the offer to become the chief of Uthelian state, but she concealed the true reasons of her decision.
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- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story I (First appearance)
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story II
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story III
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story VII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XIII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XIV
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XV
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVI
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVIII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVI
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVII
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XVIII
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- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XX
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXI
- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXII
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- Keeper’s Chronicles: Story XXIV
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